Proof that Mosquito Noise exists


It would be nice if we had a better way to capture true HD images from Voom and other sources, that way we might be able to compare apples to apples.

First, I've noticed that Voom appears to be grainy on SD, yet appears to have more resolution and less contrast than SD via Dish. This extra grain may cause some issues when compressed and recorded to a dvd recorder. Second, I've noticed that image quality on Voom thru s-video out does not always look as good as Dish via s-video. For these two reasons, I think it may be unfair to compare one source to the other via the dvd recorder method.

Also, your subject for this thread seems to point out that you have something that can show all of us that "mosquito noise" does truely exist on Voom yet does not exist on other solutions. The statement may true but so far we have nothing to compare. Maybe if you see an upcoming show on Discovery that has visible noise, you can let us know before hand so others with both sources can compare while the show airs?

Note: I believe your statements, just trying to find a way for us to show VOOM techs visible evidence. So they can see what you see.
Steve, I can cut you a DVD and send it to you, I realize it's SD, but the noise is there. I will try to compare something on DiscoveryHD for you guys that have both sources. DiscoveryHD on Voom is not like Equator where the noise is very obvious, you have to look in fine detail to see it, but once you know it's there, you can't miss it.

I'm really surprised if Voom engineers don't see it. Maybe once we get the PVR, they may be a way to export a segment in true HD that we could send to Voom for their review.
When you have a "drive-in theater size screen" you're going to notice screen noise. If your set isn't calibrated by an ISF professional you're going to notice picture problems. If you watch old films you're going to notice grain. In some of the "Eye Over" productions there is "picture noise" due to something in either production or post production. Everything else is realative to source material and whether it is upconverted, live, video or film.
I was having the mosquito noise people are describing when I was first installed.
The installer used the component cables provided by Voom. I have since switched to monter dvi to hdmi cables and it has been drastically reduced.
Tvlman said:
When you have a "drive-in theater size screen" you're going to notice screen noise. If your set isn't calibrated by an ISF professional you're going to notice picture problems. If you watch old films you're going to notice grain. In some of the "Eye Over" productions there is "picture noise" due to something in either production or post production. Everything else is realative to source material and whether it is upconverted, live, video or film.
Then why do I have ZERO noise on Dish HD & OTA channels? :yes
I know what film grain looks like and the noise on Voom is NOT film grain. :no
True, Equator shows vary with the noise, but it is visible on EVERY show. :no
I agree with the source material, but HDNET Movies shows the same exact movies as Cinema10, why does their presentation look so much cleaner and sharper than Voom? :(
Sure, good cable will help reduce noise, but again, the mosquito noise on Voom is NOT caused by bad cables. Why do I have ZERO noise with Dish when I am using the same type of cable from both boxes? Also, it doesn't matter if I use DVI or Component or S-Video, the noise is there. :(

I love Voom as much as you guys, but I am not going to stick up for them and try to justify away these issues saying someone didn't calibrate their pj properly or didn't use rip-off Monster cables, that's just wrong. Voom has a serious PQ issue and they need to fix it. So what if I have a drive-in size screen? That's my choice and I love it. I should have just as clean of an image on my screen as someone else does with a 27" Advent.

I'm done ranting, time to go chow down on some waffles. ;)
I dont know and I am not justifying for VOOM. I was just stating something I noticed. There are a lot of variable that cause "noise" when it comes to HD. I can not compare VOOM originals with other satellites but I can compare HD theatre and the PQ is the same as on my uncle's D* HD system. I can or should say could see mosquito noise on voom with my original set up. My wife told me I was to picky because she didnt notice it. However since I swithced cable I have noticed a difference in PQ. Just in case it helps: My setup is
TV: Hitachi 51F510 using HDMI input
Audio: JVC 888 avc
STB: Vooms using DVI out with monster cables (DVI to HDMI) set to 1080i out

Also I remember when the installer setup the stb he said some tvs had trouble
with pq when output sas set to 1080i so he set it to 720p. I changed it to 1080i when he left and that was when I noticed the noise. I didn't notice it as much with the output to 720p. Now that i have the dvi to hdmi cables not the component cable I have no problem with pq.

I hope this helps. I am not trying to stand up for voom it might be a problem or difference with their boxes/software and different setups.
I can't say I have noticed it on all stations, but it's always there (much like an uninvited mother in-law) on Equator and to a much lesser degree on a handful of other VOOM Exclusives. I have only 1 VOOM STB, but I experienced the same PQ issues when moving the receiver between HDTVs: Mits CRT RPTV, 1080i, component and Sony LCD RPTV, 720p/1080i, component. The Mits has firewire and I haven't tried a DVI-HDMI cable on the Sony.

I have changed settings on the VOOM box both sets, but nothing seems to the improve the Mosquito Noise. However, over the summer I noticed the PQ on all HD channels were outstanding during the wee hours of the night.

Anyway, experimentation may or may not help...however, I feel the root cause of this problem to be a combination of bandwidth, codecs, shoddy receivers, shoddy installation (multi-switches, cabling, diplexors, etc.). The Mosquito Noise is easy to see even on my smaller 50' GWIV.

My 2 cents...
darel - get big scren calibreted and you will nott have noise voom i hope is nott that bad and do not care for customor or they will be loosing allot at first of year
SO you are all saying i need to buy expensive DVI Monster Cables to get good PQ i thought Voom provided a DVI connection. :D
Believe me, I've tried everything on my pj and since I only see it with Voom and not Dish or Dtheater tapes, I have to deduce that the noise is coming from Voom.

On the plus side, as much as I've blasted DiscoveryHD on Voom, tonight during Extreme Engineering it looked perfect. Dish was pixelating so I switched to Voom and it was the best Voom picture I have seen to date, absolutely ZERO noise.

Come on Voom, do it to the rest of the channels and I will shut up.
I definitely see the "mosquito noise" on equator - it looks like the image is shimmering during motion shots - particularly aerial shots of tree-tops. I would say it is some sort of compression artifact as it is most present when large areas of the screen are changing at once and are similar in color. I have a 50" plasma on component cables.
Last night I received the 7.26 software upgrade. This morning I was watching "Over France" on Equator HD and did not notice any mosquito noise. I'll check it out again this evening. Anyone else notice any PQ improvement with v7.26?

Did they announce the New Year price increase yet?

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