PRESS RELEASE: Moody's Reviews Rainbow National Svcs


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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Approximately $1.8 billion in debt instruments rated.

New York, January 21, 2005 -- Moody's Investors Service placed the ratings of Rainbow National Services LLC ("Rainbow") on review for possible upgrade following Cablevision Systems Corporation's announcement that Rainbow DBS will sell its Rainbow 1 direct broadcast satellite and certain other related assets to a subsidiary of EchoStar for $200 million in cash. Moody's views Rainbow Media's strategy (Rainbow National's parent) to exit the satellite business as a credit positive for the company given that Rainbow Media planned to fund the DBS segment's development with Rainbow National's cash flow.

The review will focus on Moody's assessment of: (1) the increasing uncertainty regarding Rainbow's long term business and financial strategy following the exit from the satellite business; (2) the improvement to credit metrics as Rainbow National will no longer be funding the large capital expenditures necessary to develop the DBS segment; (3) the costs associated with closing down the operations of VOOM; (3) the likelihood that VOOM will remain a cash drain to Rainbow Media over the near term as the company services its existing customers; and (4) the potential for the parent company to continue to utilize Rainbow National as the funding vehicle for other speculative investments.

The following ratings are under review for possible upgrade:

(1) B1 rating on the $350 million senior secured revolving credit facility,

(2) B1 rating on the $600 million senior secured Term Loan B,

(3) B3 rating on the $300 million of senior unsecured notes due 2012,

(4) Caa1 rating on the $500 million of senior subordinated notes due 2014,

(5) B2 senior implied rating, and

(6) B3 senior unsecured issuer rating.

Rainbow National Services LLC, headquartered in Jericho, NY, supplies television programming to cable television and direct broadcast service providers throughout the United States. The company operates three entertainment programming networks, American Movie Classics (AMC), WE: Women's Entertainment (WE), and The Independent Film Channel (IFC).

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Approximately $6.8 Billion of Rated Debt and Securities Affected

New York, January 21, 2005 -- Moody's Investors Service affirmed all ratings for Cablevision Systems Corporation (Cablevision or CVC) and CSC Holdings, Inc. (CSC), a wholly owned subsidiary of CVC, following the company's announcement of plans for its subsidiary Rainbow DBS to sell certain satellite assets to EchoStar Communications Corp. for approximately $200 million. All ratings have previously incorporated the expectation for eventual separation of Rainbow assets from Cablevision, and importantly the absence of incremental funding of the Voom satellite venture. Moody's also does not expect Cablevision or CSC creditors to realize any incremental tangible benefits from the proceeds of the asset sale and/or excess cash balances related to the pre-funded Voom business plan. The outlook remains negative based on lingering concerns about the SEC investigation of accounting improprieties.

The following is a summary of Moody's ratings and actions:

Cablevision Systems Corporation (CVC)

- $500 Million New Floating Rate Notes due 2009 - B3 (affirmed)

- $1 Billion New Senior Unsecured Notes due 2012 - B3 (affirmed)

- Senior Implied Rating -- Ba3 (affirmed)

- Issuer Rating - B3 (affirmed)

- Liquidity Rating - SGL-2 (affirmed)

- Rating Outlook (CVC and CSC) - Negative (unchanged)

CSC Holdings, Inc. (CSC)

- $4.2 billion aggregate senior unsecured notes -- B1 (affirmed)

- $250 Million of 10.5% Senior Subordinated Debentures due 2016 - B2 (affirmed)

The ratings for Cablevision continue to reflect the company's high financial leverage, only modest coverage of interest, and heightened competitive pressure from DirecTV, EchoStar, and the regional Bell operating companies. Moody's considers Cablevision well positioned to respond to these competitive threats due to its demonstrated ability to offer a bundle of video, data and voice services, but the related increase in marketing and retention spending will likely erode margins, particularly if there is an unexpected increase in basic subscriber churn.

PRESS RELEASE: Fitch: Cablevision Sale Good For Cred Prof

PQ: is it my imagination

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