Public, Press Respond Poorly to New AT&T 'Administrative Fee' Small Fee Could Net AT&T $500 Million

I hate to say it, but it is time for the FTC to make phone (and DBS/Cable) companies put all their taxes and fees into the listed price. They did this with airlines, no more $100 fare only to find out at booking it is $200 after taxes and fees.

Especially since a lot of the "taxes" are not really taxes but fees the carrier is "allowed" to collect if they want to do so...
Or at least just 2 sections: Fees charged by the company, broken down however they like, with the bottom total being the one they are allowed to advertise without being fraudulent. And the second section being fees charged by others (taxes). And the second section only because taxes vary so much by location.
I think it's dumb that companies are allowed to just add random fees here and their into our bills without telling us anything. All they want is money. I'd be okay with these small fees if they'd actually use the money gained to improve their service, but we all know that they just want our money and they aren't going to do anything useful with it except pay themselves more.
I've been looking at my Att bill closer lately and I can't believe all the extra fees that I've been charged, government fees, etc., and taxes. I have a home phone account and I'm seriously thinking about cancelling my account.
I've been looking at my Att bill closer lately and I can't believe all the extra fees that I've been charged, government fees, etc., and taxes. I have a home phone account and I'm seriously thinking about cancelling my account.

I transferred my home phone number to a VOIP vendor (viatalk) and have had no issues. The only issue is how long it took me to transfer my number and save money. In a few years I might drop the number, but I have had it for 20 years and still have people call it. It is used less and less since all that know me are using my cell phone number. Just the occasional call from an old friend or relative that has me keeping the number.

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