Price Increase on NFLST for 2010 season

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Who needs ST when you have Redzone HD really...
I bet you anything this upcoming year DirecTV will lose subscribers on ST because of Redzone and this stupid ass price increase.

Who ? that
I wanna watch entire cowboys games & also games i am betting $$ on, not just parts of games that redzone shows.

& again directv always has new people coming into sunday ticket each season so they dont care if they lose some renewing subs along the way.

+ as mentioned many times it helps keep a cap on the # of people that have ST which is the goal & its why the NFL contracts exsclusively with just directv in the 1st place.
Just my take on ST, but I think it's geared more to those that want to watch entire games or to channel-surf, like me, to various games. I rarely watch the RZ Channel and I don't use the other SF options but overall, ST has been great for me. That said, the price last year was getting too high for me as well as others here so I called for the 1st time and got a good deal. I'll be calling again this summer.
Just my take on ST, but I think it's geared more to those that want to watch entire games or to channel-surf, like me, to various games. I rarely watch the RZ Channel and I don't use the other SF options but overall, ST has been great for me. That said, the price last year was getting too high for me as well as others here so I called for the 1st time and got a good deal. I'll be calling again this summer.

I'm in the same boat as you, I love my ST and want to be able to watch MY game.
I have NO INTEREST in the extra fantasy stuff that were stuck paying for, all I want it my ST in HD with a score guide (Sunday Snap, was it called) channel.

This way I can see my game and catch the end of other games too.
Funny but I actually prefer the red zone channel to watching the ST games. I like watching my old home teams games but half of them are televised nationally anyhow.

With the regular ST games, I'll record what looks to be the 2 best games of the day and watch them time delayed so I can skip the commercials. Most of the time or or two of the good looking games ends up sucking, and since I'm watching them a few hours delayed I have no chance to switch over. In the meanwhile, 2-3 other games that you wouldnt think would be good end up being shootouts or having some great plays.

Record the RZ channel and watch that in real time or near real time, and you get everything as it happens.

Too bad DTV wont offer the RZ channel separately from NFLST, but maybe they'll have to if all the cable companies offer it and they get customer defections. Heck, the cost of NFLST and SF would almost cover a full years cable bill...

That its cheaper than going to the game really isnt applicable to most people, since they dont live near enough to a stadium. And at my age sitting out in 30 degree weather for four hours doesnt sound too appealing.

I'll call to cancel, if they offer me what they did this past year (<$200 + free superfan) then I'll keep it. Otherwise its a no-go. Its just way too much money to watch a sporting event for a couple of hours on one day every week.

Last year I was able to get ST including SF for $260.00 early bird special, plus I was able to receive a $20 credit for 6 months for re-subscribing to ST ( I had been a previous customer of the package). I am with you, if I receive ST plus SF for under $ 200.00 I'll do it , otherwise NO WAYYYYY !!!! Do people actually pay $314.00 plus $100 for SF ?? $ 414 for the package, seems like a big time rip off , but I guess some people must pay it, I certainly wouldn't, my breaking point is $200.00 firm.
Last year I was able to get ST including SF for $260.00 early bird special, plus I was able to receive a $20 credit for 6 months for re-subscribing to ST ( I had been a previous customer of the package). I am with you, if I receive ST plus SF for under $ 200.00 I'll do it , otherwise NO WAYYYYY !!!! Do people actually pay $314.00 plus $100 for SF ?? $ 414 for the package, seems like a big time rip off , but I guess some people must pay it, I certainly wouldn't, my breaking point is $200.00 firm.

Are you kidding me ?

IF they came out and gave you ST and SF for $ 200, everybody would sign up ....
That would be awesome, don't count on it any time soon.
It's well past the $ 200 mark and not going back, though you'd have thought that with the economy they might make a concession this year, but remember it's the NFL setting the price, not D*.

I use to pay $ 79 for the year back in the day for the ST.
Are you kidding me ?

IF they came out and gave you ST and SF for $ 200, everybody would sign up ....
That would be awesome, don't count on it any time soon.
It's well past the $ 200 mark and not going back, though you'd have thought that with the economy they might make a concession this year, but remember it's the NFL setting the price, not D*.

I use to pay $ 79 for the year back in the day for the ST.

I dont have Direct anymore, but when I did I was a sub for the Tickeet. 400 is a bit much I think. If anything it would be nice if you could get the package with HD for around 300 and maybe pick if you want anything from a menu of superfan services. But it will continue to sell so I dont think that option will ever happen :)
I'm a die hard, I have to have it and it's getting to the point that I can't afford what I want. Getting close to the last straw for me.
Are you kidding me ?

IF they came out and gave you ST and SF for $ 200, everybody would sign up ....
That would be awesome, don't count on it any time soon.
It's well past the $ 200 mark and not going back, though you'd have thought that with the economy they might make a concession this year, but remember it's the NFL setting the price, not D*.

I use to pay $ 79 for the year back in the day for the ST.

Several of us got it for less last year.
Who ? that
I wanna watch entire cowboys games & also games i am betting $$ on, not just parts of games that redzone shows.

& again directv always has new people coming into sunday ticket each season so they dont care if they lose some renewing subs along the way.

+ as mentioned many times it helps keep a cap on the # of people that have ST which is the goal & its why the NFL contracts exsclusively with just directv in the 1st place.

I believe the vast majority of NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers are like myself. Cost is an issue for the games and Super Fan but we manage to cough up the money even in these trying times (I, like many others, was just recently laid off). We subscribe because we can see our team and other NFL games in its entirety. I don't care for the Cable Red Zone channel; others may. Although my teams appears in a lot of Sunday & Monday nights games (I am a Colts fan) I still use the Ticket to see them play in the non-national games. I also love the ability to watch other games. With the Ticket you get a chance to see all the interesting games, for instance who knew the Browns-Lions game last year would turn out to be a very good game. I like the ticket because I am a diehard Colts and NFL fan and it gives me what I want - NFL football GAMES on Sunday.
IF they came out and gave you ST and SF for $ 200, everybody would sign up

remember it's the NFL setting the price, not D*.

Maybe that'd be a smart move. Directv pays a lump sum to the NFL for the package, not a per-subscriber rate. So they're better off selling it to everyone for $100 than 10% of the customers for $400. The "some money from more people rather than no money from many" rule applies here.

Directv sets the price, not the NFL, although of course directv has to make up the lump sum and either make a direct profit or attract/retain enough subscribers with collateral income to make up for any shortfalls.

I came back to directv for sunday ticket and basically unless they give me a ~$200 deal for ST with HD, I'll go back to cable and live with the RZ channel and Replay.

I already get internet from comcast, and with a double-play I can pay about $20-25 less a month for that vs cable internet + directv. My contract with directv is up next month, and I'll be damned if I'll sign up for anything that involves a multi-year commitment and a huge early termination fee.
Unbelievable how expensive Sunday Ticket is in the US vs. subscribing it via Cable in Canada.

What amazes me is Roger's "Super Sports Pak" package, where for $29.95 per month (4 month minimum) you get MLB Extra Innings, NBA League Pass, NHL Centre Ice, NFL Sunday Ticket, plus college basketball and football (as well as Canadian Junior hockey coverage).
What amazes me is Roger's "Super Sports Pak" package, where for $29.95 per month (4 month minimum) you get MLB Extra Innings, NBA League Pass, NHL Centre Ice, NFL Sunday Ticket, plus college basketball and football (as well as Canadian Junior hockey coverage).

i sign up in september for 4-months. get college football and nfl ST. usually i get the first month free as well :D
Usually its the Canadians that get raped with overpriced goods and services versus the US, but in this case Americans are taking it hard and dry up the you know what for NFL ST.
Probably charging by the market. These are all US teams and although there is some interest in american football in Canada (and hey! You might get the Bills some day!) and Germany, I'm betting nobody in those or any other country would ante up $400 to watch a non-local sport.

For example, I'm guessing a package of CFL games would sell pretty cheap in the US.
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