PS4 in 18 months rumor?


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
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Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
I ran across these articles. They talk about the possibility of a network based PS4 in 18 months. The info comes from a Sony "insider". Take it with a grain of salt.

A new Playstation 4 could be less than 18 months away according to a Sony insider. The device will include the same chipset as the current PS3 but where it will differ from the current model is in the drive bay and in the attachment area. It will also include an extensive software suite for the managing of content being streamed to a TV or Hi Fi source.


Furthermore, Sony is apparently taking strides to improve the "output experience" so the machine can eventually become a "true home entertainment center," which would erase the need for a media center. Ken Kutaragi, who is retiring as chief executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment, has already said it would be possible to develop a fully Internet-based game console in the future. The "Father of PlayStation" mentioned that such a network-based machine would automatically reduce the cost to build the console. Is Sony taking this to heart with the PS4...?

I don't see why they didn't do this with the PS3. I think Internet TV is catching on fast (Apple TV) but don't know why Sony didn't develop it into their current system. I'm disappointed with the PS3 web browser and it's inability to play and display certain web videos (i.e. Quicktime, WMV, newer Flash). If I could stream the lastest Lost episode from on the PS3 to my HD TV, that would be sweet. But I'm stuck with watching YouTube video's.
The articles I read suggested this was a purported PSX-like VERSION of the PS3...i.e. a more A/V-component styled box w/ dual HDMI and high-end build features (i.e. a center-mounted Blu-ray w/ floating vibration-cancelling construction). The core chipset and game functionality would be identical.

In short, NOT a replacement of the PS3...but an even higher-end deluxe version aimed at the home theater hub market (again, even more so than the reg. PS3).

Curiously, the articles all but disappeared since I saw them middle of last week--either they were absolutely bogus, or they were on the money and Sony stepped in to silence them. Hmmm.

They seemed to echo this months-old rumor, though:

Actually, tech spot indeed had the follow-up of last week (took a little looking about):
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Did that Sony "insider" also say, "Luke, I'm your father?"
Sounds more like a PS3 "Elite"...

Unless they are changing the processor, it isn't a next gen unit.... IF they try and pull a Microsft trick and one up Microsoft to shorten the cycle, they might have something, but this sounds like a desperate attempt to create vaporware for those losing faith in the Playstation brand....

Wow, I was hoping that the 360 would be able to hold its own with the PS3, but outright beating them seemed inconceivable..... until now....
The 360 has one thing going for it right now...a healthy stable of mature software titles.

It's not going to have that edge forever, Bob. Just like HD-DVD, it could lose its lead quickly once there's a full slate of desirable titles out for the PS3.

The 360 Elite is a reaction to the PS3, you must realize, not the other way around.

As mentioned above, the PS3 'Elite' is more a repeat of Sony's high-end PSX version of the PS2 from years back...but nowHD/Blu-ray based. It's a niche item, unless they surprise us and don't price it in the stratosphere (which is one reason the PSX never came stateside).

The PSX was to the PSP and PS3 sort of like the Apple's Lisa was to the original Mac. It introduced a lot of 'before-its-time' features that proved too expensive initially to go mainstream. Then, after some convergent technologies and some tweaked software interfaces occured, and mainly when costs lowered (a bit ;)), you have a viable media/gaming console platform... The media center capabilities of the PSX beat the 360 to market by over a year (incl. things like DVR and DVD burning to boot)--so its not entirely accurate to claim Sony is mimicking Microsoft here.
Did that Sony "insider" also say, "Luke, I'm your father?"

Don't use quotes for a line that is incorrect. The actual line in the movie is "No, I am your father."
I hope this doesn't replace the PS3. I am not going to be all that happy having a $600 machine that is obsolete in a little over a year.
I hope this doesn't replace the PS3. I am not going to be all that happy having a $600 machine that is obsolete in a little over a year.

I purchased a PS3 last night and was told today at a gamestop that they are being told not to expect many more shipments of PS3s as sony is looking to focus primarily on home theater. I don't know if it is true and based on the source I am doubting it but it did give me some concern...

20gb PS3

Is the 360 selling out everywhere?

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