What was it all about?
VISTA? That's a damn good question. As far as I can tell M$ goal was to flood the market with yet another buggy halfbaked OS that is non compliant with existing HW save the 4GHZ duocore/4GB ram/4Tb systems available today and use a third of those resources for overhead. If they dont do that how else will they squeeze a few more bizillion dollars out of Joe consumer?
Wasnt the OP looking for Vista support for his card that was already supported in XP but Vista didnt acknowledge it? That was just my solution to "repairing" the actual problem with his lappy.
As most know you really dont have to boot to dos to solve your Windoze problems these days, but that was the canned response solution to recurring M$ problems on the pre NTFS based versions.
XP has finally proven itself as a somewhat stable and relatively efficient and safe OS. It should be by now. It has more patches than the quilt my grandma made for me 50+ years ago.
So, point being WE dont need Vista, but M$ needs us to need it, and toss out all your XP compliant (and supported) HW and start over.
Allow me to re-iterate...Screw Vista.
The new venture is Seven, which has abandoned XP (no direct upgrade path, mistake one) BUT recognizes XP's value in that the Pro version is supposed to have an XP mode, allowing for XP backward compatability. So Xp is recognized as a staple OS, IF you spring for the Pro version of Seven, but not good enough to offer long time users and supporters of XP an economical upgrade path. Good one M$.
It still has the basic GUI and "feel" of Vista, and in typical M$ style treats it's patrons as morons going to great lengths to obscure tech/maintenance level OS functions. Finding and enabling the "Classic" gui mode helps, but it's still not the same.
It is supposed to be 'lighter' than Vista in that the resource utilization are supposed to be comparable to XP (although in stock configuration XP can be quite a resource hog as well) All this is supposed to mean it will run (efficiently?) on systems that can currently run XP w/o issue.
Guess we will have to wait and see on that one.
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