Product Review - Dish Network's DTVPal Digital Converter

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
We are less then six months away to the big digital television transition. Many Americans will need to purchase a digital converter so that t...


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Hello Scott, couple naive questions - my C-Band analog is "shrinking" channels gone so if I hookup box (convertor) I assume I can get back "plenty" of "new" channels ? is that right ??
Also I bought (added up) FTA and technician installing system found strong signals BUT we do not see any picture ??? what would be wrong in this puzzling me situation ???
....don't lough if they are really cheap ones ... regards..Chris
The Digital To Analog converters, such as the DTVpal, are only for over the air antenna television (VHF/UHF) not any kind of satellite reception at all.

On the other hand, if you can hook up an FTA (MPEG 2 / DVB) receiver to your C-Band dish, you may indeed get many of the "new" channels that are up there.
Thank you - so far I am feeling more clear.....I have FTA unit (Viewsat X-treme) and old Toshiba C-Band receiver which is still working and wonder how to make connection since actuator for dish goes through Toshiba - shoul I connect two unit directly ? any hints ? -- regards..Chris

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