Printable satellite chart

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Dec 26, 2006
Anyone know of a chart with the US satellite positions/names that I can print out? Don't care if it comes out to several pages, would just like to have something I can take out to the dish when I'm tinkering (no laptop/wifi)
Something like the chart they used to put in the old satellite Orbit magazine would be nice, but I can't find such these days.
BITD it looked like this at the dish ;)

DodgeDish 041.JPG
Just the names and positions? I pulled this off-line.Not sure how up to date it is though.Copy and paste.Remove any you don't need.Then print. ;)

0.5°W Meteosat 7 (incl. 2.0°) 060110
0.8°W Thor 2 060108
0.8°W Thor 3 060109
1.0°W Intelsat 10-02 060108
3.0°W Gorizont 26 (incl. 8.7°) 060111
3.4°W Meteosat 8 (incl. 0.6°) 060110
3.5°W MSG 2 (moving 1.8°E/day) 060108
4.0°W Amos 1 060110
4.0°W Amos 2 060108
5.0°W Telecom 2C (incl. 2.0°) 060111
5.0°W Atlantic Bird 3 060111
7.0°W Nilesat 101 060109
7.0°W Nilesat 102 060110
8.0°W Telecom 2D 060109
8.0°W Atlantic Bird 2 060110
11.0°W Express A3 060110
12.5°W Atlantic Bird 1 060108
14.0°W Gorizont 32 (incl. 6.4°) 060110
14.0°W Express A4 060111
15.0°W Telstar 12 060111
15.5°W Inmarsat 3 f2 060111
18.0°W Intelsat 901 060109
20.0°W Intelsat 603 (incl. 3.2°) 060111
22.0°W NSS 7 060110
24.0°W Cosmos 2379 (incl. 1.7°) 060111
24.5°W Intelsat 905 060109
27.5°W Intelsat 907 060110
30.0°W Hispasat 1B (incl. 2.2°) 060111
30.0°W Hispasat 1C 060104
30.0°W Hispasat 1D 060107
31.5°W Intelsat 801 060110
33.9°W Marisat 3 (incl. 13.4°) 060109
34.5°W Intelsat 903 060110
37.5°W Telstar 11 (incl. 1.6°) 060108
37.5°W AMC 12 060109
40.5°W NSS 806 060109
41.0°W TDRS 10 (incl. 4.2°) 060110
43.0°W PAS 6B 060110
43.1°W PAS 3R 060106
45.0°W PAS 1R 060110
46.0°W TDRS 4 (incl. 7.6°) 060110
49.0°W TDRS 1 (incl. 12.3°) 060109
50.0°W Intelsat 705 060109
52.0°W Inmarsat 4 f2 (moving 1.3°W/day) 060111
53.0°W Intelsat 707 060109
54.0°W Inmarsat 3 f4 060110
55.5°W Intelsat 805 060111
58.0°W PAS 9 060110
60.5°W HGS 1 (moving 0.3°W/day) 060109
61.0°W Amazonas 060111
61.5°W EchoStar 3 060110
61.5°W Rainbow 1 060107
62.0°W TDRS 9 (incl. 5.4°) 060111
63.0°W Estrela do Sul 1 060110
65.0°W Brasilsat B2 060110
70.0°W Brasilsat B1 060110
71.8°W Nahuel 1 060110
72.0°W AMC 6 060109
72.5°W DirecTV 1 060109
74.0°W SBS 6 060109
74.0°W Galaxy 3R (incl. 1.3°) 060110
75.0°W GOES 12 060110
77.0°W EchoStar 4 (incl. 1.2°) 060110
79.0°W AMC 5 060110
79.0°W Satcom C3 (incl. 1.2°) 060108
82.0°W Nimiq 2 060110
83.0°W AMC 9 060110
84.0°W Brasilsat B3 060110
85.0°W Satcom C4 (incl. 1.6°) 060111
85.0°W AMC 2 060109
85.0°W AMC 16 060109
85.1°W XM 3 060109
87.0°W AMC 3 060111
89.0°W Intelsat Americas 8 060110
90.9°W Galaxy 9 060109
91.0°W Galaxy 11 060109
91.0°W Nimiq 1 060108
91.1°W Nimiq 3 060110
92.0°W Brasilsat B4 060110
93.0°W Intelsat Americas 6 060110
95.0°W Galaxy 3C 060110
97.0°W Intelsat Americas 5 060110
98.0°W Inmarsat 2 f2 (incl. 3.0°) 060110
99.0°W Galaxy 4R 060110

Spaceway 2
100.8°W DirecTV 2 060110
100.8°W DirecTV 1R 060110
100.8°W DirecTV 8 060108
101.0°W AMC 4 060110
101.1°W AMSC 1 (incl. 1.3°) 060110

101.2°W DirecTV 4S 060110
102.8°W Spaceway 1 060109
103.0°W AMC 1 060109
105.0°W AMC 15 060110
105.0°W G-Star 1 (incl. 7.8°) 060110
105.0°W G-Star 3 (incl. 12.6°) 060110
106.5°W MSAT 1 060109
107.3°W Anik F1 060110
107.3°W Anik F1R 060109
108.5°W Solidaridad 1 (incl. 4.8°) 060110
109.5°W DirecTV 6 060110
109.8°W DirecTV 5 060110
110.0°W EchoStar 6 060110
110.0°W EchoStar 8 060110
111.1°W Anik F2 060110
113.0°W Solidaridad 2 060110
113.5°W GOES 11 060110
115.0°W XM Roll 060110
115.0°W XM Rock 060110
116.8°W SatMex 5 060109
119.0°W EchoStar 7 060110
119.0°W DirecTV 7S 060108
121.0°W EchoStar 9/Intelsat Americas 13 060110
123.0°W Galaxy 10R 060109
125.0°W Galaxy 12 060110
125.0°W Galaxy 14 060111
127.0°W Galaxy 13/Horizons 1 060110
129.0°W EchoStar 5 060110
129.0°W Intelsat Americas 7 060109
131.0°W AMC 11 060110
133.0°W Galaxy 1R 060109
133.0°W Galaxy 15 060110
135.0°W AMC 10 060110
135.0°W GOES 10 060110
137.0°W AMC 7 060110
139.0°W AMC 8 060110
142.0°W Inmarsat 2 f3 (incl. 2.8°) 060109
148.0°W EchoStar 1 060110
148.0°W EchoStar 2 060110
151.0°W TDRS 7 (incl. 8.2°) 060111
Thanks for the replies-gave me some ideas at least. I think I will have to create what I'm needing-something like the lyngsat list, but I want to add the elevation for each at my location. That would save me going in and out to punch up dishpointer when I'm aiming one of these 4 fixed dishes.
That Boeing satellite map is beautiful....would be great for presentations.

I have a "Go Bag" for my important items - hearing aid, bifocals, false teeth, and Minoxidil.
Here is the chart that I have used. I built it up in MS Excel, for C-Band. It shows the Arc location in Degrees, the Satellite name and the Sat. symbol. I included the pulse count from the mover, in my case a Drake ESR1624U IRD from the old days. I have it programmed so that when I punch in the last 2 digits of the Arc Degrees, it goes to that satellite. Also listed are some transponders that I found on each satellite, although this is not up to date, as I did this a couple of years ago. I use this as my reference when I need to find a new satellite.


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Here is a link to a spreadsheet I put together to calculate azimuth and elevation along with skew. It lists most of the satellites for North America, but don't remember if I put the names in, because prefer just the longitude where they are parked. Maybe it will be of help. Just need your lat, long and magnetic declination and it will calculate it all.
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