Working on the premise that getting Satellite Internet is the last thing you should get unless there is no other option,I'm curious as to other people's opinion of the two,Exede versus Verizon HomeFusion Broadband. The thing I like about Exede is the Late Night/Early Bird Free Zone that they offer.......WHEN the internet connection works. I researched Verizon & I saw that people complain about how their data cap is measured for their HomeFusion Broadband,that they are hit for overages,even if they are not using the internet & they have to resort to shutting down their modem/router when not in use. the fact is,I haven't really heard good things about either service,& to me,Exede is the best of Satellite Internet. I'd choose them over HughesNet & certainly over Dish Net based on data caps alone. As far as wireless home internet,I've heard of another company called EVDO Depot USA who has plans with unlimited data for $119.00 for 3G & $125.00 for 4G. It looks like both satellite & wireless home internet have rural customers by the short hairs when it comes to internet connection.