A percentage of spectrum must be allocated/dedicated to PACs (Public Access Channels); via FCC mandates.
You may not charge for carriage of a Public Access Channel... That would defeat the purpose of PACs. In all actuality, it's just the opposite... Dish must pay to carry the PAC channels to cover/compensate copyrighted materials, royalties, etc., (think in relation to music; RAII, ASCAP, BMI, etc., but in this case, it becomes far more complicated with inclusion of SAC, SWG, etc...). Carriage arrangements are usually specified and maintained to an absolute a minimum to the carrier, in the case of PACs; in Dish's case, to avoid paying, or as little as possible.
The question... how does one manage to get their PAC uplinked or even considered...? Damn good question? Obviously, there's a hell of allot of schmoozing, posturing, etc...