Quality Signal bar jumps from 0-62 %

Please reply by conversation.
Well since it was so nice today i started " a pole in the ground and anchoring it with concrete is the best method."

I wrote down the materials i needed and headed to my local hardware store.

I installed pole with concrete and checked if was it plumb every few secs and came out nice so far. I had 20 mins before the concrete dried out. Took about 100lbs of concrete.

Right know waiting for the concrete to dry and I will install the rest of the stuff tomorrow

AcWxRadar your instruction was so helpful.

Thank You all for your help

ill keep you guys posted
Well since it was so nice today i started " a pole in the ground and anchoring it with concrete is the best method."

I wrote down the materials i needed and headed to my local hardware store.

I installed pole with concrete and checked if was it plumb every few secs and came out nice so far. I had 20 mins before the concrete dried out. Took about 100lbs of concrete.

Right know waiting for the concrete to dry and I will install the rest of the stuff tomorrow

AcWxRadar your instruction was so helpful.

Thank You all for your help

ill keep you guys posted


You are very welcome! I know that you are going to appreciate the results. There are so many advantages to this installation approach.

Here is one additional hint for you. You might find it very helpful if you can purchase or fabricate a clamp bracket that will fit around the water pipe (mast) up towards the top and clamp onto it tightly.

This bracket or "shelf" will support the motor bracket and prevent it from sliding down the pipe when you have the motor clamps loosened while you are making your initial setup and adjustments. If your dish has some weight to it, this will come in very handy!

I found a selection of split-ring collar clamps that fit around the outside diameter of the 1 1/4" water pipe just perfect. They are about a 1/2" wide, which is sufficient. I found these through Fastenal. I don't know if you have a Fastenal dealer near you, but you should be able to find something similar at your hardware store.

Also, when you route your cable from the house to the dish, before you trench it in, make sure that you provide approximately two to three additional feet of cable at each end. Coil this extra cable up into a few gentle loops or circles about 8-10" in diameter (roughly). Just make sure that the loops are not too tight (small) because that is hard on the cable itself. You don't want any sharp bends or turns with a small radius. This additional cable will provide you some flexibility and slack when you need to perform any maintenance on the system.

When you have the installation complete, you can even paint the mast and when you are all done, it will look highly professional!

The next issue will be getting your dish aligned to the arc. I hope you have very good luck with everything.

I try to align my dish but every time i move my dish to 97W i get 110w that is after some fine tuning using USAL . It seems my information might be wrong.

The Lat is 40 and Long 76 according to dishpointer is that sound about right? My lat and long could be wrong. I cant seem to get signal on 74W because I was told that is the one to use for true south . I am not even sure what are the settings for 74W

I am getting frustrated ready to pull few hair i have left on my head

Need help badly to finish this never ending task :)
I try to align my dish but every time i move my dish to 97W i get 110w that is after some fine tuning using USAL . It seems my information might be wrong.

The Lat is 40 and Long 76 according to dishpointer is that sound about right? My lat and long could be wrong. I cant seem to get signal on 74W because I was told that is the one to use for true south . I am not even sure what are the settings for 74W

I am getting frustrated ready to pull few hair i have left on my head

Need help badly to finish this never ending task :)


Do you know how to determine your latitude and longitude for your home?

I use Google Earth most often. With GE, you can dial right in on your very dish installation and read out the degrees, minutes, seconds for both latitude and longitude.

You will need to convert this to decimal degrees and enter these coordinates in USALS as the antenna position or site location/position. To convert the format, use the degrees just as they are. Take the minutes portion and divide by 60 to obtain the decimal fraction of the degree and add this to the degrees. You can just drop the seconds portion as it will not increase your positioning accuracy by any measurable amount.

example: 39d 05' 25.56" N and 94d 35' 01.15" W would be 39.08 N and 94.58 W

The longitude (W) will tell you what your true south satellite should be. If there is not a satellite at that precise longitude, you must use the nearest satellite to that coordinate. That should not be a problem, but if the nearest satellite has few or no 24/7 channels, that makes it more difficult. Try to pick a satellite that has a channel that broadcasts consistently and that does not have an inclined orbit. You can research this through Lyngsat.com.

Once you determine your best, closest true southern satellite, align your dish to that satellite. Use DishPointer or FreeHostia to determine your setup angles. Your motor latitude angle will be the same as your site's latitude.

Once you have that satellite fairly aligned, proceed to the next step, calibrating the arc. Find the furthest satellite to the east and the furthest satellite to the west that you can obtain a valid signal from (make sure that these two sats are of linear polarity and that they are not inclined in their orbit).

Next, go to that eastern most satellite and adjust your dish elevation (not your motor, just the dish) to peak your signal. Do not touch the azimuth position of the motor on the mast.

Then, go to the western most satellite and adjust the motor azimuth (rotation of the motor on the mast) to peak the signal, but do not touch the dish elevation or the motor elevation.

Go back to the eastern satellite and re-peak the signal using the dish elevation, then back to the western satellite and re-peak the signal using the azimuth.

Keep repeaating this process until you cannot improve the signal any more. Then find two new satellites, one further east and one further west then the first two and repeat this process.

Continue this entire process until you make your way across the entire satellite arc.

Since you are using an Invacom QPH-031 LNBF, make sure that you have your LNBF TYPE set to SINGLE or STANDARD and the LNBF FREQUENCY (which is the L.O. or local oscillator set to 10.750GHz).

When you select a satellite to monitor, select a transponder that is hot all the time.

List of satellites and transponders to align motor

Here is my most recent list of sats, transponders and channels to use for setting up a motorized dish.
There is a huge amount of more channels available, these are just the ones that I use to align the dish and motor.

43.0W Intelsat 3R
TP 11.998 POL V SR 1.563 SL 79% QL 88%
VPID 0308 APID 0256 PPID 8190 SID 4269
This is a feed channel, so do not rely upon it to be broadcasting at all times.

43.0W Intelsat 3R
TP 12.098 POL V SR 29.998 SL 87% QL 88%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
This is a DATA FEED (non-TV) signal source. No video or audio will be detected and no channel will be scanned in, but the TP signal works good for tracking of the arc.

61.5W Echostar 3
Congratulations! You are looking at the 61.5 Orbital Location.
TP 12.355 POL H SR 20.000 SL 92% QL 97%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 61.5 West
VPID 5922 APID 5923 M PPID 5922 SID 9902

63.0W Estrela do Sul
SCETV FEEDS (Channels 301-310)
TP 11.694 POL V SR 11.280 SL 80% QL 65%
CH 301 VPID 0070 APID 0068 PPID 0070 SID 3107
CH 302 VPID 0066 APID 0064 PPID 0066 SID 3108
CH 303 VPID 0062 APID 0060 PPID 0062 SID 3109
CH 304 VPID 0058 APID 0056 PPID 0058 SID 3110
CH 305 VPID 0054 APID 0052 PPID 0054 SID 3111
CH 306 VPID 0050 APID 0048 PPID 0050 SID 3112
CH 307 VPID 0046 APID 0044 PPID 0046 SID 3113
CH 308 VPID 0042 APID 0040 PPID 0042 SID 3114
CH 309 VPID 0038 APID 0036 PPID 0038 SID 3115
CH 310 VPID 0034 APID 0032 PPID 0034 SID 3116

72.0W AMC 6
NBC SAT MUX (Channels 1 - 4)
TP 12.055 POL V SR 6.890 SL 87% QL 97%
CH 1 VPID 0120 APID 0110 PPID 0120 SID 3902
CH 2 VPID 0220 APID 0210 PPID 0220 SID 3903
CH 3 VPID 0320 APID 0310 PPID 0320 SID 3904
CH 4 VPID 0420 APID 0410 PPID 0420 SID 3905

72.0W AMC 6
TP 11.890 POL H SR 1.666 SL 81% QL 69%
VPID 4197 APID 4198 PPID 4197 SID 4214

72.0W AMC 6
Gospel Broadcast
TP 12.144 POL V SR 2.573 SL 81% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 0033 APID 0034 PPID 8190 SID 2873

Ohio News Network (ONN)
TP 11.734 POL H SR 6.616 SL 87% QL 90%
VPID 0033 APID 0034 PPID 8190 SID 2509

77.0W Echostar 8
TP 12.574 POL V SR 20.000 SL 91% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 77 West
VPID 65535 APID 5155 PPID 5154 SID 103
There is no video on a Coolsat 5K for this channel, but the audio comes in.

79.0W AMC 5
TP 11.900 POL H SR 2.170 SL 81% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 0049 APID 16436 PPID 0049 SID 2830
Broadcast in Espanol

79.0W AMC 5
TP 12.170 POL H SR 20.000 SL 83% QL 90%
SAT ID BANNER = New York Network
VPID 0101 APID 0102 PPID 0101 SID 4248
Feed channel, broadcasting color bars and audio tone when not in use. There are nine NYN channels on this TP and many of them alternate between FTA and encrypted depending upon the broadcast. NYN 1 appears to always be in the clear (FTA).

82.0W Nimiq 2
TP 12.326 POL H SR 20.000 SL 88% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Bell ExpressVu 82
VPID 4881 APID 21268 PPID 4881 SID 1829
This is the only FTA channel on this sat, but it is MPEG-2 HD so the video is not decoded properly. The audio channel does come in and the signal can still be used as a marker for alignment purposes.

83.0W AMC 9
AMC 9/3F
TP 11.769 POL H SR 4.232 SL 83% QL 87%
SAT ID BANNER = NBC News Channel
VPID 4130 APID 4131 PPID 0054 SID 3086
NBC News FEED channel, displaying color bars and audio test tone when not in use.

83.0W AMC 9
TP 12.059 POL V SR 30.001 SL 90% QL 88%
This is a DATA FEED (non-TV) signal source. No video or audio will be detected and no channel will be scanned in, but the TP signal works good for tracking of the arc.

83.0W AMC 9
TP 12.139 POL V SR 30.001 SL 90% QL 91%
This is a DATA FEED (non-TV) signal source. No video or audio will be detected and no channel will be scanned in, but the TP signal works good for tracking of the arc.

83.0W AMC 9
TP 12.160 POL H SR 30.001 SL 88% QL 91%
This is a DATA FEED (non-TV) signal source. No video or audio will be detected and no channel will be scanned in, but the TP signal works good for tracking of the arc.

85.0W AMC 16
Echostar Satellite Access Ctr
TP 12.188 POL H SR 3.978 SL 81% QL 93%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 1623 APID 1624 PPID 1623 SID 4407
Color bars, video message and audio test tone. This channel may move from TP to TP!

87.0W AMC 3
The Patient Channel
TP 11.715 POL H SR 4.857 SL 84% QL 91%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 0049 APID 0050 PPID 0049 SID 3085

89.0W Galaxy 28
ABC News Now
TP 11.955 POL V SR 19.533 SL 88% QL 91%
VPID 0508 APID 0456 PPID 8003 SID 2829

91.0W Galaxy 17
Occasional Use - 1
TP 12.059 POL V SR 26.700 SL 88% QL 87%
SAT ID BANNER = PowerVu Plus Network
VPID 1160 APID 1120 PPID 1160 SID 2811

91.0W Nimiq 1
TP 12.414 POL H SR 20.000 SL 91% QL 95%
SAT ID BANNER = Bell ExpressVu 91
VPID 4386 APID 4387 PPID 4386 SID 1229

93.0W Galaxy 26
TP 11.906 POL V SR 3.548 SL 87% QL 94%
VPID 0110 APID 0100 PPID 0110 SID 3029

95.0W Galaxy 3C
TP 11.780 POL H SR 20.760 SL 90% QL 91%
VPID 0512 APID 0650 PPID 0128 SID 2719

97.0W Galaxy 19
Al Jazeera English
TP 11.999 POL H SR 20.000 SL 88% QL 72%
SAT ID BANNER = Globecast
VPID 4025 APID 4035 PPID 4025 SID 2989

97.0W Galaxy 19
Globecast 813
TP 12.051 POL V SR 22.000 SL 91% QL 87%
SAT ID BANNER = Globecast
VPID 3728 APID 3729 PPID 3728 SID 2997

99.0W Galaxy 16
CBS News
TP 11.772 POL V SR 14.321 SL 85% QL 66%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 4194 APID 4195 PPID 4216 SID 3028

99.0W Galaxy 16
01 - CNN
TP 12.190 POL V SR 11.765 SL 86% QL 91%
SAT ID BANNER = PowerVu Plus Network
VPID 1160 APID 1120 PPID 1160 SID 2922
This channel is encrypted, not FTA.

101.0W AMC 4
The Weather Channel
TP 12.058 POL H SR 26.700 SL 88% QL 91%
SAT ID BANNER = Hotel Media
VPID 1210 APID 1200 PPID 1210 SID 2909

103.0W AMC 1
The Pentagon Channel
TP 12.100 POL V SR 20.000 SL 89% QL 87%
SAT ID BANNER = Pentagon
VPID 4096 APID 4097 PPID 4096 SID 2609

105.0W AMC 15
Channel 1
TP 11.969 POL V SR 7.234 SL 83% QL 91%
VPID 4146 APID 4147 PPID 4146 SID 0001

107.0W Anik F1R
FTN-1 5.8594 MS/s (CBC Feed)
TP 11.902 POL H SR 5.859 SL 86% QL 97%
VPID 0308 APID 0256 PPID 8190 SID 2589
This is supposed to be a FEED channel for CBC. Video on this channel is scrambled. Audio comes in when signal is transmitted. This may be Digicipher encryption.

110.0W Echostar 10/11
Congratulations, you have a DISH 500
TP 12.355 POL H SR 20.000 SL 97% QL 98%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 110 West
VPID 6434 APID 6435 PPID 6434 SID 9900

113.0W SatMex 6
TP 12.079 POL H SR 25.634 SL 87% QL 88%
VPID 0273 APID 0033 PPID 0273 SID 3044

116.8W SatMex 5
Service 1 (Almavision)
TP 12.028 POL H SR 3.255 SL 79% QL 64%
VPID 0500 APID 0510 PPID 0500 SID 4411
My dish is the minimum required for this satellite signal for my area. The channel tries to come in, but just cannot quite make it. This channel is a FEED channel as well, judging by its name, so it is likely not broadcast at all times.

116.8W SatMex 5
No Channel
TP 12.019 POL V SR 30.001 SL 91% QL 87%
This is a DATA FEED (non-TV) signal source. No video or audio will be detected and no channel will be scanned in, but the TP signal works good for tracking of the arc.

118.8W DISH Anik F3
Congratulations! You have a DISH system pointed at 118 W.L.
TP 11.987 POL V SR 20.000 SL 96% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 118 West
VPID 5154 APID 5155 PPID 5154 SID 9903
NOTE: This satellite requires a different LNBF than the Invacom QPH-031. I used the CB-2008 LNBF.

119.0W Echostar 7
TP 12.370 POL V SR 20.000 SL 94% QL 97%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 119 West
VPID 4130 APID 4131 PPID 4130 SID 0213

121.0W Echostar 9
Congratulations! You have a SuperDISH pointed at 121 W.L.
TP 12.015 POL V SR 20.000 SL 89% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 121 West
VPID 5666 APID 5667 PPID 5666 SID 9905

123.0W Galaxy 18
TP 12.114 POL V SR 4.340 SL 85% QL 90%
VPID 0101 APID 16486 PPID 0101 SID 2553

123.0W Galaxy 18
TP 12.104 POL V SR 7.234 SL 85% QL 69%
SAT ID BANNER = Galaxy 18
VPID 4131 APID 4129 PPID 4131 SID 2947

125.0W AMC 21
TP 12.178 POL V SR 30.001 SL 90% QL 91%
VPID 0305 APID 16692 PPID 0305 SID 3137

127.0W Galaxy 13
Channel 1
TP 11.899 POL V SR 13.200 SL 85% QL 87%
VPID 1160 APID 1120 PPID 1160 SID 2949
NOTE: This is not a FTA channel, it is encrypted. However, the signal may be used to track your arc.

129.0W Galaxy 27
White Springs TV
TP 11.963 POL H SR 2.920 SL 83% QL 87%
VPID 4194 APID 4195 PPID 4194 SID 2471

129.0W Echostar 5
Congratulations! You are pointed at the 129 orbital location.
TP 12.457 POL V SR 20.000 SL 92% QL 97%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 129 West
VPID 7714 APID 7715 PPID 7714 SID 9901

148.0W Echostar 1
Congratulations! You are pointed at the 148 orbital location.
TP 12.224 POL V SR 20.000 SL 94% QL 97%
SAT ID BANNER = Echostar 148 West
VPID 7202 APID 7203 PPID 7202 SID 9904

North Latitude: 40.3128
West Longitude: 76.0242

True Azimuth: 76.02
Magn. Azimuth: 87.8 Magnetic azimuth should be used when using an uncorrected compass.
Dish Elevation: 23.7
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My Question is when i am using compass it should aiming at 87.8 for true south??

The more I read about this stuff the confusing it gets and it has nothing do with you guys :)

I have in my receiver setup 40.3N and 76W or i should have 87.8 instead??

What number i should be looking at when using a compass true south 191 or 87.8
My Question is when i am using compass it should aiming at 87.8 for true south??

What number i should be looking at when using a compass true south 191 or 87.8


Your compass reading will not be 87.8 for certain. It will be 180 degrees +/- your magnetic declination angle.

The magnetic declination angle is not a calculated angle, it is a correction factor that you have to read off of a map.

The declination map is posted in the FAQ section by PSB. Locate your position on that map and you will see the mag dec angles for your general area. Match it up as good as you can with your location and then either add or subtract that angle from 180 deg to determine your true south magnetic compass reading.

In all honesty, I don't use a compass at all. I cannot use one as a matter of fact. I just set the motor latitude and the dish elevation to the recommended angles and then pan the dish/motor east/west until I catch a signal. Move it slowly and stop and wait, move again a slight amount and stop and wait for a signal to pop in. It is more of an art in this respect than a science.

North Latitude: 40.3128
West Longitude: 76.0242

True Azimuth: 76.02
Magn. Azimuth: 87.8 Magnetic azimuth should be used when using an uncorrected compass.
Dish Elevation: 23.7


Tomorrow morning at about 11:10 am (or 12:10 pm). I apologize as I have not adjusted from the tijme change thing yet. You will have to try and figure this out. Go out and look at the position of the sun in the sky. This will tell you approximately where the satellite is positioned and where you should aim your dish.

The sun tracks the satellite arc precisely twice a year, once in spring and once in the fall. The spring time episode has somewhat expired, but you may be close enough to the episode to catch it yet this spring. The best date would have been March 3-4-5. But, you will be close enough if you do it tomorrow to put you in the ballpark.

There is a calculator which informs you of the proper date and time to do this.

The calculator link is listed below.


Radar you got a lot patient man i am glad you are around to help people like myself.

Unfortunately i could not track my true south or arc with the Sun because i work during those hours but i had some success finding all or most of C band satellite except KU like 97W and 123W. Well, I found 97 point by playing aournd with mast n elavation. Every time i manually find the 97W i got like 10Q but when i press up on the dish quilty goes up but doesn stay. I loosen the dish and I try increase elevation I either lose or get even lower Q. It seems like like the Quailty goes up only whne pressing upwards but cant seem to lock on even after i try loosen up the bolts. (I was very frustrated at this point)

Ok here what did to find most of satillte like 65.5W to 129W and got rest of them in between. I had to increase the Latitude on SG2100 motor which is not close to what i was to have for my location from 40.3 and changed to like 41 or 42 i believe. I think its wierd that my settign should be 40.3 but when i try that it would not follow the arc. I left the USAL 76W and 40.3 didnt touch that at all. Maybe arrow on motor is not align or i am not using the motor arrow properly.

Again thx for the help Radar

Oh btw my LNBFsays Monster brand which I thought i bought nvacom QPH-031 It has C, L, C, L just like QPH-031.
Radar you got a lot patient man i am glad you are around to help people like myself.

I had to increase the Latitude on SG2100 motor which is not close to what i was to have for my location from 40.3 and changed to like 41 or 42 i believe. I think its wierd that my settign should be 40.3 but when i try that it would not follow the arc.

Again thx for the help Radar


No problem at all! I am happy to help. This hobby does require patience, but as long as you consider this as a hobby, and a learning experience, it won't make you frustrated. If you feel that you are becoming frustrated, then just take a break and back off for a while. Do some research and make some notes, but don't keep driving yourself when you are not in the proper mood. You won't get any closer to your goal, just lower on hair! LOL!

Your SG2100 motor latitude marker should be fairly accurate. As long as it isn't mangled or deformed making it hard to read, or like you stated, you are reading it incorrectly. If your site latitude is 40.3 degrees N and you are certain of this, then your latitude on the motor scale should be set there.

Do you have a dial inclinometer? You can get one for under $15 at most hardware stores. Just a round dial (degree scale) with a gravity driven pointer. If you can get this up under the belly of your motor on a good flat surface and read the degrees off the dial, you can use this information to verify the accuracy of your lattitue scale on the motor.

This is often difficult to do. It isn't easy to fit the inclinometer under the motor and read it. You may have to improvise here and I recommend that you do it with the dish and motor tube removed.

The degree you read off of this inclinometer will be the motor ELEVATION and it should match the scale on the motor that is on the opposite side from the LATITUDE scale.

The degree readings from the ELEVATION and the LATITUDE scales add up to 90 degrees. So, if you can get an accurate reading of the elevation using the inclinometer on the belly of the motor, you can calculate what your latitude scale on the motor should be reading.


Doing this will allow you to check the accuracy of your motor's latitude scale and pointer, to make sure you are setting it correctly.

On another note, something else that may be throwing you off is the attachment of your dish to the motor tube. There can be some play involved here. When the dish bracket is loosened, the dish can be twisted on the motor tube somewhat. The vertical axis of the dish must line up perfectly with the vertical axis of the motor tube.

If you position the motor to zero degrees or right at the center position, and check the plumb of the dish bracket with your level or the inclinometer, you should be able to align this. There is also a seam along the motor tube's axis that you can eyeball with the vertical axis of the dish to line this up in a rough or crude sense.

Does this all sound logical to you? I am not confusing you here, I hope.

Make sure that you are making all your initial adjustments at:

Ohio News Network (ONN)
TP 11.734 POL H SR 6.616 SL 87% QL 90%
VPID 0033 APID 0034 PPID 8190

This is as close as you can be to your true southern satellite. You want to make all of your initial alignments here because this sat will be the highest in the arc from your reference point. Once you have 74W dialed in well, select the satellite, transponder and channel below:

72.0W AMC 6
Gospel Broadcast
TP 12.144 POL V SR 2.573 SL 81% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 0033 APID 0034 PPID 8190

And adjust your dish elevation to peak this signal. Then, select the satellite, transponder and channel below:

79.0W AMC 5
TP 11.900 POL H SR 2.170 SL 81% QL 94%
SAT ID BANNER = Unknown Network
VPID 0049 APID 16436 PPID 0049

And adjust your motor azimuth to peak this signal. Then Return to 72W and adjust the elevation to peak the signal on the Gospel Broadcast channel.
Then return back to KTEL and adjust the azimuth to peak the signal. Keep going back and forth until you cannot improve the signal any more.

Next, go further east to:

63.0W Estrela do Sul
SCETV FEEDS (Channels 301-310)
TP 11.694 POL V SR 11.280 SL 80% QL 65%
CH 301 VPID 0070 APID 0068 PPID 0070

And adjust your dish elevation to peak the signal as best you can. This may be much weaker than the previous sats and channels, don't worry, just peak it as best you can, but remember to only adjust the dish elevation.

Now, move to:

83.0W AMC 9
AMC 9/3F
TP 11.769 POL H SR 4.232 SL 83% QL 87%
SAT ID BANNER = NBC News Channel
VPID 4130 APID 4131 PPID 0054

And adjust the motor azimuth. Go back and forth between this sat and 63W and repeat the procedure (elevation adjustment at the east sat, azimuth at the west sat).

You can continue going further east and further west in this manner until you have the arc mapped well. This procedure should make up for the fact that you do not have a satellite perfectly positioned due south of you at 76W and you had to use 74W to start with.

The CEO of DMS International (Tim Heinrichs) reported this technique on January 4th 2008. This is the company that manufactures and imports the SG2100 motors.

There is a lot of information to digest and I am only addressing a few items. I hope that my information is beneficial to you. There are some points that are not normally presented in a HOW-TO manual anywhere, little items that can make a big difference if you are not aware of them. I wish that the little details that I inform you of help to fill in some of these gaps.

Good luck and have fun!



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Use the SEARCH feature here for the site and enter "SADOUN".

Early Friday morning Sadoun posted three videos that you should take a look at. They are very good. One deals directly with setting up a FTA motorized dish. The audio isn't so good in a couple spots, but you can understand it. It might help you out a lot.

Make sure you check it out when you get off work.

Unfortunately i could not track my true south or arc with the Sun because i work during those hours.


Remember that I mentioned that the solar episode (solar outage) occurs twice a year, once in spring and once in the fall when the sun aligns with the satellites. Since you missed this episode for this spring, remember that you can catch it again this fall.

The window of time is more than a week long, but is most precise on the days in the middle. If those days happen to hit on your weekend off from work or if you can take some vacation and play that day, you can catch this come this fall.

It is a handy thing as you can see first hand if the satellite is going to be blocked by a tree or a building or something or if it is up in the clear sky and directly viewable.

Here are the two main online calculators for the solar episode. You might wish to play with them in your free time before the event occurs, so that you can plan ahead to catch it.



My Question is when i am using compass it should aiming at 87.8 for true south??

The more I read about this stuff the confusing it gets and it has nothing do with you guys :)

I have in my receiver setup 40.3N and 76W or i should have 87.8 instead??

What number i should be looking at when using a compass true south 191 or 87.8


I was getting confused for a moment, but I wanted to let you know that your compass should read 191.8 degrees to be looking at true south from your location.

180 + 11.7667 = 191.7667 degrees.

There is an online calculator to determine the current and precise magnetic declination angle...


The magnetic declination angle is not a calculated angle, it is a correction factor that you have to read off of a map.


The magnetic declination can be calculated. There are programs you can get on the web to do it for you.
I use Geomag, located at


THis url also includes a C program source.
This used to be available at one of the NOAA web pages, but they have switched to on line calculators, so I've included a archived link to the old file. The calculators are probably easier to use anyway. One of the calculators is at:

NOAA's Geophysical Data Center - Geomagnetic Data

The Geomag program usually only works for 5 years at a time, at which time you need a new data set. The one with the program above is good for 2005-2010, one more reason to just use the online calculator.

It's amazing how much these declinations can change over time. I think my magnetic deviation has changed a couple degrees since I moved here, I think it was above 17 deg back in the 90s, and now is less than 16 deg. Another reason not to use maps, because I'm guessing that a lot of those maps are not re-drawn on a regular basis.
The magnetic declination can be calculated. There are programs you can get on the web to do it for you.
I use Geomag, located at


THis url also includes a C program source.
This used to be available at one of the NOAA web pages, but they have switched to on line calculators, so I've included a archived link to the old file. The calculators are probably easier to use anyway. One of the calculators is at:

NOAA's Geophysical Data Center - Geomagnetic Data

The Geomag program usually only works for 5 years at a time, at which time you need a new data set. The one with the program above is good for 2005-2010, one more reason to just use the online calculator.

It's amazing how much these declinations can change over time. I think my magnetic deviation has changed a couple degrees since I moved here, I think it was above 17 deg back in the 90s, and now is less than 16 deg. Another reason not to use maps, because I'm guessing that a lot of those maps are not re-drawn on a regular basis.


I agree with you on not relying on the maps. They are generally not up to date and it is hard to read any accuracy from them. But, even so, it is a good thing to be able to view the maps as it does instill a mental image of what is going on with the magnetic deviation lines.

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Ok the manual shows declination of 30-6.7=23.3 that would be my Dish Elevation?

But when i use program B.J. has recommended i get the following Declination = 11° 46' W

so I should have my sat 30-11.46= 18.54 is that sound about right?
Ok the manual shows declination of 30-6.7=23.3 that would be my Dish Elevation?

But when i use program B.J. has recommended i get the following Declination = 11° 46' W

so I should have my sat 30-11.46= 18.54 is that sound about right?

The 11 deg thing is added to your magnetic heading to find azimuth headings, like your true south might be 191 deg 46 min.

The 6.7 deg *SHOULD* be the angle your true south sat is below a plane parallel to the equatorial plane. I say SHOULD because it's wrong, assuming your latitude is 40.3. Actually, for 40.3 latitude, you really should use about 5.6 deg declination, and put your motor on 41 on the latitude scale.
Not sure where the 6.7 came from. Even the charts that use south declination wouldn't give you that number, they'd say something like 6.3. But unless you're up at 50 deg latitude, you shouldn't use 6.7 declination.
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