PS1 downloadables will not initially play on PS3


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
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Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
Rumors are $5 for each PS1 downloadable game. It will not play on the PS3 until a future software upgrade. They can be downloaded and will play on the PSP.

Phil Harrison Talks Downloadable PS1 Games on PS3

New details on how backwards compatible games will work.

Following today's PS3 press conference which Sony demonstrated its online PlayStation Store, 1UP was able to speak with Sony's Phil Harrison regarding the PS1 and PS2 titles that will be available for download (though don't expect to see downloadable PS2 games for a while).

According to Harrison, unlike how the PS2 would enhance PS1 games with texture smoothing and what not, the PS3 will offer no such visual enhancements (including resolution enhancements) for the previous generation titles. "They are as exactly as they were," said Harrison, who claims Sony preferred to rather deliver them in their original state.

Sony's intention is to eventually have its entire back catalogue of PS1 games available for download through the online PlayStation Store, barring any titles that can't be released because of legal issues (such as licenses for talent or music tracks having expired). "Unfortunately, when these games were originally developed, licenses weren't negotiated with this sort of future distribution in mind," said Harrison. He mentioned particularly looking forward to being able to offer people games that are essentially impossible to find, such as Motor Toon Grand Prix or Vib Ribbon. At the launch of the PS3, titles such as the original Syphon Filter and Twisted Metal will be available.

Harrison also explained how the PS1 downloads will initially be for play only on the PSP, but will later work on the PS3 when the emulation software is available. The beauty is that one download will be playable on both PlayStation machines, console and portable. According to Harrison, we can expect the games to be playable on PS3 by year's end. Of course, actual PS1 and PS2 games (not downloaded) will play on the PS3 right from the start.
As mentioned in the press conference, a piece of content such as a PS1 game can be downloaded on up to five PS3s, meaning that when you log into your profile on someone else's PS3 you have the rights to download it there as well.

if i am not mistaken, i believe the "silicon" is directly on the board so no emulation is necessary like for the 360. could be wrong tho, but i think i read this somewhere. Someone out there who is not so quick to jump on Sony for this and only see it "one way" please help substantiate this.
Someone out there who is not so quick to jump on Sony for this and only see it "one way" please help substantiate this.

LOL great post here, why in the world would you ever ever ever write this? do you not think for yourself. Can you not come to your own conclusions? or is it you need to easier to swallow?
if i am not mistaken, i believe the "silicon" is directly on the board so no emulation is necessary like for the 360. could be wrong tho, but i think i read this somewhere. Someone out there who is not so quick to jump on Sony for this and only see it "one way" please help substantiate this.

You might want to re-read my post and then the article from 1up. The silicon is if you put a PS1 disk into the PS3. It will play fine.

What the interview (and my post) is about is the DOWNLOADABLE PS1 games. They will not currently play per Phil Harrison from SONY.
LOL great post here, why in the world would you ever ever ever write this? do you not think for yourself. Can you not come to your own conclusions? or is it you need to easier to swallow?

umm no. I was actually reading sociology b/c i have a test coming up. I took a slight break, came to the computer, check my normal messageboards, saw this, rememberd something but wasn't 100% sure, and asked for someone else to fully substantiate what I said. I didn't have time to research.
umm no. I was actually reading sociology b/c i have a test coming up. I took a slight break, came to the computer, check my normal messageboards, saw this, rememberd something but wasn't 100% sure, and asked for someone else to fully substantiate what I said. I didn't have time to research.

ahh now it makes sense, I was wondering why someone would want something hand feed to them....but I understand now.

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