Prime Time TV Test

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can we take the opportunity to rename other "Other Broadcast Networks" to CW? It's not like MNTV is a real network anymore.
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Also, a "Streaming" thread, for House of Cards, Orange is New Black, The After (coming to Amazon), etc?
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ABC should be cleaned up with the old and new threads merged. Let me know if I missed one. I'll work on the other nets as I have a chance.

Those should be in the IPTV forum.
No - the IPTV programming forum is more for "when does The Walking Dead become available?" and similar. In the case of the shows mentioned above, these are cases where Netflix, Amazon, etc are effectively becoming networks just like USA, AMC, and so on.
No - the IPTV programming forum is more for "when does The Walking Dead become available?" and similar. In the case of the shows mentioned above, these are cases where Netflix, Amazon, etc are effectively becoming networks just like USA, AMC, and so on.
Nope. The IPTV/Streaming Programming forum is for programming, also. Scroll over the thread and the forum descriptor box will come up. There are already a couple threads in there.

I found Orange is the New Black on the 2nd page and no activity since June.... Either no one from this site likes the show or they can't find it :rolleyes: I had to search for House of Cards and yes, it's in that forum, but no activity since the first week of June.
Those should be in the IPTV forum.

Strongly disagree. They are series that should not be buried by a technical/media association. The only programming that floats to the top of that thread is WWE silliness.
WWE Network is IPTV programming... and a IPTV channel, it qualifies. :)

My wife likes Orange is the new Black.
Those should be in the IPTV forum.

I disagree. People don't go into the IPTV thread to discuss the actual programming. Instead they go over into Prime time. A streaming thread to discuss programming actually makes sense there.

Quite honestly, I didn't even know we had an IPTV thread, as to me that sounds more like a technical thread to discuss services, not programming.
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I disagree. People don't go into the IPTV thread to discuss the actual programming. Instead they go over into Prime time. A streaming thread to discuss programming actually makes sense there.

Quite honestly, I didn't even know we had an IPTV thread, as to me that sounds more like a technical thread to discuss services, not programming.
I agree with your disagreement.
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