Anyone have a problem with their power supply on the 622 burning out? My wife called me today and said she was having some problems with the picture on TV2 where it was freezing up. She went in and turned on TV1 and it still showed freezing. After a few minutes she decided to do a hard reboot and went out side to do something, came back in and restarted the unit where it promptly went black on the screen and the lights on the unit went out! She called CSR and talked to a tech who said right off that the power supply had burned out and there was nothing she could do with it. He also said he would ship out a new unit right away and I should recieve it by Friday. They tried to tell her that she would be responsible for the shipping but after 2 minutes on the phone with her he relented and said he would credit us for the shipping. I have had no real problem with the 622 since I got it in April so I was kind of surprised. The CSR tech was very nice and co-operative to my wife, who hasn't a clue about talking to some of those people, and pleasant. Anyone out there have anything like this happen? Thanks