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Followup on my upgrade

When I got home tonight, both my 411 and 6000 had all the proper channel authorizations, and everything was perfect. Thanks Dish. Although my upgrade was rather easy, just programming, as I already owned the receivers, and didnt have to mess with any hardware issues.
Just got off the phone with them.. Went to Advanced tech, Went really well, since i work at the tech center, and knew exactly what needed done on the computer. Got the 622 and HD Silver. Install date is Feb 25th 12-5. Not too bad.
Waited for a bit to post this, but I figured it is my solemn duty as a USSATGUYS board member and Dish sub.

I tried calling right at 12:01 MST on Feb 1st to upgrade to the 622VIP. No luck there since Dish systems had not been updated yet. Hooked up with another US SATGUYS board member on IM and we took turns calling in for a while. You would not believe some of the nonsense we heard from Dish reps ("If you wait till 4/1 to order, even customers with the 811 will get a $200 rebate." OI!.

Went to sleep after numerous tries. Woke up at about 5:15am MST. Called Dish (always call the tech support/HD receiver number). I was told the systems had finally updated with ability to order the 622 about 20 minutes earlier. Went through the process of ordering the 622, most of which I knew more about than the rep. Took about 20 minutes. Install is 2/22. Let's hope it happens.

All of you bashing Dish who read this, I know what you are saying. But I am a former Adelphia cable customer. You have NO IDEA how bad Adelphia is if you have never had them. Dish is like a mecca.. an oasis.. of programming and service compared to Adelphia.

Trust me.
I waited until this morning, Friday, Feb. 3rd to call to upgrade my 811. I selected technical help - HD option on the phone menu. I got a very pleasant lady named Dianne. I asked her to help me in upgrading to a VIP-211. She was very knowledgeable about the promotion and said that the installer would be at my house on Tuesday, Feb. 7th. I thought that was pretty quick. Of course she couldn't tell me the name of the installer. That makes me wonder. I'm especially concerned that they will send out the same jerk who put my system in back in September of last year. Really bad attitude towards Dish Network.
That is a very soon install date. Might not be too long of a wait for the 211 since it has been out for a couple of months.. As for the 622.. we all have to wait
Here's my story. I do not have HD programming now, but want to get it. Called at about 2:30 CT and talked to tech support. Told him I just purchased an HDTV and wanted to add programming. He told me they just came up with new packages on Feb 1, and he would be happy to help me. He then said they were having "issues" with the 622 and it looked like April 1st would be the earliest he could get me set up. He was quite apoligetic about that date, then asked if he could put me on hold for a second. Came back about 3 minutes later and said that as we spoke, changes were going on for the 622. He asked if I would call back either Monday or Tuesday of next week. He told me he could indeed take my order today, howver, I might be happier if I waited till then to place it. It was all quite cryptic. I'm in no hurry, so I told him I would indeed wait. So I guess I'll see what they have to say when I call then. I am not interested in the 211 because I am used to having a couple of Tivos, and I only want the 622. I was kind of hoping to see a lot of Olympic coverage in HD, but I guess I'll have to watch OTA programming for that.
I called at 6:00 PM here in Texas today and at first tried to go through to tech support to get an american for the order but she transferred me back to a CSR, :( But the CSR spoke very good english and rambled on about all the fees and such and I ended up ordering the 622 for $299.00 to replace my 510 dvr. She said since I have 2 dvr's I will be waived the $6.00 HD fee. They are coming on Feb 25th to install the 622 and dish 1000!!! :)

Called my LOCAL retailer, stopped after work, left with my 211 after he set it up and got it authorized,he also got the 811 RMA done. got home replaced 811 with 211 , all my channels are up on it. EASY as pie deal, plus my local guy has been doing sats for 25 years and although hes got a little southern drawl his english is great.
called dish at 10am pst on feb 1st,got right thru to a csr in denver. he didnt know much about the new receivers but i brought him up to speed. orderd a vip211 and dish 1000. cost $49.00 and can keep my 811 or send it back for a $25.00 credit. came to install on friday the 3rd. guy brought a 411 and no dish 1000. he didnt know what a 211 was and this was his first 411 install. i was upset but kept the 411. he hooked it up and got it running fast. got the new hd channels on real quick, no problems. the picture quality is so much better than the 811. i have a dish 500 at 110,119, and another dish 500 at 61.5. the voom channels are great. i live in southern nv. so all is well.
Called about 9am PST. Went the Tech support route. Got a CSR in less than 5 mins. Spoke to Amanda. She said it had been a very long day for her. Got the usual $49 upgrade fee (ViP211) plus $1 hold. Usual disclosures. She stated I would have to specifically return the 811 receiver if I opted to for the $25 credit (i thought it could be any receiver). Oh well, lets see how long till I'm up and running. Total call time was less than 15 mins. No mention of Dish1000 (i have D500 plus 61.5). Guess I'll have to re-aim my 61.5 antenna to 129 myself. Thanks to Scott and Satellite Guys!!!
I called on Feb 1, and I was on hold for 15 mins. Process went fine, and they charged my AMEX for the install & DVR. My install date was scheduled for the 4th of February 8-12.

Today, Feb 4th, after waiting for the tech to arrive, I called the local service office. She said that I was not scheduled with them till the 9th, but in the notes it said that it was today. She rescheduled the tech for 12-8 today. When the tech arrived, he had no 622, or Dish 1000. He checked his work order, and it was actaully from 3/9/05! Somthing was wrong. He helped me with calling his dispatch to find out what was going on. The order was a complete MESS! Dish said that my order was already closed, but no reciever was installed. Finally, after about an hour of both of us on the phone, I have another install date 1 month from today!

Now all I have to make sure is that they bring the Dish 1000, since they said that the 622 will be shipped to my door.
Well, after reading and rereading this forum I called tech support to upgrade today. All went real good and I had all questions answered over and over. The woman was extremely nice and originally made an appointment for late feb, but said we lost the day just before we finished and set the install for early march. She said I would lose my HD until the new dish/receiver arrive, but as of now that hasn't happened. Hopefully all will go well.
The Dish Network install guy just left my house after installing the VIP211. The only problem I had was that Dish Network forgot to send out the DP44 switch so the installer couldn't put up the 61.5 dish (Florida here).

We then called Dish, and got the in to a debate with CSR who kept saying you need Dish 1000. So then the Dish tech gets on the phone, and tells the CSR that I'm a dish a tech, and Dish 1000 will not work.

Finally CSR transfers the call to tech support who understands what the two of us are saying, and adds notes in my account for a DP44 with the 61.5 dish. The Dish tech kept saying sorry for the mistake.

After the VIP211 gets up, and running my original five HD channels no longer show up so the tech calls back Dish, and another CSR starts the Dish 1000 debate with him.

Finally we get my five HD channels back on, and then one last time we phone Dish to make sure the install for this Tuesday has the proper notes for the Dish 61.5, and DP44 switch.

The third CSR was very nice, and knew what we were talking about. She says I see a lot of notes on the install let me read them.. Then she says good thing you called because you would have been charged on Tuesday. She clears up the account so I won't be charged come Tuesday, and verifies that the DP44 switch is in the notes.

I was very happy with my Dish installer, but Dish CSR needs proper training. (I was talking to a US based CSR).

Before the Dish Install guy leaves my house, he says how do you know so much about Dish Network, and the equipment?

I say from

More on Tuesday...
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Well, my installer just left & just as I thought, I'm here without a 622. After three phonecalls to Dish confirming 2-5 times on each call that my order was for a 622, dual tuner HD DVR, they sent out a 625.

The installer spent 30 minutes, 10-15 on hold before speaking with a Dish rep. It took him about 5 minutes to convince the rep that Dish actually has a 622 reciever, another 5 to explain that I don't need to trade in 2 recievers to get this one, another 5-10 to get the workorder straight.

My option? Install of 622 on Feb.26 for $249.

I've been with Dish since '97, subscribing to every channel available since then.

I think I'm done with them. Please bring FIOS to my area!
Called Friday (2/03) about 2:00 p.m. and got a CSR straight away. She was polite, but confused about upgrading my 811 for the ViP211. Seemed her screen did not contain the model information of the single tuner HD reciever nor did the product details say if it was MPEG-4 compliant. So she asked if I minded being placed on hold while she discussed things with her supervisor. I said, "Sure, go for it." I was on hold for 1-2 minutes before she came back on the line with the correct information. It was smooth going after that little hiccup.
I upgraded to a ViP 211, Silver HD package w/HBO and Showtime, and a D1000. I was given an install time of Sunday (2/05) between 12 - 5 (couple of hours from now!). My total time on the phone with the CSR was approximately 10 minutes...longest part of the upgrade experience was listening to all of the disclaimer speeches.
I ordered the 211 and Gold Pack on 2/1. I asked the CSR about 3 times if there is a wing dish on the order (I have a 121 SuperDish) he said yes.
Install was scheduled for Saturday between 8 and 12.

On Friday I called to verifiy the order. I was told the order shows a 211 and a Dish for 129.

The Installer showed up on Saturday at 9am with only a 211 in his hands, no dish.
We installed the 211 and all channels i previously had are there.

I called dish and explained the problem to tech support, the csr understood and told me their computer system was messed up. She could not add the order for the dish. I was asked to call back on Monday and that she added a note to the acoount.

I will call tomorrow and see when I can get the dish installed.
Oh Lordie What A Day.....

Ok well the installer arrives on schedule to do my install on Saturday...

His work order says that he is supposed to be installing an 811

But... he supposed to install for a 211/622, upgrade me to HD Platinum and install HD Over the Air...

After speaking with the ppl at dish for an hour... he finally gets them to understand they need to do a new work order...

He gets the new work order... No HD Over the Air... his shop doesnt have any, nor have they even seen or heard about it...

The installer was great! He put up the 61.5 dish and gave me new LNB's for my dish 500. He also hooked up for the 622 when I get it in. In addition, he took the time to fix up the hack wire job the dish installer 6 years ago installed.

The CSRs he spoke to took 6 calls for them to activate the new reciever...

The 211's built in smart card has a S19.... number... they kept telling him that it had to be a S00..... number....

Eventually with begging and pleading it got activated...

Then it took another half dozen calls to get the programming straightened out...

He kept telling them HD Platinum Pack and they needed to hit the recievers to activate the programming.

Eventually the programming was activated... Well sort of

They activated the AEP... All the HD Channels were in Red... He said that they were working just call them and bug them till I get them to understand.

The first CSR I spoke to told me that I needed an HD reciever to get the HD Programming... Told him I had 211... he told me there is no 211 reciever..

Hung up on him!

Next call.... the csr I get I explain that everything but the HD Channels are activated. She tells me that I have the HD Gold Package which includes the top 180...... I say no I am supposed to have HD Platinum, but even so the HD Channels need to be activated...

At this point she starts ARGUING with me that I subscribed to the Gold package....

I keep telling her I dont care... I want the platinum package....

Eventually she puts me on hold

Another CSR picks up the phone

I explain to them I need the hd platinum package activated.

He says well we have to upgrade you to that...

I say whatever you got to do in the computer... do it...

Finally programming is activated!


During one of the 1st calls the installer had them de-activate my old 301 for me to return

During this last call, the guy tells me that I have 3 recievers.. I tell him no, just 2, and one returning... He gets that straight in the computer as well.

I am so glad that I got my upgrade started by going through Executive offices at Dish...

It goes to show to me that the installers are good, the executive office staff are good, but they need to do something with their csr staff...
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I had called on Friday to get HD programming and was asked to call back today. Why, I'm not sure. Anyway, I called a bit ago and went the Tech support route. The lady was quite helpful and the bottom line is that I have an install date of 2/28 for a 622 and Dish 1000. I currently have the Dish 500. We'll see if that install date holds up or gets changed. All in all, it went very easy. The lady I talked to however thought that with the Dish 1000, I would be able to receive the Dallas locals in HD. I had to explain to her that was wrong and she left for a bit to come back and confirm what I had told her. She said she thought all this time that Dallas locals were already up and running in HD. That's a little scary considering she is supposed to be in tech support.
what's race got to do with your issue with Dish?

I dont get it... people post complaints about Dish's customer service reps all the time, what does race and Ethnicity have to do with it? Further more, I doubt very much that Dish is out-sourcing customer service to Tehran. India on the other hand is very likely but that would mean the CSR could be Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, Ect... I find your post offensive and extremely ignorant. :confused:

Dish 1000 and VOOM

622 ordeal

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