Quali-TV QS1080IR Receiver


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 30, 2012
Yulee, Florida
I know it's an old thread but I found my old Quali-TV QS 1080IR and before I toss it, I wanted to make sure I don't have a use for it. It seems it will only receive DVB-S so that limits it to foreign (mostly Spanish) SD channels and shopping channels which are SD and HD, correct? I don't think there are any FTA 4:2:2 left, are there?
Other than to receive audio channels, I wouldn't waste time with a DVB-S-only receiver now. Too few transponders are DVB-S anymore.

There are 4.2.2 news feeds but the only practical way to receive is via streaming to your PC to view or by recording and playing back on your PC.

SES3 103W

What Snow?
