Possible Deal on used Ku Dishes

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Well it looks like we'll have to rent a barge to float all the ones you guys want down the river.

Maybe Sadoun could meet us at the Ohio River and pick up one or two. :D

Well it looks like we'll have to rent a barge to float all the ones you guys want down the river.

Maybe Sadoun could meet us at the Ohio River and pick up one or two. :D

Any idea on $$$ yet? And how far north of St. Louis are you? I'm down in the southeast corner of Iowa (actually in IL just across the river) every couple of weeks. For the right $$$'s I'd be interested in 1 or 2 of these. I could use one for home, but even better, I could use one to convince my workplace to incorporate a free channel into our cable lineup if I could prove to them that it's doable with such affordable and astetically pleasing equipment.
Hey Lunpkin666!

Sounds like you come to Hamilton every couple of weeks, or somewhere right around there. My In-Laws live there.

I am about two or maybe two and a half hours South of Keokuk, on the Missouri side.

That's no distance for a young man to drive. :D

Nothing on the dollars as yet.

Yep, just a few miles north of Hamilton. I'm no youngster anymore, but 2.5 hours isn't much to get worked up about - coming from a guy whose daily commute was 3 hours round-trip for about 10 years (until this last summer when I finally wised up to the gas price issue involved in such a commute)

Keep us posted.. I may be looking at a small drive your way someday soon ;)
I have a question about using this dish as a multi-LNBF setup.

How many degrees from center do you think one could get good SQ and watchable channels using this dish?

Also if there are pros and cons for using this type of dish, I think we should explore that too.

What do you think the pros are for using this dish?

What do you think the cons are for using this dish?

The Down Side to a 6' Ku Dish

For Ku, nobody much needs 6'.
At least not anybody near where these dishes are located.
Not unless you have your eye on a bird way out close to the horizon.
Even then, it looks like getting that dish aimed below 20° will be impossible on that particular mount.

Using it for multiple LNBs is going to be less attractive than getting a T90.
It's just not going to have the spread of a T90.

Now, as for C-band, it's just barely big enough.
You've seen what Iceberg has said about his six footer.
It runs into trouble in the crowded part of the sky.

The Prodelin is probably heavy, and we really need to know just how heavy.
That mount would have to be totally replaced to motorize it (at significant expense).
That means it's really just good for fixed-pointing.

And after all that, I still haven't talked myself out of getting one...
... or I would if I only lived closer... :(
I'd get a C-band LNB for it. And still run Ku on a 1m dish.

That's my opinion. What's yours? :rolleyes:
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Use it on G-10R to totally eliminate rain fade :D

Although, from the chats I've had with a couple of local broadcast engineers, they have rain fade problems with that size dish and even larger when aiming at Ku. Unfortunately, this is why some broadcasters are changing to fiber... and why we can no longer get WNOL-TV and WGNO-TV out of New Orleans with our dishes :(
One of the upsides with these particular dishes, is that you get the mount with it.

I want two of the dishes and mounts for Ku multi-LNB experiments, and will probably take another three, just to get the NPRM's. I will sell or give away the other three dishes if I don't need them, and save the mounts for more C-Band dishes.

I can almost envision it now.

Another motorized C-Band dish especially if I win Sadoun's GBOX V3000 they are giving away for one of them, and two 10 foot stationary C-Band dishes with possible multiple LNBF's on them.

Do you know what those mounts cost new? They are very expensive! They can be used on the roof, or in the yard, wherever. :cool:

Just thinking out loud! :D

mount this . . .

When I said "mount", I meant the thing that holds the dish to the pole.
It's big and beefy, and I love it. Very nice adjustments, and even calibrated.
Wow, what a difference a thousand (?) dollars makes!

Digging a hole, cementing in a pipe, and all that, would be a big job.
Leaving the dish-mount on that NPRM is the easy way out for us ground-dwellers.
For those of you comparing how many square yards of flat roof you have, think of my house-roof - not a flat spot to be found anywhere. ;)

I'd clear a small patch of yard, put out some plastic, and drop the NPRM right down there at ground level.
Maybe landscape it with some pea gravel when I was done.
Easy, simple, and included in the price. :cool:

You know why Linuxman is having fits to get those NPRMs.
They're strong enough to take a Birdview.
What are those dishes, 8 foot? Now -that's- a C-band dish! :)
I only hope the Prodelin 6' dishes are as superior as the Birdviews...
(hinting that maybe they'll perform better than the Fortec Star 6's on C)

Rain Fade? What's that?
We haven't had enough rain this year to rinse the dust off the tree leaves. :eek:
For those of you lucky enough to get these dishes, you'd sure better not complain!
Nobody will listen to yer gripes. :D

....mumble, mumble, lucky buggers.... just kill me now . . .
You know why Linuxman is having fits to get those NPRMs.
They're strong enough to take a Birdview.
What are those dishes, 8 foot? Now -that's- a C-band dish!

Heck they are stronger than the ones I've got now and I've got the 10 foot Pinnacle on one of my existing mounts. :D

I'd clear a small patch of yard, put out some plastic, and drop the NPRM right down there at ground level.
Maybe landscape it with some pea gravel when I was done.

You darn tooting that's the easy way. I wish I could do it that way.

Picture me carrying concrete blocks up two ladders to put enough weight to hold a ten foot dish. I'll have to go beg my buddy at the scrap yard to come and put them up for me again. :cool:

Come to Oklahoma, we've had plenty of rain for the last two months. We probably wont get any now in July and August when we start busting a 100 every day. You could certainly float those down the Arkansas on the Kerr-McLellan all the way to New Orleans now.
... it looks like getting that dish aimed below 20° will be impossible on that particular mount.
Closer inspection of the pictures suggests that the mount-geometry may allow the dish to be brought down to the horizon.
From someone's 2nd story building, that'd be killer!
From my back yard, 10° would be pushing it. ;)

Picture me carrying concrete blocks up two ladders to put enough weight to hold a ten foot dish.
I'll have to go beg my buddy at the scrap yard to come and put them up for me again. :cool:
I thought that's why you had two teenagers.
Dad laying guilt-trip on kid: "I'm putting up these extra dishes for -you- ! "
"Of course, if you don't want more TV choices . . ." :eek:
Dad laying guilt-trip on kid: "I'm putting up these extra dishes for -you- ! "
"Of course, if you don't want more TV choices . . ."

I have already used every guilt and other forms of mind games on my kids for help with my dishes. So now, they just look at me and say, "How long is it going to take this time?"

Just kidding, they have been very good help when I needed it, but I don't want to push it too far. When I put up the Birdview, and the Pinnacle, I bought the blocks for both dishes at the same time. Seventy-two total. They kind of thought that was pushing it, so I asked the scrap yard man and he brought his lift down and put them on the roof, pallets and all. :D

Sure saved us all a lot of work! They don't mind putting up six or eight for a Primestar dish, but after that it gets pretty tiring.

Closer inspection of the pictures suggests that the mount-geometry may allow the dish to be brought down to the horizon.
From someone's 2nd story building, that'd be killer!

I'll have to look at the pictures a little closer myself to see if it will go down that far.

Edit: After looking, I think that you could easily put it to 10 degrees, and probably lower without difficulty.

Notice the protruding feedhorn on that LNB. It is important for that dish. I have put regular LNBs on these types of dishes never to achieve the same signal as the original lnb because the original has that larger, better designed, protruding feedhorn. The reason I tried to replace the lnb is that the originals are single polarity. Hopefully yours is dual polarity. I would love to have that 6 footer here in BC because the 4 footer often is not enough for those distant S2 signals.
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seeing satellites

Chinese dish.

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