Predictions for 2006 and beyond

I predict ala-cart programming will be offered, but pricing will be such that almost no one will choose it. Why? Because it will mean less channels for the same amount of money, and we all know when it comes to channels more is always better, whether we watch them or not. :D

I also think that the middleman will be removed as the content will be offered directly by the provider and these media player programs that we have now will be greatly advanced with DVR functionality added allowing us to access all the different channels/sources like we do the radio stations today.

The pricing will not be as bad as you think it will be. Because it will come directly from the source they can sell it for about half the price and still make more money than what they would get by selling it to the cable and satellite companies. This is one way that ala carte will take place, at least a lot smaller packages being offered. This will remind many of the C-Band days when we could buy from the different providers.

We would have a choice of whether we can have the programming with or without advertisements. If you choose to have the advertisements then it may be displayed the whole time you watch the show and be within the show itself so that the DVR will not be able to block it out. It could be in a scroller at the bottom. There could be a bit of free content available as a result.
jmc98 said:
I predict a three peat for the New England Patroits in the super bowl in 2006

I predict the Pats won't get past Indy, I also predict my Steelers won't make the playoff's.
stuart628 said:
I predict they will make the playoffs and beat the bengals in the first round!!!! steelernation.

I hope your right, although I must be honest I have had a hard time keeping the faith this year.
BrianMis said:
I hope your right, although I must be honest I have had a hard time keeping the faith this year.

its been a rough one, but the bus had its oil changed and big ben is slowly improving his injuries, although without surgery he will NEVER be 100 percent this year, still we are coming together at the right time it seems!
Predictions for 2006

-Dish will add all the 1 & 2 channel DMA’s on wing satellites so they can get SV in full force
-NBR still wont be on the 5XX series :D
-The FCC will have to revise its rules with OTARD because somebody (Dish or Direct) is going to have a dish bigger than a meter to have everything on it : )
-Dish finally combats the hackers and makes their FTA boxes useless for stealing Dish

And the last one (from a Canadian perspective)
-Dougall Media STILL will have a monopoly in Thunder Bay (for the uninformed, Dougall Media owns 3 of the 5 commercial radio stations, both TV stations and a newspaper in thunder Bay and has done so for decades)
I doubt Dish Network will be able to stop the FTA receivers from getting the encrypted content. I hear that DirecTv has been compromised on the FTA receivers as well somehow.

1 biggest one, FIOS will be a margional player, it cost a ton of money for infrastucture, think cable fiber optics or even better WI-FI , MOST of the US isnt NY, LA , or CHI TOWN.....dont EVER forget that, AND WE ARE GLAD WE ARENT.

2 DIRECTV will pass 16 million subs by 12.31.06

3 DIRECTV will launch its own broadband service in 2006

4 HDTV will level off at what most members call HD-LITE, you will pay a premium for full (maximum ) pixels and bitrate as you do now for dsl and cable broadband services, makes sense, huh???

5 ergen will sell in 2006

6 the major DBS players will never be allowed to merge , as it should be. and if they were allowed to, ergen is still done, he is hardly murdocks equal.

7 by the end of 2006 3 major cell phone operators, and it will stop there

8 by the end of 2006 , the major cable cos will

9 by the end of 2006 the dominant phone co in all america is and will be .....................VERIZON.................??????????????

10. DIRECTV will have bundles in place with verizon and COMCAST.....surprise......IT IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"Directv will launch its own broadband service"???????????
"Ergen is done, he is hardly merdocks equal" ?????????????
"Ergen will sell in 2006" ???????????
Just when I thought I've heard it all this happens!!!!!
I thought DirecTv had Directway. I dont think Ergen will sell out in 2006. I thought about HD-Lite being the norm and HD at full resolution would become a premium but then I also thought about the limited space in which would prevent them from offering each channel in an HD-Lite and full resolution HD so they will have to go with one or the other. Perhaps there will be specific HD channels that will have full resolution while the less desired ones will have a lower resolution.
DIRECTV will launch its own broadband service in 2006

dragon002 said:
DIRECTV will launch its own broadband service in 2006

I suppose by this you must mean a land line service, or maybe Wi-Fi, as they already have Direcway. If this is what you're saying? That's an interesting idea.

What about all of those frequencies that were auctioned off using the DBS satellites? DirecTv and Dish Network bought some of those.
30 Ergen, Charles 7,100 52 Denver, CO EchoStar
31 Knight, Philip H 6,900 67 Beaverton, OR Nike
32 Murdoch, Keith Rupert 6,700 74 New York, NY News Corp

From the Forbes 2005 list.

Why in the Hell do you think Ergen will Sell?

I dont think Directv owns Direcway "I could be wrong and please correct me if you find proof." But I think they are making enough money right now with Direcway advertising that they are not interested. Also I have seen Directv ads pushing Bellsouth DSL since they are partners now. Besides Directv is concentrating on right now trying to keep up with E*'s HD.

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