Pro-Voomer Dropping Voom - Sadly

Gladly, I've never had any problem with VOOM billing. They never asked for a credit card and just send a paper bill each month. I send them a check, though I wish I could pay on their website.

So far, so good,
VOOM basicaly steals,if they can over bill x amount of customer per month and not return the monies to customers for say 4-6 weeks they make out.I have to return a pneumatic air stapler this morning,I will bet that by the time I am home to day,2-3pm (it's friday)that my card will be credited.From my experence with Installs and CSR I think VOOM would be better off subing everything out to my youngest son's kindergarden class,they have more energy
Also my youngest walks around saying that 2+3 equals 5 and that 10x10 equals 100,maybe VOOM can hire him and thier billing problems will be solved,he's 5
I have pondered this whole Voom billing problem scenario...

If their billing department is so screwed up, maybe there accounting department is also.

I've added up my time that I've wasted on Voom between the phone calls and tech's who didn't know what was up coming over.

Trying to find out if it would be legal to mail them a bill for my time, who knows, they might even send me a check :)

I'd do it just as an experiment, its silly to expect them to pay me for wasting my time, however you never know, someone might rubber stamp it and cut a check.
If you don't like it then don't read it. I think it's good that people mention when they cancel. That way any potential new victims of Voom will see it as well as the positive propaganda that Voom wants you to know.
I think its sometimes people just need to vent. And if they go to there wives they here I told you so. So..... It comes out here. Anyhow I find some of the information useful when someone explains the reason they have left. You just need to have the ability to read between the lines of some of the posts. Granted I must say the most recent cancellation notices have been more civil. Now my question is Why to people feel it necessary to comment on a post in a useless method such as criticizing the topic of other members posts?
Well I'm canceled. It will be interesting to see what they "think" I owe now. They will probably try yo bill me for the equip that is to be picked up tomorrow.
The voom lady ask why I was leaving, I said messed up billings and still no dvr. She never said anything about my billings comment, but did say she heard they were getting a dvr, but didnt have one yet to offer.
My new mediacom HD-dvr is better than great. Not as many HD channels as voom, but I can now watch more HD than with voom, because of the dvr. And no $1000 for it, like with D*.
Lets just hope voom gets their act together and their dvr too.
Cable is going to kil the Sat companies if they don't get competitive.

I'd be on cable in a heart beat if we didn't have Backwater Digital where I live. Guy I work with 2 miles away gets a SWEET deal through Brighthouse for $105 and change, HD DVR, HD channels, 4mbps internet service, all the channels, blah blah blah...

Had E* installed its not Voom but it is decent and there DVR is a rocket.

The Voom stuff is sitting on the porch...
Eric_C said:
Cable is going to kil the Sat companies if they don't get competitive.

I'd be on cable in a heart beat if we didn't have Backwater Digital where I live. Guy I work with 2 miles away gets a SWEET deal through Brighthouse for $105 and change, HD DVR, HD channels, 4mbps internet service, all the channels, blah blah blah...

Had E* installed its not Voom but it is decent and there DVR is a rocket.

The Voom stuff is sitting on the porch...

Sorry to tell you but E* is a company that is going nowhere with HD. If you invested in a 921 (HD DVR), you are throwing money out of the window unless you don't care. Go to E* forum and read all the vaporware and comments made by Mr. President Ergan. It looks all these satellite companies are putting all their customers in a period of limbo until they get more technology able to deliver more channels.
I have the SD DVR.

Your right, the sat companies are keeping people in limbo, and D* probably has the most on the horizon but to get D* was buying into a product that may require replacement soon.

E* was the best deal considering that I'm buying nothing and its open ended, so once all the dust settles I can move into what we want.

I expect a merger of some kind...and I'd never buy a 921 DVR, thats just throwing money away IMO. I'd think about leasing one but not buying one. The E* lease really is decent but I wish I could do the Brighthouse deal my neighbors get.

The E* people did really try to push me into a 1 year, in fact had I not noticed the paper they had me sign was for a 1 year. They seemed a bit miffed when I told them I wanted open ended. They told me I would not get the Digital Home Protection for free on an open ended. When I asked about warranty and they told me if it broke I'd be stuck unless I wanted to pay for a warranty, if there stuff breaks in the first 12 months they can come pick it up.

I've been lucky so far, the 811 has been problem free, their DVR fixes the biggest problem I've had with Tivo and that is the speed at which things happen. I hate the pause with Tivo when you hit a button. The E* DVR is much more speed friendly.

They aren't the best but for nearly 1/3 the cost of V* I get 100 percent of what we normally watch which is the important part.
Buy the warranty... I am not sure what it is right now but it used to be about $5/mth. These receivers tend to break easily. They are working fine and one day they just don't work.

About the VOOM comercials on TV

Leave Voom because of no Sports channel?

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