Okay curiosity got the best of me. I decided to hook the ol volt meter up to my sat signal feed wire...results were rather odd. DC reading= not enough to account for....AC reading= even worse.....I thought well this couldn't be possible, there has to be something worth accounting for coming down this pipe in the sky....I mean it is capable of reaching over 200 million homes......So decided to use something for my own ground, instead of the outer metal piece on the coax end. Well..... did this in DC mode and BOOM....nothing :rant:. Decided one last hope to try in AC mode and what do you know..... around 2.5 volts. After i got a consistent reading try after try i thought surely my meter cant be bad....used other objects as a ground. And I was still getting around 2.5 Volts reading....one really strange thing is that when i had the meter grounded it didn't matter if i touched the outer metal piece of the coax connector end or the little middle copper wire....still getting around 2.5 volts. To sum this all up my reason for trying this... I was thinking the power coming down this pipe in the sky could be harnessed if you had quite a few dishes outside...if it would work...might look tacky but who cares free energy...well at least for you.