Prizes for Holiday Party!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Hello Guys and Gals,

As you know we will be holding a special Christmas Party Chat on Monday Night December 13th at 9PM Eastern Time.

We are calling this chat a Christmas Party chat as a way of saything thank you to all and wishing everyone warm holidy tidings. At this party you just may be lucky enough to win a great prize!

Normally in our chats we give away Satellite Equipment, but we figured this time around let's do something better. In our last chat we asked those in the chat what they would like to prizes and we got quite a list, and I am happy to say we have gotten almost every item requested! And we still have some shopping to do as well!

So for now here is our Initial list of prizes which we will be giving away on Monday Night the 13th!

1 - Dish Network 921 High Definition DVR (Courtesy of DishStore.NET)
1 - Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra FTA/MPEG2 Revceiver (courtesy / Fortec)
1 - Nintendo DS System - Complete with 4 games, Metroid Prime Huneters (Demo), Super Mario 64 DS, The Urbz (Sims in the City), Madden 2005.
1 - Harmony SST659 Remote
1 - Sony Atrac Walkman / Mini Disc Player / MP3 Player with all accessories and carying case

Plus I should note that on the 13th we will also be naming the 2004 SatelliteGuy of the year award winner! This lucky winner will receive $500 in cash and prizes!!

I will be posting the official rules later on, and I should also note that the prize list is not complete!

And if you are a SatelliteGuys Pub Member (Financial Supporter) or Staff Member we will be having special drawings for those folks as well! (I will post deatils of these giveaways in another posting)

Stay tuned as we announce more!
Scott, even if you didn't give stuff away i'd (we) still would be here, everyday, reading these threads for the latest info you have to give us, as well as what others have to contribute to your forums. Thanks for doing what you do. :)
The chats are always fun (chat room that is, not the broadcast version), but those are some GREAT prizes! And there may be even more.

Thanks for the forum, and putting this whole contest together. Thanks also go out to all the other Staff Members for their assistance. And to the sponsors - yes we're paying attention.

See you all on the 13th. Good luck to everyone!

Yup I will be waking up at 4:30am on Friday Morning and seeing what other goodies I can find for you guys. :)
Ho Ho Ho...

Wow... 14 hours later, we are home from shopping... I hope all of the SatelliteGuys have a very Merry Christmas, and I hope you all get what you want for X-Mas. I am going to rest my typing fingers now, because I am going to need them to give out all the GREAT prizes for you all on the 13th... Good Luck Everyone :)
I would post a message and let you know everything I got today (and boy did I spend and spend!) but I am dead tired, we got up and have been shopping since 4:30 this morning.

So when I wake up tommorow I will go take inventory and update the prize list. And it's going to take me awhile to type everything up. :)
Sorry I haven't posted the updated list yet, I have had a very unexpected busy day. I still not have had time to unpack everything and make a list.

If my memory is good here is what I purchased to add to our prize giveaways! :)

1 - XBOX System with 3 games and XBOX Live
3 - Portable DVD Players
2 - Under the counter CD Player/Radio units
2 - 128MB USB Jump Drive Keychains
1 - Maganavox Progressive Scan DVD Player

I will post the complete updated list when I get a chance. :)
Scott, you didn't have to go all out on the prizes for the giveaway! I feel bad that you spent so much for it. You are one of the very few forum administrators on the web that really cares about their members. :) Thank you.
Welcome to, Prize Goddess! :D :)

This is really the first time you posted on here (and just joined on the 8th)? I find that surprising.
That's a great list of prizes you and Scott grabbed for the giveaway. :yes
I made her sign up under Prize Goddess the other day. :) She was here as SatelliteGirl before.

I can't wait for the 13th, I do hope that I make a lot of you guys holidays a little more merry. :D Good luck to all!
My birthday is on the 12th and I really wouldn't mind my present being a day late :) especially if it's a 921!
Whoever wins will have a very nice Christmas indeed. :) I can't wait to see who the winners are!!
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