gdarwin Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Lifetime Supporter Feb 9, 2005 4,299 113 Lousville, KY May 14, 2014 #1 Anyone know how to push apps, videos, music videos, music to the cloud to be retrieved later and save storage on the iPhone and iPad?
Anyone know how to push apps, videos, music videos, music to the cloud to be retrieved later and save storage on the iPhone and iPad?
mike123abc Too many cables Supporting Founder Sep 25, 2003 25,663 4,976 Norman, OK May 15, 2014 #2 iTunes match takes music to the cloud. If iTunes does not have the song in its library they upload a copy of your song to the cloud.
iTunes match takes music to the cloud. If iTunes does not have the song in its library they upload a copy of your song to the cloud.