As usual, when something isn't working correctly, the first thing I do is jump on to Sat Guys and see if by brethren can help me out. Well, I'm unfortunately back and looking for an answer. Was playing a game of NBA 2K9 and the dern thing froze. Couldn't get anything to do anything for several minutes and had no choice but to turn it off. Tried again and the disk ins't showing up. Tried a BluRay and no go. Let it go for the evening, tried the Blu again this morning and it loaded and played perfectly. Jr. came homw, tried another game of 2K9, loaded and played perfect till the middle of the third quarter, froze again. Once again, not reading that a disk has been loaded. Next step? Thanks for any suggestions, my kids and I love our PS3 and I would like to get this resolved asap so we don't have a holiday disaster!! Thanks again! Jonathan, Flying J