Strange behavoir After ever thing was replaced, DPh42 (replaced), it was also grounded cause it was not. the 2 hybrid solo hubs(replaced) LNB (replaced) cause it had condensation in it and both joey 4k (replaced) Both hopper refused to see each other DVR and both jeoy 4k refuse to see both h3 in whole home tab as it usual took few hours for that to be seen. Moment I actual connected 2nd hopper 3 to internet the next day it all started seeing each or maybe i just never noticed they need to be connect to internet? but that all communicated via moca.
After all was done with tech visit I think only thing that been fixed is the scrambling. pretty sure at this point the DVR freeze up while skiping commericals is software related as this was NEVER an issue in all this time. but for last 2 software build it has been. it also randomly happen on live tv buffer if one rewind back then start skip stuff like commercials. again only on the joeys 4k and the been replaced, if it was hopper 3 issue it would do on the 2 hopper 3 too which it dont VoD playback issue on joey not sure if actual fixed either but at this point i dont care.
The micro jump/skip in live tv ONLY on joeys is still there and rewinding 10secs results in playback being fine.
I gona shelve all this unless thing get way worse, i dont wish to call dish about nothing no one you talk to know what they talking about and reading script off screen and you diffrent info every time you call
The tech that came out been tech for dish for 10 years directly not sub contractor, and he been begging for tech note that only tech can see in all this time, said any notes give to him are note the notes we customer give dish. less they get email from manager or something.