PS 3 Doing well? Yes or No?

The sales of the PS3......

  • show that Sony's dominance is over in the videogame industry.

    Votes: 18 37.5%
  • are dissapointing to this point, but they will eventually take over

    Votes: 15 31.3%
  • are on track to keep Sony on top of the videogame industry.

    Votes: 15 31.3%

  • Total voters


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 14, 2004
As a owner of just the XBOX 360 and loving every minute of all it has to offer as a game system. I just wanted to ask.....with all of the hype that the PS 3 came with around Christmas and the holidays, I notice that everywhere I go there are PS 3's available. Perhaps because there are no huge titles yet that people need to have. I don't know. What I wanted to know is if you think that the current launch of the PS 3 up to this point has been a failure or disappointment or success.
Beats me and frankly I don't really care one way or the other.
well the Ps3 is ahead of the 360 in sales at the same point in their lifetimes, just because you see a system in the stores dont mean jack as Sony has done a great job at keeping the supply chain am I saying that they are going to be #1, no, am I saying they arent going to be #1, no. I think your poll is a little misleading and the choices are almost flame bait. IMO. YMMV.
Here we are 6 months after the launch and the PS3 is in dead last after teh Wii, the 360, and even the PS2.... They keep hemorraging exclusives, and their decision to give up on backwards compatibility KILLED them in Europe saleswise.

Ding dong, their reign as the dominant leader is gone..... At this point the Wii wins in console sales and the 360 wins in software sales. Paper Mario may put Wii on top for a week or two, but then it will be back to normal..... The real battle will be this Christmas as more develop for the Wii..... People got surprised by this one.....
Here we are 6 months after the launch and the PS3 is in dead last after teh Wii, the 360, and even the PS2.... They keep hemorraging exclusives, and their decision to give up on backwards compatibility KILLED them in Europe saleswise.

Ding dong, their reign as the dominant leader is gone..... At this point the Wii wins in console sales and the 360 wins in software sales. Paper Mario may put Wii on top for a week or two, but then it will be back to normal..... The real battle will be this Christmas as more develop for the Wii..... People got surprised by this one.....

Bob, Far from over my friend, did you think the Ps3 was really going to be leader after 6 months, especially when the 360 has had a year? also they have never ever given up on B.C. as they are adding alot of titles by updates, and also they had over 1200 that played right out of the box- unlike you know who....also Of course the Ps2 is going to outsell it for a while, with games like The Show 07 and god of war 2 coming out who wouldnt want one, just wait Sony will slowly shut down the PS2 and make the PS3 a good seller (maybe not number 1, but we will see)....also I dont think you will see third party developers for the wii for awhile, there is a 3 month waiting period just to get a approval to develop.
Hey no prob.... It's just my humble opinion. People are also calling for Microsoft to ditch the 360, citing its' failure in Japan. Whatever. I still think the big story is how many consoles Nintendo is moving.

The 360 has been garnering the best software sales, but they've had Crackdown, Guitar Hero 2, and Gears of War to drive sales in the 1st quarter, while the PS3 has been lacking. Nintendo had the label of being weak on third party publishers supporting the format, but that should change quickly now that there are millions of consoles in the pipeline.

Sony's cut the 20GB version of the PS3 from the channel, HD DVD has refused to go away quickly and quietly, and there are boxes in stock everywhere and not moving easily. Let's see where we are at Christmas 2007, but they've lost momentum for many and the vultures are circling unless they cut the price or come up with much more compelling content...
Hey no prob.... It's just my humble opinion. People are also calling for Microsoft to ditch the 360, citing its' failure in Japan. Whatever. I still think the big story is how many consoles Nintendo is moving.

The 360 has been garnering the best software sales, but they've had Crackdown, Guitar Hero 2, and Gears of War to drive sales in the 1st quarter, while the PS3 has been lacking. Nintendo had the label of being weak on third party publishers supporting the format, but that should change quickly now that there are millions of consoles in the pipeline.

Sony's cut the 20GB version of the PS3 from the channel, HD DVD has refused to go away quickly and quietly, and there are boxes in stock everywhere and not moving easily. Let's see where we are at Christmas 2007, but they've lost momentum for many and the vultures are circling unless they cut the price or come up with much more compelling content...

you bring up a good point. So many times we here at the good ol Us of A think we are the only ones that matter, when really we are a percentage (maybe large maybe small) of gamers. What will really put the PS3 over the edge is not our country but other ones (japan, Europe). As for people crying for microsoft to drop the 360 I have heard it on the forums, and it will never happen, Halo is too big, Gears of war is making a strong showing! As for the Wii and third party developers we will see they are patching their relationship up now, but as I said Nintendo is giving them a big Middle finger by making them wait 3 months to just start the process of making games, sorta a where were you for the cube? I think you are right though This christmas will be VERY interesting, and give us a clearer picture of whats going on, either way we both have quality products that we will enjoy for a while and come on here and give each other crap about why our toys are better then anyone elses :)
So they'll develop more compelling content.

Doesn't this happen every time a new (& technologically advanced - not Wii) console comes out? Big splash, first-on-the-block types camp out, disappointment, slow build as more and better titles come out to take advantage of the new hardware?

Wii is the winner, no doubt. But are they really cannibalizing many sales from the other two? Might they be tending their own flock, and pulling in a lot of normally non gamers?

I can't worry too much about the PS3 and the gleeful proclamations the PS3 has failed (file that with "Blu-ray has won the format war" and "HD DVD is cheaper"). I understand it's outselling the Xbox360 when the Xbox360 first came out and was at this stage. And the PS3 hasn't burned anybody's house down. ;)
The Wii is selling a lot of consoles, but are they selling a lot of games?

I keep seeing stories about the Wii going places video games normally don't go (assisted living facilities, etc.).... But every time they show it, they are still playing the Bowling game.....

The trick is to get all those new gamers to buy new games as well.... Console sales aren't enough as the manufacturers make little money or take a loss on them.....Nintendo has their costs pretty low, since they save on pricey video chips and DVD drives.

The telling stat though is that the top 10 sales lists show the Nintendo consitently only having two or three titles in the top 10. The big first party titles move well, but third party titles are an also ran....
I bought a 360, and I enjoy it and dont regret buying it. HOWEVER, the main issue with the 360 and the XBox for that matter is original/exclusive content. (Halo & Forza being the only 2 that jump to mind)

I bought a Wii, and I also enjoy it, the main reasons i bought it is the innovation of the control scheme, the pricepoint, and exclusive content, SMART move to release Zelda at the start.

The PS3, the wild card, I DONT have one, Why? Price. Just couldnt justify it at this time with having the other 2 systems. Is it dead? No.
Will it be #1? doubtful, (Wii will, due to pricepoint) PS3 has many exclusive franchises that when they hit the shelves will drive sales (Kingdom Hearts, Jax, Gran Turismo, to name a few). I will probablt pick one up end of the year.

Now I think I am NOT alone, I would bet in this "next Generation", Multiple systems will be the NORM not the exception. With that being said, I would say there are easily enough sales to keep all 3 systems afloat and doing well.

The Winner? The Wii.
Runner Up? 360 Now, but could easily be PS3 by end of '07.

Holiday season '07 will be where the true war is fought, and we should all benefit with price cuts, and great game content for ALL systems.
PS3's biggest weakness is the loss of exclusives....

You mention Kingdom Hearts. Sony just lost that exclusive to the Wii. Squaresoft has also released a Final Fantasy game for the 360 (granted, it was their online version, not their single player version). You've got Gran Turismo, we've got Project Gotham Racing, so that is a wash in my book.... Jax is a decent draw, but not enough to get someone to shell out that much for a game system. Sony is already losing hundreds on every unit sold, I don't see them dropping it too much lower anytime soon (the elimination of 100% backwards compatibility was disastrous for the Europe launch, I wouldn't look for them to go that route here trying to get a cost cutting there).

There are a LOT of people waiting for Halo 3 to drop before ditching their original XBoxes. What megalaunch does Sony have to counter this? Riiiiidge Raaacer!!!!!


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