Q: Are you enjoying the Super Joey over 2 Hoppers?

My son is 14 and only watches a few select kid oriented shows that come on at all times of the day and night. So it is easy to record his stuff . As for my wife , we both watch mostly network shows and a few select cable shows so that uses a tuner or two nightly. She does love reality shows and decorating shows ,but luckily they repeat those again most nights and she can catch the next recording that day. The only real conflicts have been when I try to record a lot of movies: I have free premiums for 3 months till Sept. Since my timers are already in priority order , the movies that create conflicts are then recorded at another time because the hopper has that feature to catch the movie again when it airs. We don't watch any live tv other than a few ota news shows around 11:00am and they don't conflict with any sat tuners. With two hoppers I was using the main one for my tastes and my wife and kid shared the 2nd one. With the super joey it was an adjustment at first ,but now we have a system for watching network shows. ON her shows we set a timer to save a copy of the recording to her folder . I watch on ptat folder and delete as watched . She watches her shows in her folder. It works.

I can see your point MikeD-C05 but the thing that would worry me is no back up if your Hopper crapped out. My wife would skin my A-- if all we could get was locals if or when a one only Hopper setup crapped out. With two Hoppers would make it a little nicer for you too to have a little less worry for your movie conflicks. We have been lucky with DISH so far, only have had one DVR do a completely no notice shutdown. I sure was glad we had a back up DVR till a replacement arrived.
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I may be a Dish retailer but I only stand up for Dish when I believe other are wrong or misunderstand things. I can be very critical of Dish as well, trust me, I have my own gripes with them. I try to make sure everyone on this site gets accurate information and not just customer's opinions.

In a case like this it is pure opinion on my part and on your part. I can't say that either of us are correct because we will never know what Dish's plans were. I do suggest you look up bait and switch though because I don't believe what Dish did was classified as such.

Sherman, when DISH offered a second hopper for only $7.00, I said it then and so did many others on this board , that this would not last and it didn't make sense to charge the same for a hopper as the joey. Not when you are charging $17.00 for a second Vip 722k receiver on the same account. I also said at the time that if we did get a second hopper, that DISH would then hike the price on us. NOT 6 months later DISH did just that. So you can call it what ever you want,but to me this was BAIT and then SWITCH on DISH's part. The only difference was ,that after the outrage for the equipment price hike, DISH offered the subs with a 2nd hopper , 18 months of $5.00 off for the second hopper, as they SHOULD of done ,since so many of us did buy or add another hopper to our account. After 18 years with DISH come next January & 3 DISH accounts , I feel I am more than qualified to voice my view, that this was indeed bait and switch. But like I said before; We will have to agree to disagree on this issue.
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I can see your point MikeD-C05 but the thing that would worry me is no back up if your Hopper crapped out. My wife would skin my A-- if all we could get was locals if or when a one only Hopper setup crapped out. With two Hoppers would make it a little nicer for you too to have a little less worry for your movie conflicks. We have been lucky with DISH so far, only have had one DVR do a completely no notice shutdown. I sure was glad we had a back up DVR till a replacement arrived.
Hey what ever works in your situation. IF a second hopper is what you want ,then go for it. I am only saying that in my house, so far, it has worked just fine with the super joey and 1 hopper. Of course I got the super joey at the end of May . The real test will come in the fall when the new season starts.
I never had 2 Hoppers but I can say I'm satisfied (except for the OTA subchannel recording being disabled in new firmware and no sub channel guide info issue) with the Hopper/Super Joey/2 Joey/Vip211k with EHD setup.
Sherman, when DISH offered a second hopper for only $7.00, I said it then and so did many others on this board , that this would not last and it didn't make sense to charge the same for a hopper as the joey. Not when you are charging $17.00 for a second Vip 722k receiver on the same account. I also said at the time that if we did get a second hopper, that DISH would then hike the price on us. NOT 6 months later DISH did just that. So you can call it what ever you want,but to me this was BAIT and then SWITCH on DISH's part. The only difference was ,that after the outrage for the equipment price hike, DISH offered the subs with a 2nd hopper , 18 months of $5.00 off for the second hopper, as they SHOULD of done ,since so many of us did buy or add another hopper to our account. After 18 years with DISH come next January & 3 DISH accounts , I feel I am more than qualified to voice my view, that this was indeed bait and switch. But like I said before; We will have to agree to disagree on this issue.

I think it's more of you baiting yourself in. It's only bait and switch if a company is pushing a price point to get you in and then switching you to a more expensive product by saying that the cheaper price point is not available. This may be some kind of deception, I'll agree to that to an extent, but this is not bait and switch. I'm only defending this because I don't like and false allegations being spread. This goes for any company not just Dish.
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I think it's more of you baiting yourself in. It's only bait and switch if a company is pushing a price point to get you in and then switching you to a more expensive product by saying that the cheaper price point is not available. This may be some kind of deception, I'll agree to that to an extent, but this is not bait and switch. I'm only defending this because I don't like and false allegations being spread. This goes for any company not just Dish.

So let me ask you this, since you seem to be hung up on the semantics of what you call this practice. Do you agree that DISH should of offered the 2nd hopper for $7.00 then hike it to $12.00, after you told people that it was only going to be $7.00? At first they did NOT allow a 2nd hopper on your account and there was NO super joey back then , so DISH changed the policy and told everyone that you could add the 2nd hopper to your account and it would be the same as the joey price. After that change, a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon and ponied up for a 2nd hopper, and paid to upgrade and or paid to buy one , like I did. Not 6 months later they hike the price for the 2nd hopper to $12.00. You see nothing wrong with this change? What would you call it ? And please be honest and stop waiving the DISH pom poms long enough to try to think what this means from the CUSTOMER'S view & their perception of DISH. Because in my view , this kind of price hike /change to policy does nothing but add to the negative view, that many people feel about satellite and cable providers. And if DISH felt so justified in their hike in price , they wouldn't of offered 18 months of $5.00 discounts for 2nd hoppers subs.
So let me ask you this, since you seem to be hung up on the semantics of what you call this practice. Do you agree that DISH should of offered the 2nd hopper for $7.00 then hike it to $12.00, after you told people that it was only going to be $7.00? At first they did NOT allow a 2nd hopper on your account and there was NO super joey back then , so DISH changed the policy and told everyone that you could add the 2nd hopper to your account and it would be the same as the joey price. After that change, a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon and ponied up for a 2nd hopper, and paid to upgrade and or paid to buy one , like I did. Not 6 months later they hike the price for the 2nd hopper to $12.00. You see nothing wrong with this change? What would you call it ? And please be honest and stop waiving the DISH pom poms long enough to try to think what this means from the CUSTOMER'S view & their perception of DISH.

I'm not waiving Dish pom poms, I'm a business man and think from a business point of view. I agree that it seems shady and admit that Dish may have wanted to do this all along but I also know how a business runs and has to make changes on the fly. I think they didn't plan on doing a lot of second Hoppers for install originally. this is why they never advertised it or even offered it right away. Once they saw that two Hopper solutions were very popular they realized they were offering it too cheap and decided to raise the price to what they thought it was worth. These types of changes happen all the time. I have to do this with my prices too.

No matter what the customer will think they are being screwed, that's just human nature. The only time I ever see anyone look at things from both sides is when they run a business themselves.

Once again, I am not saying that this was not a shady move on Dish's part but please stop making claims based strictly on your opinion. What they did in my mind was completely legal and they reserve the right to change their prices whenever they need to. If you truly feel that Dish is guilty of Bait and Switch then you should file a suit against them because this is considered fraud. Do you think they are guilty of fraud? If so then every pay TV provider should be sued because I'm pretty sure they do the same thing.
I'm not waiving Dish pom poms, I'm a business man and think from a business point of view. I agree that it seems shady and admit that Dish may have wanted to do this all along but I also know how a business runs and has to make changes on the fly. I think they didn't plan on doing a lot of second Hoppers for install originally. this is why they never advertised it or even offered it right away. Once they saw that two Hopper solutions were very popular they realized they were offering it too cheap and decided to raise the price to what they thought it was worth. These types of changes happen all the time. I have to do this with my prices too.

No matter what the customer will think they are being screwed, that's just human nature. The only time I ever see anyone look at things from both sides is when they run a business themselves.

Once again, I am not saying that this was not a shady move on Dish's part but please stop making claims based strictly on your opinion. What they did in my mind was completely legal and they reserve the right to change their prices whenever they need to. If you truly feel that Dish is guilty of Bait and Switch then you should file a suit against them because this is considered fraud. Do you think they are guilty of fraud? If so then every pay TV provider should be sued because I'm pretty sure they do the same thing.

So the only thing you disagree with is what you call it. Let me tell you that from the customer view , this policy is what makes people churn to other providers. Since you seem to only see this from the DISH company side ,maybe you should got to work for them in corporate office. Negative changes like these make that word of mouth out there fly in person and on the internet. Look at Netflix a few years back when they decided to hike the price and separate the dvds from the streaming portion of the service. Didn't go so well did it? Millions of subs left in the weeks after that change was made and they had to reverse themselves. Obviously DISH knew this change would piss off many who had just upgraded to a 2nd hopper or bought one like me and offered the 18 months of $5.00 discounts. You can continue to defend DISH at ever turn ,but it makes you look like nothing more than a DISH apologist.

As for my views, they are mine to post and I will continue to call it "bait and switch" because to me that is what it was. There is not many people out there who would be as nice in their reply to you ,because your condescending lecturing makes me want to tell you where you can go. In fact I know where you can go. Dbstalk.com website . They have someone just like you, moderating their website . His name is James Long. You two are just alike and share many common views. You would love it there and I 'm sure he would never delete any of your posts. :bump2

Have a nice day and welcome to IGNORE feature.
I feel I've been very polite actually. I know I won't change your mind and that's OK, I'm not arguing that. My main goal is to just let others reading know that it's not bait and switch, which is considered fraud.
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I happen to agree with Scherrman and don't believe there was any bait and switch involved. At the time, at $7 it was an easy decision to go with a second Hopper for my wants and needs. When the 5 buck credit ends for me I plan to replace one Hopper with a SuperJoey and keep the 2nd Hopper in reserve for emergency use if my original Hopper should crap out. Since it is purchased it will be easy to swap in and out.

I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm just saying you've got bad luck when it comes to thinking

Posted by typing on my old reliable IBM keyboard and sent by magic over the ether!
I myself have two Hoppers and will be affected by the increase after my credits are over. It sucks but it's worth the extra money to keep my second Hopper. I'd only be saving $2 by swapping out the Hopper with a Super Joey.
I get calls all the time from potential dish customers. They'll say "I got this ad or flyer & it says you can get such & such for this price".

Then after explaining the details many simply move on.

Many of these ads people get are from national retailers, dish funds most of these big ad campaigns. They also approve or disapprove before giving the green light since a portion of it is their money.

I personally think it's deceiving to lure people in with the way they advertise. It's not only dish but many others as well.
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I get calls all the time from potential dish customers. They'll say "I got this ad or flyer & it says you can get such & such for this price".

Then after explaining the details many simply move on.

Many of these ads people get are from national retailers, dish funds most of these big ad campaigns. They also approve or disapprove before giving the green light since a portion of it is their money.

I personally think it's deceiving to lure people in with the way they advertise. It's not only dish but many others as well.

I don't like it either. I don't think any retailer likes it but apparently this marketing must be effective.

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