Problem with 83 w K band on my new MicroHD

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Assuming the dish didnt move and all hardware os OK...did you change the LNB freq back to 10750? (pages 2-3 of this thread discuss it).
Also, it is possible you might need to slightly "tweak" your allignment because of the different size of LNB.
I bet you forgot to reset the LNB to standard and 10750. Also 22khz to OFF.

That sat meter is very broadband, it will pick up signals from adjacent sats. It is best used to tweak a dish once you already are viewing a channel.
All was lost before I tried the new lnb, The only reason that I tried it at that point was to be sure the old lnb was not the problem. The old lnb was set to 10750 the only freq. it would function at and the only one listed on the tag.

I finally went in and reset it again to 10750 checked all other settings and still no signal. Nothing working. The sat dish set for 6 months and was dead on I can't imagine it moved overnight...I did check it and the signal was peeked on the meter. All other times in the past when I used the meter for initial setup it was almost dead on.
All was lost before I tried the new lnb, The only reason that I tried it at that point was to be sure the old lnb was not the problem. The old lnb was set to 10750 the only freq. it would function at and the only one listed on the tag.

I finally went in and reset it again to 10750 checked all other settings and still no signal. Nothing working. The sat dish set for 6 months and was dead on I can't imagine it moved overnight...I did check it and the signal was peeked on the meter. All other times in the past when I used the meter for initial setup it was almost dead on.
It's not easy to help you, because just about every sentence you type out tends to contradict the one before it, and/or doesn't give enough info. That makes it next to impossible to tell what's really going on, and what you did in response which may have complicated things further. I realize that might be because you really don't have a real good background or know what's correct or not with these systems. If you don't know those sorts of things, you can never figure what's correct or not. I'm not trying to be harsh to you, I do want to help and this post will hopefully help in that regard.

I suggest if you want to continue on with this hobby, that you ask if anybody doing fta here at Satguys lives near you and is willing to come out and check things over for you. ONCE it truly is setup properly and working as it should, maintaining it is much easier.
Did you do the initial install of your FTA system or not. If not can you get the installer to help you out.
I agree with Primestar31's comments, at this point I'm somewhat confused with your responses.
It's not easy to help you, because just about every sentence you type out tends to contradict the one before it, and/or doesn't give enough info. That makes it next to impossible to tell what's really going on, and what you did in response which may have complicated things further. I realize that might be because you really don't have a real good background or know what's correct or not with these systems. If you don't know those sorts of things, you can never figure what's correct or not. I'm not trying to be harsh to you, I do want to help and this post will hopefully help in that regard.

I suggest if you want to continue on with this hobby, that you ask if anybody doing fta here at Satguys lives near you and is willing to come out and check things over for you. ONCE it truly is setup properly and working as it should, maintaining it is much easier.

I am sorry if you are confused by my responses. I am doing my best to do all of the things that are suggested by you guys and I do appreciate the help. I realize that being said I posted a confusing list of specs fot the lnb. unfornitally that was not the lnb that was in the system at the time of posting. The one that was only had one lo listed 10750. I do not know haw anything else would work.I dig make all the changes suggested no avail. The system had been up and running for about a year with no problems till the S-10 croaked.
Had the hd working fine also at 10750 setting. Last night fine, today dead in the water...Hardware me thinks not.
Did you do the initial install of your FTA system or not. If not can you get the installer to help you out.
I agree with Primestar31's comments, at this point I'm somewhat confused with your responses.

Yes I installed it, First off I had problems moving the dish, only to find out that the Dynosat receiver had a weak power section and did not have enough output to properly move the dish. That is when I purchased the S-10. Once sorry If I confused you.
Update to dead in the water.

I called the boys in California and spoke with the General Manager, Eugene, who seemed very knowledgeable,
Professional and helpful. He had me retrive information for him and try diffrent no avail the final request was to do a factory reset, disconnect power for 20 seconds and enter all information again. After so doing still no signal. I thought that perhaps if I changed the lo freq to something else and then back to 10750 it might help, you never know. What happened next was rather odd. The quality suddenly showed 10 and at the same time I heard a snap. I am not sure if it came from the tv audio or the micro box. The quality jumped back and forth between 10 and 70 then held between 67 to 70. I was able to get back all channels and sats I rescanned.
I would like to believe that I am not an Idiot! I do not have the ability to state that I have been at this for 30 years, but I try my best and after all isn't that all one can ask for?
And before i forget it currently the GeosatPro Sl1pll is in the system. As time prevails I will readjust the sat dish. A vertical adjustmeat at a most east sat and a horizontal at the most west sat. If any of you have a better way to set the proper arc let me know and I will give it a shot, oh yes I moved the lnb front to rear in the holder and it is set to 0 deg. On a blind scan of 83 w, I got TUFE,PBJE andRTVE, had to do a preprogrammed PT's to ger the rest.
Thank you all again,'
Good to hear you finally sorted it out.
Driving a motor can put a lot of stress on a power supply as well the new PLL LNBs do draw more power than the non PLL type. Some receivers handle a motor better than others. Also a large dish can stress the motor if it is undersized.

Enjoy your new receiver.
Good to hear you finally sorted it out.
Driving a motor can put a lot of stress on a power supply as well the new PLL LNBs do draw more power than the non PLL type. Some receivers handle a motor better than others. Also a large dish can stress the motor if it is undersized.

Enjoy your new receiver.

Thank you I will. If only I could be sure it is all sorted out. I am hoping to hear more from sat av gen. manager Eugene as to his thoughts of all that happened between turning it off last evening and getting it back up later today.
It is a little premature to be certain, however it appears that the new geosat pll is helping with the 83w scanning.
What happened next was rather odd. The quality suddenly showed 10 and at the same time I heard a snap. I am not sure if it came from the tv audio or the micro box. The quality jumped back and forth between 10 and 70 then held between 67 to 70. I was able to get back all channels and sats I rescanned.
Thank you all again,'

My Panasonic plasma TV makes a very loud popping snap type of noise through the speakers when my receiver momentarily locks a weak signal and then loses it, hopefully that's all the noise was. Hopefully it stays working and you're good to go!
Im glad you are up and running. I know how frustrating these things can be. I would peak the dish at your true south satellite first. Don't mess with the declination unless you have issues at the extreme east or west satellites. I have to adjust my ku dish at least once a year after the march winds (usually drops a bit). In your case you have been changing lnbs (and putting downward pressure on the arm) so yours may have dropped also. Im sure if you are patient you will gain a few quality points throughout the arc. Another thing that may help you is to take a tv out to the dish (and a receiver) and use the onscreen signal meter unless you have a high end signal meter. I use an old captiveworks receiver that has a tone for tuning. Works great for me because I can hear the difference as the signal increases.
And so goes the motor of a dish life; and through the sands of time, so goes the "0" of the motor as does each day of life. Each problem you fixed up was only your time to search for cause; one dish is all that is required. When all is settled, it's your dish, receptor, and receiving life. I myself can fix mined owned myself; I am glad you made it to your finish line, done! Your dish, your home; no channel un-found. It must be done, there is only time. And like sands through an hourglass, so go the days of our life. Thank you, you original!
:) i am so glad to be a member of this group !!! i read every word in this quest, everyone who posted did their very best to fix sams problems, VERY GOOD JOB GUYS!!!!!!
My Panasonic plasma TV makes a very loud popping snap type of noise through the speakers when my receiver momentarily locks a weak signal and then loses it, hopefully that's all the noise was. Hopefully it stays working and you're good to go!
A Raine, That does sound like what happened to me! Hope that is the case and not something deep rooted. I appreciate your post as it has helped put my concerns a little more to rest...Thank you, Sam
Results from Sat av california Gen. Man. Eugene

Hello every one, I spoke with Eugene from SatAv. Yesterday he had me do one last thing and I reported back to him today with the results. That last thing was a factory reset with a power down. Everything seems to be functioning fine currently! According to Eugene the micro needs to refresh 2 different memory areas after a program, (software), update. I only preformed the update; still was having problems, however after the factory reset that allowed both sections of memory to be refreshed. Now everything seems fine. I am very happy to have the system up and running. This also confirms the integrity of my installation, the components of the system and the settings in the MicroHD. My heart felt Thank You to all of you who took time to read this post and bear with an OLD GUY doing his best. Thank you for the replies they have helped me become more knowledgeable of what could have been possible or potential problems.
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