PPV issues on free downloads expiring immediately

So yesterday I PM'ed with Josh M.(official Dish Technical Operations on this forum) about the issue.He wanted some info so I tried again and viola it worked!
I'm not saying Josh fixed it(he didn't even have my info yet) but I did notice that I was upgraded to 358-probably just a coincidence but something changed obviously.
In any case those of you having the issue should PM Josh-perhaps this issue could be solved for everyone.
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So yesterday I PM'ed with Josh M.(official Dish Technical Operations on this forum) about the issue.He wanted some info so I tried again and viola it worked!
I'm not saying Josh fixed it(he didn't even have my info yet) but I did notice that I was upgraded to 358-probably just a coincidence but something changed obviously.
In any case those of you having the issue should PM Josh-perhaps this issue could be solved for everyone.
New Dish customer here, 4 months now... I've had the same thing happen on a couple of movies I dl's OD for. Immediately after downloading them I tried to play and got the event timed out error. Not sure how to handle this since I don't have a Josh connection.
New Dish customer here, 4 months now... I've had the same thing happen on a couple of movies I dl's OD for. Immediately after downloading them I tried to play and got the event timed out error. Not sure how to handle this since I don't have a Josh connection.
See the search bar under your username?(upper right hand corner).In the MEMBER box type in "Josh M." then select "search".You will then see every post Josh M has participated in. Click on his name.One of the selections will be "start conversation"

Good luck and let us all know what you found out(good or bad).
New Dish customer here, 4 months now... I've had the same thing happen on a couple of movies I dl's OD for. Immediately after downloading them I tried to play and got the event timed out error. Not sure how to handle this since I don't have a Josh connection.
Hey - what are the titles you are having issues with?

What software version are you on?

4K Joey and 4K Channels (Updated)

Get satellite and TP for channel on Hopper3
