Quest for C-Band (10' Winegard Pinnacle)

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Thanks FaT ... Based upon your suggestions, it looks like the fully retracted limit was set correctly. However, it is obvious that the fully extended limit was never set because the actuator extends out a full 24 inches. Tonight after it cools off at around 7:00pm, I'll set up the actuator. Your help is always appreciated ... Thank You :D Also, I'm gonna install the last panel in the reflector and the reflector mount brackets tonight. Tomorrow morning several friends will come over and were gonna have a BUD installation party! Maybe Sunday .... I might be able to contact the Mother Ship :D
If you want to see the range with a 24",I haven't actually measured it but an 18" would probably do the same.Pic 1 is below my west horizon,my snow dump position(which doesn't work because the snow won't come out of the damn thing:D),pic 2 is all the way east ( could go a bit further but pointless due to trees/buildings).
snow dump position(which doesn't work because the snow won't come out of the damn thing:D)
Two more motor wires. Motor with an unbalanced weight on the shaft. Bolted to the dish. Shakes it out with a pushbutton!
Two more motor wires. Motor with an unbalanced weight on the shaft. Bolted to the dish. Shakes it out with a pushbutton!
The biggest problem is it will get a little layer of icy stuff that locks it into the perforations.When it's cold enough and dry snow it comes right out or the wind just takes care of it.:D
I've actually thought of attaching a motor with an eccentric on it to vibrate it out.:eek:
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Von Weise Actuator Refurbished and Installed!

I installed the Von Weise Actuator last night after dark (see picture). I spun the mount around and took as much of the declination angle out as possible (mount is closer to the roof edge in this position). I noticed that the mount tends to "flop over" when it gets near it's West Limit. I set the limit switch to stop the actuator before that happens. The fully retracted limit cannot be adjusted, that position is set of course by sliding the actuator in the saddle bracket. I ran the actuator fully out, then back in, it works great.

There are several things that have to happen to actually get the reflector up to the mount. (1) Reflector has to be flipped 180 and set out in the yard. (2) The reflector has to be moved from the yard up to the patio roof. (3) The reflector has to be lifted from the patio roof and set on the mount. I'll be secured to the top of the pole on a ladder. I'll have a couple guys on the roof pass the reflector to me and with them we'll guide it onto the top of the mount. Pop in the 4 bolts and we'll be done. I'll set the declination angle, reset the elevation angle, and point the reflector to "true south". Once true south is set, I'll use the power supply to move the actuator throughout it's entire range to look for any clearance problems. More updates later!


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Take some extra nuts and bolts up the ladder with you, and several different types of wrench's that fit them. That's for when you drop one or two, you don't have to go to the ground to get them. Keep yourself strapped to the pole! It's easy to look UP and get off-balance and fall. Don't lock your eyes to any clouds.

Of course, when you put in the bolts and tighten down the nuts, tighten them down like you are doing the head on a car engine, (or replacing a car tire) to get even tension all the way around so not to distort things.
Reflector Assembly Complete!

Well Gentlemen ... the reflector assembly is complete. Getting that last panel locked in was difficult!. The brackets are installed in the proper sequence and have been leveled. My wife helped me take the reflector off the patio (upside down). We were able to flip it 180 degrees and it's out in my yard sitting on it's mounting brackets. Several family members (men) will be coming over tomorrow at 7pm. We'll lift the reflector onto the patio roof, then they'll climb up and we'll lift the reflector to it's final position on top of the Polar Mount. Thanks for the climbing suggestions. I'm a Tower Monkey and have done allot of hilltop antenna work. I'm comfortable on a 200 foot tower on a hilltop. Yes your right, never look up at the clouds, it causes vertigo for a few seconds. The ladder will be strapped to the pole with several ratchet straps. I'll be secured to the pole with my tower belt. I'm more worried about my family members on the patio roof. We'll take it slow and easy. I'm gonna go over with them several times exactly what were going to do. I'll call out the steps to them. My wife will have the camera so I'll get you some good pictures. More info soon!


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Every time I see pictures of those Pinnacles, they always look exceptional.
...and yours is no exception! :up ;)
Great job! Great dish. I sure like mine. Nice one to transport when you find one. Mine split in half and went on my landscape trailer. Fun putting it up by myself. Went with arms instead of the button hook. One picture shows the connection I made. Enjoy!


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Tested LNB's, Servo, Switch, Etc!

Well, I hooked up the LNB's, Servo, Switch and tested them today. The C/Ku LNB's powered on. The MicroHD gave them 45% each so looks like they might work. The servo works but it sure is noisy. I think I'll order another one in the near future. In a couple hours I'll be going to get my help to mount the reflector tonight. If it doesn't get too late I might install the button hook and see if I can aim at my true south satellite. After reading the V-Box manual, I see that I'll have to set all the positions manually (that'll take a while). Although I've never used a V-Box before, I'd be apt to set position 1 to my true south satellite. Is that a good idea? Anyway, more news later on!
Well, I hooked up the LNB's, Servo, Switch and tested them today. The C/Ku LNB's powered on. The MicroHD gave them 45% each so looks like they might work. The servo works but it sure is noisy. I think I'll order another one in the near future. In a couple hours I'll be going to get my help to mount the reflector tonight. If it doesn't get too late I might install the button hook and see if I can aim at my true south satellite. After reading the V-Box manual, I see that I'll have to set all the positions manually (that'll take a while). Although I've never used a V-Box before, I'd be apt to set position 1 to my true south satellite. Is that a good idea? Anyway, more news later on!

Don't set ANY positions on the V-Box before you get everything dialed in. You can simply use the < E or W > buttons on the remote, or even a car battery out at the dish. Put the dish polar mount on your exact True North/South line (highest point of the arc, but NOT necessarily pointed at a sat). IF you get that dead on the money, everything else will fall into place quite nicely. I have even in the past on some installs gone out at night, sighted along the mount (without the dish mounted to it) to the North Star and then locked it down and been perfect. Now, the North Star isn't always dead North, so you have to get it at the right time of night for your location.
Well, my bud is in the air. I'm gonna try and attach a picture to this post. I'm currently experiencing CRS (Can't Receive Sh*t). The Ku LNB is dropping out, the 22K switch isn't working right, the polarity control seems to screw up everything. I'm not happy with my progress. Well Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm gonna make a trip to WSI in the Valley tomorrow to get a LBNF to point with. I'll fool around with the feedhorn, LNB's, polarity contol later. I just stuck the button hook in there for the picture (not aligned)

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SUCCESS !!!!! C-Band RULES !!!

Good Morning Gentlemen! I've got NEWS ... and GOOD NEWS! Being a Newbie, some of my problems were created by not knowing what I was doing :D. Anyway, long story short, I've got the Pinnacle aligned and I'm receiving 20 C-Band Sats from 72W - 137W. Nice BIG STRONG SIGNALS (ranging between 70 to 85%). The biggest signals are on 91w, 113w, 131w (those are between 80 to 84). My kids are currently watching Calliou on Sprout HD (131w AMC11). The declination angle on the PM was set to 50 degrees (when I bought it). That was wrong of course. My declination angle is currently set to 35 degrees and it tracks all the sats perfectly). There is allot of slop in the Von Weise (maybe a degree or so). It doesn't cause problems with the C-Band sats, but it sure does with the Ku Band sats (I have to nudge it with the E/W buttons to get the signal to come in). I aligned the BUD to True N/S by setting up on 118.8W Ku AF3 (this is my true south satellite). I used a bubble level on the frame of the PM to insure that it was level at that position. At that position, I reset the V-BOX to 000. Once True North and the Declination Angle was correct, all the sats came in. When I first put the LBNF on, all I could receive was Vertical TP's. This was caused by me not knowing how to set up the LBNF. After fooling around with it for a while and figuring out the proper skew, my scans were showing both V and H TP's. There was some fine tuning of the skew as some of the channels were intermittently freezing. After I was getting all the channels, I slid the Feed Hook in and out to optimize the signal strength. So far, I have only watched one Ku sat on the BUD (125w AMC21). The TP that the main PBS feeds come in on (PBS Pacific, PBS East, etc), came in nice and strong at 70% (just as good as my 90cm dish). I could even pick up OETA ... not bad.

In the beginning I wanted to avoid putting up a BUD. However I listened to what you guys said. Now that it's all said and done, I'm sure that in my case I would have been disappointed with the performance of a 6' dish. Thanks for setting me straight on that. C BAND ROCKS!!! In my opinion, if anyone really wants to get the most out of FTA, they should seriously consider going C-BAND. As you know, there's allot of good stuff on C-Band. There's allot of good channels in the clear, so many in fact that it's gonna take some time to get them all catagorized. I wanted to take pictures of the installation but my wife didn't come home in time, and I was one helper short. So there were no hands left over for the camera. Things went exactly as planned. I set the PM horizontal. Two guys on the ground passed the reflector to me on the patio roof. I secured myself to the top of the pole and the guys just passed the end of the reflector over to me and we just slowly moved it over and lowered it into position. I tightened up the four 1/2" bolts and it was done. Shortly, I'll attach another picture of the BUD, along with an interesting picture I took the other morning.

Again, a big THANKS for your opinions and expert guidance regarding my BUD project. You couldn't find this kind of advice and support anywhere else. I'm SO GLAD that I found this forum :clap
Does the dish run into the roof?
How stable is the dish on that pole? Are you worried about tying it to the roof?
As for Ku, a lot of guys tighten up the slop and are happy with their big dishes.
Others run C band only, optimizing performance with an ortho feed.
As you gain experience and comfort with what you got , you can make that choice later.
The initial hard part is done.
You were a pretty good student, and now you gave a beautiful and operational BUD! :up ;)
?Good choice. Congratulations on a fine job.
?Now enjoy C band! ;)
Does the dish run into the roof?
How stable is the dish on that pole? Are you worried about tying it to the roof?
As for Ku, a lot of guys tighten up the slop and are happy with their big dishes.
Others run C band only, optimizing performance with an ortho feed.
As you gain experience and comfort with what you got , you can make that choice later.
Master Anole ... Good Morning! Well, it looks like my calculations were correct. At 72w, the end of the reflector is about 8" above the top of the patio roof. At that position, the actuator is almost fully retracted. Now that I see the load that's on the actuator from a big dish like this, there is no way that one of those cheap actuators could handle it. Another good call you guys made ... Thank You! There is allot of slop in the Von Weise (Is that normal?). I would say that there is at least 1 degree or more of slop. Regarding dish stability, it rocks around quite a bit. Not enough to be a problem on C Band. However if I want to try and run Ku Band, it's certainly gonna be a problem (bracket to roof needed). Also, I've noticed that If I tune in the 72w Ku sat, the elevation angle of the dish at that position is low (pole sag because dish weight is all the way on the East side). If I can stabilize this dish and minimize slop, I should be able to run Ku Band on it. The Ku signals are just as good as what I got on my 90cm dish. I'm getting every C-Band satellite between 72W and 139W. Good signal strengths (70-85%).

I have run into a couple reception problems. Regarding 99.2W and 101W, it looks like the same channels are showing up for both satellites. I'm gonna erase those channels and try scanning them again. The TP lists look to be different, and I'm receiving them. Anyway, I need to figure that out. Also, I think I'm getting some kind of interference on certain satellites. Last night I was watching 137W and some of the TP's just dropped out, then came back later. This was a drop from 76% to nothing. The WSI LBNF seems to perform well, but I don't know what it's limitations are. I didn't like the way it mounted in the scaler ring. It only had a single screw. In order to get it tight enough for the ring to hold it, it dented the side of the LBNF a little (is that normal?). I'm going to upload some pictures later on today!
There is allot of slop in the Von Weise (Is that normal?). I would say that there is at least 1 degree or more of slop.

There shouldn't be that much. You should also check that it is not in the mount or pivot, as well as the actuator.

I didn't like the way it mounted in the scaler ring. It only had a single screw. In order to get it tight enough for the ring to hold it, it dented the side of the LBNF a little (is that normal?). I'm going to upload some pictures later on today!

That is normal...not good, but normal. I have used Chaparral scalars with the imported LNBFs, worked well.
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Parts For Von Weise 24" Actuator

4DTV problem

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