mount this . . .
When I said "mount", I meant the thing that holds the dish to the pole.
It's big and beefy, and I love it. Very nice adjustments, and even calibrated.
Wow, what a difference a thousand (?) dollars makes!
Digging a hole, cementing in a pipe, and all that, would be a
big job.
Leaving the dish-mount on that NPRM is the easy way out for us ground-dwellers.
For those of you comparing how many square yards of flat roof you have, think of my house-roof - not a flat spot to be found anywhere.
I'd clear a small patch of yard, put out some plastic, and drop the NPRM right down there at ground level.
Maybe landscape it with some pea gravel when I was done.
Easy, simple, and included in the price.
You know why Linuxman is having fits to get those NPRMs.
They're strong enough to take a Birdview.
What are those dishes, 8 foot? Now -that's- a C-band dish!
I only hope the Prodelin 6' dishes are as superior as the Birdviews...
(hinting that maybe they'll perform better than the Fortec Star 6's on C)
Rain Fade? What's that?
We haven't had enough rain this year to rinse the dust off the tree leaves.
For those of you lucky enough to get these dishes, you'd sure better not complain!
Nobody will listen to yer gripes.
....mumble, mumble, lucky buggers.... just kill me now . . .