I undertood exactly what you meant, sorry if it appeared otherwise.
, the link I provided included that clarification, yet, I will summarize: MAC addresses ONLY appear on the LAN segment, he cannot see, log, act upon, detect, tie their forums to, or anything else wrt other hosts MAC addies since he cannot see MACs on the internet. Your MAC address never leaves the LAN.
Ok if you are on a router, then you will have to 'punch' holes in your router to allow certain ports, so unless you know how to add (N)PAT entries to your router, I will need the model/make of the router as well. If you DO know how to add them, then say so, and I will tell you what ports and so on.
Also, if you have a software firewall, you may have to open them (a few ports) up too (do not worry, none of these ports being opened exposes you to anymore danger than having any instant messanger running[1].
[1] This of course precludes errors in code which could lead to a security issue. Tor and privoxy, setup as shown, will not let anyone use your system without your express allowlance or/and knowledge.

Ok if you are on a router, then you will have to 'punch' holes in your router to allow certain ports, so unless you know how to add (N)PAT entries to your router, I will need the model/make of the router as well. If you DO know how to add them, then say so, and I will tell you what ports and so on.
Also, if you have a software firewall, you may have to open them (a few ports) up too (do not worry, none of these ports being opened exposes you to anymore danger than having any instant messanger running[1].
[1] This of course precludes errors in code which could lead to a security issue. Tor and privoxy, setup as shown, will not let anyone use your system without your express allowlance or/and knowledge.