I purchased the new bluetooth PS3 Remote on December 21st when it came out. Since my wife had my PS3 under the tree until Christmas I had to wait to use it. After downloading all the upgrades it took exactly 15 seconds to get the remote to work. You just go to the bluetooth screen and push the start and playstation buttons and voila, your remote starts working.
This thing is fast. Faster then my Denon 3910 remote. Acutually the PS3 is faster then my Denon3910 period. I just have to get use to the button layout but when you press a button your request is almost seemless. Response time is very fast. It has all the functionallity of my Denon3910 remote and they all work well. One thing I really like is not having to be in the line of site for it to work. The remote works no matter which way I am pointing it or where I am sitting in the room. I really like that.
I would highly recomend the PS3 as a BluRay player to an early adopter providing you also get the bluetooth remote. The remote is only $24.99 and you can get the 20gb PS3 for $499.00. A PS3 componet cable or good HDMI cable will cost you $59.00 or less. Total of $582.99 which is considerable less then the cheapest BD player I have found (Samsung for $670 on internet). And so far, after about 70 hours of use since Christmas I have had no problems with my PS3 either watching movies or gaming. Maybe I just got a good one - or maybe the PS3 is just well built. Bottom line, I am very satisfied with the purchase and have been really enjoying all the system has to offer. Hope this helps anyone who has been thinking about the PS3 as a BluRay player -- it really does do a very nice job.
This thing is fast. Faster then my Denon 3910 remote. Acutually the PS3 is faster then my Denon3910 period. I just have to get use to the button layout but when you press a button your request is almost seemless. Response time is very fast. It has all the functionallity of my Denon3910 remote and they all work well. One thing I really like is not having to be in the line of site for it to work. The remote works no matter which way I am pointing it or where I am sitting in the room. I really like that.
I would highly recomend the PS3 as a BluRay player to an early adopter providing you also get the bluetooth remote. The remote is only $24.99 and you can get the 20gb PS3 for $499.00. A PS3 componet cable or good HDMI cable will cost you $59.00 or less. Total of $582.99 which is considerable less then the cheapest BD player I have found (Samsung for $670 on internet). And so far, after about 70 hours of use since Christmas I have had no problems with my PS3 either watching movies or gaming. Maybe I just got a good one - or maybe the PS3 is just well built. Bottom line, I am very satisfied with the purchase and have been really enjoying all the system has to offer. Hope this helps anyone who has been thinking about the PS3 as a BluRay player -- it really does do a very nice job.