PS3 momentum takes off BABY!!

Out of pure curiousity, Mickley, do you like the 360? Also, how do you feel about the PS3? Is one a piece of crap to this earth for games or is one a magnificent console for gaming? Does HD gaming even matter to you? Is the Wii the console of your choice? Do you even care about HD? or HD in games? Just a few little questions. I always see these rebuttals but I never see anything other than plain simple hatred toward one or the other. I'd like some honest reasons why you like whatever it is that you do?

Personally, I love the 360 and I play it every day. I went and bought Splinter Cell this morning. I want a PS3 badly and I preordered at GamesStop. I think the Wii is an intermediate console being put out to make some money b/c M$ and Sony put a console out. And its shelf life wont last very long. Look at the Gamecube, the only people that I know that have them are the kids and an "interesting" group of people. They vary, but are all the same somehow, I can't really explain it. However, I do believe the next Nintendo brand console will be magnificient. Just a few of my responses.
BTW, his proprietary HD DVD argument got shot down as well...

You'll be able to connect it to a PC to watch HiDef movies on your computer should you desire to.........

The biggest hooks for me....

1. HD DVD looks better based on the initial batch of discs available.
2. Contrary to what he said, more manufacturers are lined up with HD DVD (Except natch for Sony owned MGM and Sony Pictures)
3. Sony has a history of pushing expensive royalties and non-user friendly copy protection systems (My dad has a Sony DVD changer that refuses to play CD-Rs or DVD-Rs)
4. and the biggest...... any HD DVDs I buy will play in the HiDef player AND on standard DVD players, so I can take it with me on the plane, or my kids can watch it on the portable DVD player in the car.....

Either way, the two formats screwed the pooch by not agreeing to a unified format. Neither may wind up catching on.

So, I'm not an MS stockholder, but in order for my chosen format to succeed, I have to hope for your format's demise, similar to the Divx and PSP Movies failures.
You guys do all this arguing, and the "console wars" get soo much publicity. Meanwhile the "Big Three" hold hands and skip all the way to the bank. CHA-CHING.....
I dunno..... I don't think Circuit City felt like much of a winner after the Divx debacle (when they tried to kill the original DVD spec). I'm hoping the market does the same to Sony.....
Out of pure curiousity, Mickley, do you like the 360? Also, how do you feel about the PS3? Is one a piece of crap to this earth for games or is one a magnificent console for gaming? Does HD gaming even matter to you? Is the Wii the console of your choice? Do you even care about HD? or HD in games? Just a few little questions. I always see these rebuttals but I never see anything other than plain simple hatred toward one or the other. I'd like some honest reasons why you like whatever it is that you do?

Personally, I love the 360 and I play it every day. I went and bought Splinter Cell this morning. I want a PS3 badly and I preordered at GamesStop. I think the Wii is an intermediate console being put out to make some money b/c M$ and Sony put a console out. And its shelf life wont last very long. Look at the Gamecube, the only people that I know that have them are the kids and an "interesting" group of people. They vary, but are all the same somehow, I can't really explain it. However, I do believe the next Nintendo brand console will be magnificient. Just a few of my responses.

God this is going to be long...

The thing I do like about the 360 is choice. MS gives you a choice to add HD DVD if you wish to. They gave you a choice with having your save games on a memory module or HDD. It keeps costs down for a consumer. However, I DO think it was a bad decision to make a core and a premium package because of personal reasons. I wanted a premium package but only core was available at the time. Someone who solely wants to play games NOT online doesn't absolutely need a HDD. If you do want to play online, like myself, you would need a HDD for downloadable multiplayer content. Which is why I didnt think it was a good idea but MS thought it was.

In my opinion, I think Sony priced the PS3 way out of the ballpark because of their forced induction of Bluray into the gaming world where it is definately not needed at this time. There is not one game out there that surpasses DVD9 in capacity. Take a look at the GTA San Andreas, Saint's Row, and Just Cause which are 'sandbox' games. Have you played Just Cause? Just Cause sports a world of 250k acres of land with well with roughly 300 missions, and 3 languages all on DVD9. Its not a game that would be finished in 4 hours. Now if all of that fits on DVD9, WHY is Bluray needed for games? HD gaming does matter... as long as it's mostly game and not CGI cinematics. Like I said time and time again, I rather play my games than to watch them.

When Sony first announced the PS3 2 years ago, I wanted one. I wanted what was said we were going to get for the $500 price. One console one price. GREAT!! Sign me up!! But in the 2 years from then until now, Sony has been playing bait and switch. Now we have a PS3 got $600 and PS3 Lite for $500. I still cant see how they justify the $100 price difference. The card readers can cost about $10 retail, Im not even sure how they figure the price of the HDD since you can't really buy HDD with that low capacity anymore so the price difference between those are minimal. NOW onto the WiFi. IF you can buy a WiFi card for your computer for $20, then the WiFi chip on the card must cost less than $10 OEM. SO price differnce between PS3 and PS3 Lite should be no more than $40. PS3 lite had alot of the features stripped from it. No more WiFi, no more memory card reader and for a while no HDMI. The PS3 had all the features minus 1 hdmi port from what was announced that we would have dual HDMI. And as of now BOTH lack the ability to put out HD out of the box without buying either the PS3 Component cables OR a HDMI 1.3 cable. Those will probably NOT be the $15 everyone is thinking since some other sites report that it is a different sized connector. Which then means special cable for $50-$75 or $30 adaptors. If Sony wanted to wage their BluRay / HD DVD war then they shouldn't have brought it into the gaming world and try to win that way. Save their Blue Diodes for their standalone players and sell those for 700 to compete with Toshiba's HD DVD players at $500. Its not simple hatred toward's the machine. It's hatred for Sony's practices.

As for the Wii, I'm not sure if I would call it an intermediate console possibly intermediate for them. You said what I was going to with the Gamecube. LOL. Nintendo dropped their long time rule for violence and gore in their games and now are getting alot or 3rd party support like UBI with Farcry AND Splinter Cell DA, EA with The Godfather, and Midway with Blitz: The League, and Mortal Kombat. NEVER until recently have you EVER seen a game as violent as those on a Nintendo system which is why the kids and "interesting" people had the Gamecubes. They finally woke up to the evolution of the gaming industry and saw that not all gamers want to play a Mario game and in order to survive, they must adapt. Even if it means dropping the no violence rule. Although I wouldn't mind seeing a new simple Donkey Kong games that we played back in the 80s.. Which brings the positive about Xbox Live Arcade, they bring out a game we used to play in the arcades in the 80s every week. Those game are popular, believe it or not. Some people like to go back to playing something simple and not having to press a 10 button combination to catch a football.

So right now, I think it's a bit too early to count the Wii out yet. I do think they will sell alot just because of the price point. I KNOW that if I had a kid and I see a 360 premium, a PS3, and a Wii next to each other, I am buying the Wii for him.

Hope I answered your questions. ;)
BTW, his proprietary HD DVD argument got shot down as well...

You'll be able to connect it to a PC to watch HiDef movies on your computer should you desire to.........

The biggest hooks for me....

1. HD DVD looks better based on the initial batch of discs available.
2. Contrary to what he said, more manufacturers are lined up with HD DVD (Except natch for Sony owned MGM and Sony Pictures)
3. Sony has a history of pushing expensive royalties and non-user friendly copy protection systems (My dad has a Sony DVD changer that refuses to play CD-Rs or DVD-Rs)
4. and the biggest...... any HD DVDs I buy will play in the HiDef player AND on standard DVD players, so I can take it with me on the plane, or my kids can watch it on the portable DVD player in the car.....

Either way, the two formats screwed the pooch by not agreeing to a unified format. Neither may wind up catching on.

So, I'm not an MS stockholder, but in order for my chosen format to succeed, I have to hope for your format's demise, similar to the Divx and PSP Movies failures.

Yes and no it was shot down... 95% or more desktop PCs (notice I said PC and not Mac) are running a some flavor of Windows which so happens to be a MS product. MS Operating System + MS HD DVD player + some Windows Drivers = HD DVD on PC. You know MS will beat the 3rd party developers to the punch and release drivers for the PCs. NOW how about the Macs? Probably won't be seeing it used on a Mac before Apple decides to manufacture their own USB player. Give it 6 months to a year. Now to Sun OS and Linux. These two STILL don't have plug n play down pat. As of now USB Storage is not supported under Linux. SO this means 2 things.... We MOST LIKELY won't be seeing the HD DVD players beung used on the PS3s, like Joe is dreaming, and they probably won't be using them on Linux computers for a while.

As for your hooks I'm in agreement with all of them. But I'm not the one saying that Camp BluRay has more supporters. It was the Sony Minister of Misinformation. I am seeing alot on both sides of the fence or falling over to HD DVD.
Choice? Can anyone here state when M$ gave you a choice of other products other then the ones they had a hand in and got money from? Why do you think they are being sued all the time?

FYI, Used to be a Dist. Mngr with EB until I went into business for myself. I know how they handle new console releases and I know that when I was with EB and you purchased a release unit they took the serial number and attached it to your name--they are sneaky that way. Someone else takes that unit and fills out the warranty card and you are looking for a new job. I know a few mngrs who aren't working there now because of this. I have a hard time believing that GameStop does things differently since the buyout of EB.

Can anyone here find a post where I state that the XBOX360 is NOT a great gaming machine?

Without competition M$ will just take your money -- anyone remember Windows95, Windows98 , 98SE, 98ME, XP, XPHome, XPMedia, Vista and every time they want $100s of dollars for these OS. And now with Vista you get DX10 and only with VISTA. So, if you want those very cool looking graphics on next years PC games you are going to have to poney up

The PS3 will give M$ competition and vice versa. The competition will bring prices down, make them produce better games at better prices and hopefully produce differant gaming experiances for us all. This industry has to have competition to survive.

Vurbano, no one has a PS3 yet but on Nov 17th I will definately have one. And I have already started buying BluRay titles that I want. And I do not have a XBOX because, as I have stated before in another post with a referance to the internet article from CDINFO, I am waiting for next spring when I believe that M$ will be bringing out a 360 with an internal HD-DVD drive and HDMI for sale. Besides, there are only a few titles on the 360 that I would play now. In the next 6 months there are at least 10 coming on the PS3 that I would play. Isn't CHOICE great?

As for HD-DVD manufacturers of hardware there are exactly 3 and a few Chinese plants. There are over 10 manufacturers in the BluRay camp. Any of you guys pass math when you were taking it?

Finally, what the heck is scaring you guys so much about the PS3 and BluRay? Please tell me, I have tried to understand but your seething and spitting is confusing me. Are you losing sleep? Are your teeth falling out? Did you notice a bald spot this morning? Did your dog leave you? Does your cat have dandruff? Did you wife (girlfriend) max out your credit card? Did you leave the gas on?

See, several research institutes have reported their interest in using the CELL CPU (Same one as in the PS3) to help them cure cancer , solve genetic equations, map stars. So maybe if the PS3's CPU can do all this maybe just maybe it can cause all those things to happen to you. Heck, maybe it can even steal your car! Oh wait, that's actually a game.
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Choice? Can anyone here state when M$ gave you a choice of other products other then the ones they had a hand in and got money from? Why do you think they are being sued all the time?

FYI, Used to be a Dist. Mngr with EB until I went into business for myself. I know how they handle new console releases and I know that when I was with EB and you purchased a release unit they took the serial number and attached it to your name--they are sneaky that way. Someone else takes that unit and fills out the warranty card and you are looking for a new job. I know a few mngrs who aren't working there now because of this. I have a hard time believing that GameStop does things differently since the buyout of EB.

Nice way to get sued for wrongful termination by the way. WHY IN THE HELL will they give retailers that information on what serial numbers are used? That is uneeded information to the retailer unless they are using it for their extended warranty. NOW, lets try this scenario... I buy a console then get I'll and requires a hospital stay, and I need money for the hospital, OH DAMN there goes my console on eBay. Oh wait I can't pay the hospital because I will get fired for selling my console on eBay. Do you see how illogical that you get fired for selling it on ebay is? Once the person purchases the item it is THEIR property not Gamestop's the buyer can do as they wish. Were you working with EB in 11/05 when they oversold their preorders? Big things like that cause policy change.

Did you know that people who get fired almost never disclose the real reason they got fired? They tend to minimize it by making the company sound bad for firing them. The reason stated is usually a stupid reason. MAYBE the other managers were doing something wrong... like stealing money or items or how about the old fashioned one... not doing their job. Something you may not of know also, when companies get assimilated into bigger corporations, policies may or may not change.

Can anyone here find a post where I state that the XBOX360 is NOT a great gaming machine?

And no one said the PS3 was a bad machine... what was said though (even though you fail to acknowledge) is BluRay is NOT NEEDED for games at this time. Here is a little common sense for you... IF IT'S NOT NEEDED NOW, WHY PUT IT IN NOW?

Without competition M$ will just take your money -- anyone remember Windows95, Windows98 , 98SE, 98ME, XP, XPHome, XPMedia, Vista and every time they want $100s of dollars for these OS. And now with Vista you get DX10 and only with VISTA. So, if you want those very cool looking graphics on next years PC games you are going to have to poney up.

If other OSes were as user friendly and cheaper then Mac OS then MAYBE there would be competition. For a while some computer manufacturers were offering Linux on new PCs, but what did people choose? No suprise, MS because its user friendly. Dont forget DOS 6.22, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11. Easy to use server software Windows NT and 2000. There comes a point where certain things cost way more than its worth to support. Besides $100 is actually in line with other OScomparable OSes... Mac OS X... $103 on Amazon SunOS dont bother hundreds to thousands. Linus, Free but lacks user friendliness.

The PS3 will give M$ competition and vice versa. The competition will bring prices down, make them produce better games at better prices and hopefully produce differant gaming experiances for us all. This industry has to have competition to survive.

Hate to break it to you, its the 3rd party developers that produce most of the games. Maybe you should go after them for making crappy games not the hardware developers.

Vurbano, no one has a PS3 yet but on Nov 17th I will definately have one. And I have already started buying BluRay titles that I want. And I do not have a XBOX because, as I have stated before in another post with a referance to the internet article from CDINFO, I am waiting for next spring when I believe that M$ will be bringing out a 360 with an internal HD-DVD drive and HDMI for sale. Besides, there are only a few titles on the 360 that I would play now. In the next 6 months there are at least 10 coming on the PS3 that I would play. Isn't CHOICE great?

As for HD-DVD manufacturers of hardware there are exactly 3 and a few Chinese plants. There are over 10 manufacturers in the BluRay camp. Any of you guys pass math when you were taking it?

Did you know that they were jumping sides? Making hybrids and or both. Sounds like manufacturer uncertainty to me. ROFL!!! That's pretty funny talking about us passing math class considering you probably didn't pass reading class. Since you didnt read that I DID have a choice of options for the 360 like a Hard drive and now HD DVD, OH and WiFi also.

Finally, what the heck is scaring you guys so much about the PS3 and BluRay? Please tell me, I have tried to understand but your seething and spitting is confusing me. Are you losing sleep? Are your teeth falling out? Did you notice a bald spot this morning? Did your dog leave you? Does your cat have dandruff? Did you wife (girlfriend) max out your credit card? Did you leave the gas on?

Its not being scared, its being practical. You were told you time and time again but you fail to listen... for the last time and listen this time. IT IS NOT NEEDED FOR GAMES!!! THERE ARE NO GAMES THAT GO OVER 9GB AND PROBABLY WON'T FOR QUITE A FEW YEARS! HD DVD ISN'T EVEN NEEDED FOR GAMES!! Was there any part of that you didn't understand?

See, several research institutes have reported their interest in using the CELL CPU (Same one as in the PS3) to help them cure cancer , solve genetic equations, map stars. So maybe if the PS3's CPU can do all this maybe just maybe it can cause all those things to happen to you. Heck, maybe it can even steal your car! Oh wait, that's actually a game.

Let me know when YOUR PS3 cures cancer and maps the stars of the universe.

Umm, do you think that maybe the reason that no games go over 9GB is because a DVD can't hold anymore with that.

Think of the possibilities with the extra space. Sont reps have said that games are already filling 25GB disks and by next year some games will even be on 50GB Blu-ray. Think of the graphical rendering capabilities, minimized texture loss, little low res image quality when you face up to a wall, the need for less compression leading to better image quality. Yes, ALL THE EXTRA SPACE, RIGHT NOW, PERMITS, IS THE ENHANCE PQ ASPECT, but who's to say that in the next sixmonths this will be the case.

Look at FF XII. I have a feeling that this may take up more than DVD9. That's not to say that it couldn't fit on DVD9, but the compression necessary to make it fit may take away from some of the glorious detail. I don't know about you but theres something about a game that looks so great when I'm playing it that even if its not "that great" of a game I still want to play it. Gameplay, obviously, is the main concern, and as you have stated mickley, a 360 game with over 400 levels fit on a DVD9 and looked great. But who's to say it couldn't have looked better. It could have been "Claritin clear" had it been given an extra 15GB.

Honestly though, we all might as well give it up. NOTHING will change our minds on this!!!
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about the Ps3, I just got my gameinformer in for the month, and I will say this if this can produce this good of games that are pictured, I might, MIGHT make the switch, these games look AMAZING!, time will tell though, with sony I got burned on the Ps2, they advertised nice, played horrible!
XBOX360 doesn't need anything more than DVD9 because you say there is room enough. For M$ Boxers that is true. Seems I remember when Nintendo was trying to convince everybody that there was plenty of room in their cartridges for games. How'd that work out.

Seems I remember that when the PS2 came out with a DVD player Sega as saying that there was plenty of room on their CDs for game content. How'd that work out?

So now it is M$ saying there is plenty of room on DVD9 for game content. Anyone here see a pattern developing?:rolleyes:
XBOX360 doesn't need anything more than DVD9 because you say there is room enough. For M$ Boxers that is true. Seems I remember when Nintendo was trying to convince everybody that there was plenty of room in their cartridges for games. How'd that work out.

What kind of new BS is this you're spreading here this time, Joe?

Since when 360 doesn't need more but PS3 needs more?

I have a feeling you are about to expose your ignorance on game development again...

Seems I remember that when the PS2 came out with a DVD player Sega as saying that there was plenty of room on their CDs for game content. How'd that work out?

So now it is M$ saying there is plenty of room on DVD9 for game content. Anyone here see a pattern developing?:rolleyes:

We do: it's called Sony PR BS.
Umm, do you think that maybe the reason that no games go over 9GB is because a DVD can't hold anymore with that.

Think of the possibilities with the extra space. Sont reps have said that games are already filling 25GB disks and by next year some games will even be on 50GB Blu-ray. Think of the graphical rendering capabilities, minimized texture loss, little low res image quality when you face up to a wall, the need for less compression leading to better image quality.

I can't really take this silly blurb, filled with buzzwords, seriously... have you seen a recent game on PC?

Fillign up, sure - with extra useless crap fillings as Sony always did, to fight warez.

Yes, ALL THE EXTRA SPACE, RIGHT NOW, PERMITS, IS THE ENHANCE PQ ASPECT, but who's to say that in the next sixmonths this will be the case.

These outsider ideas about size limits are always cute... :)

Look at FF XII.

I do: it's a DVD.

I have a feeling that this may take up more than DVD9. That's not to say that it couldn't fit on DVD9, but the compression necessary to make it fit may take away from some of the glorious detail. I don't know about you but theres something about a game that looks so great when I'm playing it that even if its not "that great" of a game I still want to play it. Gameplay, obviously, is the main concern, and as you have stated mickley, a 360 game with over 400 levels fit on a DVD9 and looked great. But who's to say it couldn't have looked better. It could have been "Claritin clear" had it been given an extra 15GB.

Honestly though, we all might as well give it up. NOTHING will change our minds on this!!!

So let me summarize: you admit you don't know anything, you obviously don't really understand how it works but you have a 'feeling', moreover it tells you 'glorious details' will be taken away? You guys are so funny, seriously.:D
So let me summarize: you admit you don't know anything, you obviously don't really understand how it works but you have a 'feeling', moreover it tells you 'glorious details' will be taken away? You guys are so funny, seriously.:D

Great job re-wording exactly what I said. I don't know much about this game b/c not much has been releases to my knowlegde, but, again, looking at it from an open perspective, IT WOULD MAKE COMPLETE SENSE FOR THIS GAME TO TAKE MORE SPACE THAN DVD9 PERMITS. I am truly sorry if you cant see how this 'could' be possible.

Notice my emphysis on could. We don't know anything yet!. We can make assumptions and have closed opinions and perceptions, but what do we really know for sure? Are we listening to the Devs talking about space requirements? No. So what do we know for sure. What is PR and what if they are not telling the whole story. Again, I am truly sorry that you cant even see the possibility that this will be the case in the next few years.

But I think for the most part, I'm done with this as I have better things to do with my time than argue with the ethnocentric. I'll let the PS3 speak for itself 2 years from now!
Great job re-wording exactly what I said. I don't know much about this game b/c not much has been releases to my knowlegde, but, again, looking at it from an open perspective, IT WOULD MAKE COMPLETE SENSE FOR THIS GAME TO TAKE MORE SPACE THAN DVD9 PERMITS. I am truly sorry if you cant see how this 'could' be possible.

Notice my emphysis on could. We don't know anything yet!. We can make assumptions and have closed opinions and perceptions, but what do we really know for sure? Are we listening to the Devs talking about space requirements? No. So what do we know for sure. What is PR and what if they are not telling the whole story. Again, I am truly sorry that you cant even see the possibility that this will be the case in the next few years.

But I think for the most part, I'm done with this as I have better things to do with my time than argue with the ethnocentric. I'll let the PS3 speak for itself 2 years from now!
The basis of your argument is what sony reps (which you spelled sont reps) have said??? okay I am just making sure you realize that the reps, which are pushing blu ray are saying this kind of stuff, and you are eating it up like a bowl of soup after a nice winter day game of football, and washing it down with a nice hot cup of propaganda
The true progression of gaming has gone from the original Ultima for the PC on 10 5.25 discs to gaming posisbilities using the space available on a high definition disc. Notice here I did not say which HD disc.

The bottom line is that when programmers are given anything they are going to use it -- wheather that is memory, CPU speed, cache, Graphic GPU's , graphic memory , hard drive space, intial storage space on a CD, DVD or high def disc.

The programmers will use whatever is available to them. So lets see, a DVD-9 can hold what -- 9gb ? and a BluRay can hold 25 GB. So that would be 3 DVD's to one BluRay. Gets interesting when we double BluRay to 50 gb as that would be 9 DVD's. So I can see how that would get most gamers dander up if one said (like I believe Sony has) that in order to do true HD gaming you would really need a High Def delivery system like BluRay.

But can this possible be right? If we look at the CD to DVD transistion you would see 470mb to 9gb! So we would be talking 18 discs to one DVD-9! Well it did not take long for the programmers to blow right by the CD limit. Why can no one here see that in a year or two some programmers will blow right by the DVD-9 limit? It is going to happen sooner or latter. The game will have better graphics, textures, aninmation, sound, play mechanics, high resolutions, less repetition that are being seen in too many games right now.

Just because M$ says that you don't need it does not neccessarily make that the truth. Just because Sony says you need it right now does not neccessarily make it the truth.

But if history is telling us anything, games will get bigger, longer and better looking and that is going to use more disc space for delivery. That is just the nature of gaming -- whether it happens now or latter is moot. It will happen and right now the PS3 is designed for longer use then the XBOX360 in this current gamming generation. Whether that pans out will depend on the programmers and the people who buy their games -- the customer.
I disagree. Most PC Games still come out on CD Roms, although I haven't bought one in several months, so maybe they are finally migrating to standard DVD, much less Blu Ray/HD DVD.....

I don't understand why they don't simply ship a couple of XBox360 discs if space is such a premium (You could put the core system files on each disc, and put the prerendered scenes on disc 1, 2, 3, etc. as necessary. I remember having something like 5 discs when I played Wing Commander IV in the mid 90s. The world didn't stop spinning when I had to swap out a disc....

This is a case where Sony's one agenda is try and push a hi def standard on the marketplace that will feather their royalty coffers if it gains acceptance. Programmers will probably be more upset with the more difficult programming and the longer load times, than they will be excited about the bigger file cabinet to stuff 1s and 0s into....
The true progression of gaming has gone from the original Ultima for the PC on 10 5.25 discs to gaming posisbilities using the space available on a high definition disc. Notice here I did not say which HD disc.

The bottom line is that when programmers are given anything they are going to use it -- wheather that is memory, CPU speed, cache, Graphic GPU's , graphic memory , hard drive space, intial storage space on a CD, DVD or high def disc.

The programmers will use whatever is available to them. So lets see, a DVD-9 can hold what -- 9gb ? and a BluRay can hold 25 GB. So that would be 3 DVD's to one BluRay. Gets interesting when we double BluRay to 50 gb as that would be 9 DVD's. So I can see how that would get most gamers dander up if one said (like I believe Sony has) that in order to do true HD gaming you would really need a High Def delivery system like BluRay.

But can this possible be right? If we look at the CD to DVD transistion you would see 470mb to 9gb! So we would be talking 18 discs to one DVD-9! Well it did not take long for the programmers to blow right by the CD limit. Why can no one here see that in a year or two some programmers will blow right by the DVD-9 limit? It is going to happen sooner or latter. The game will have better graphics, textures, aninmation, sound, play mechanics, high resolutions, less repetition that are being seen in too many games right now.

Just because M$ says that you don't need it does not neccessarily make that the truth. Just because Sony says you need it right now does not neccessarily make it the truth.

But if history is telling us anything, games will get bigger, longer and better looking and that is going to use more disc space for delivery. That is just the nature of gaming -- whether it happens now or latter is moot. It will happen and right now the PS3 is designed for longer use then the XBOX360 in this current gamming generation. Whether that pans out will depend on the programmers and the people who buy their games -- the customer.


Still utterly clueless yet even louder - truly hilarious. :D

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