I have heard that Bob contributed to it somehow but don't know for sure all the details myself. Was it an issue with Bob directly or was there an issue with others as a result of Bob and so forth? I never really paid a whole lot of attention to it.
I remember when DBSDish was out and then got bought out and the forums were no longer there and it turned into DBSForums then turned into DBSTalk then this site was formed. The whole time DishRetailer was always out I believe.
Yeah I was a founding father of a sorts

The issue at the time? 6 non functional 721s sitting here

Mine was crashed because jen put in too many timer events, over 70 mostly cooking shows

The software had no limits built in,
too many events crashed the box

the 5 refurb 721s wouldnt download set up software thru a SW64.
No one at E appeared to know ANYTHING about these issues

Someone on the boards said too many events.......
I went looking for a twin LNB it was the start of the new season and wife was riding a broom about no TV

Local E dealer laketon TV REFUSED to sell me a LNB claiming I wasnt their customer........
had to drive all over town for a stupid LNB

I RIPPED E and the deserved it! Scott got unhappy with my posts...
He and chris had a falling out

Meanwhile chris sold out witout warning the members. I took him to task on this and got myself banned.
So wierdly I got invited

For a large number of years I mostly lost interest in satellite tv

Finally decided to upgrade, and then E decided on the rip off fees