Possible Deal on used Ku Dishes

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 16, 2006
North West of St. Louis, MO
Hi All!

I decided to put this here because I don't actually have the deal yet. If it comes about, I will post in the classified section. I am posting here just to see if there is an interest.

I stopped by a place in St. Louis today that I have bought some computer parts from over the years mainly to ask about the huge Ku dish they have on their building which I know they are no longer using.

I was handed over to their director of operations, and it turns out that they are going to be taking down a "few" of these dishes in the surrounding area. I didn't have my camera with me, but will go back down tomorrow armed with camera etc.

The dish on the building is a 1.8M (6 foot) Prodelin Model 0179-189 Ku offset solid fiberglass dish. I called Prodelin which is now General Dynamics Satcom Technologies. The lady said it was an older model but would be comparable to their 1183 or 1184 models on their website.

The guy said that the ones they are going to take down would be the same or very similar.

The dish will include the non-penetrating roof mount which is an 8' x 8' square. It is as good or better than the ones I have, and would easily hold a mesh or solid BUD without any problems.

I am simply posting to see if there is an interest for anyone within driving distance of St. Louis. I think it will be priced reasonably enough to make a 4 hour trip to get them. Shipping would almost be out of the question.

Let me know if you are interested so I can talk intelligently to the guy about how many I might want.

You can either PM me, or post here. If the deal comes about, I will post in the classified section.


Thanks Tron!

Maybe you and Swampman can come together, and we can work a deal for a Birdview solid for a couple of these. :cool:

I am waiting on the pictures now. I talked to the guy this morning and he is supposed to send pictures shortly. I offered to come down again and take some, but he said he already had them, just had to sit down and send them out in an email to me. He has all kinds of meetings going on. It is a big company.

i'll take em all :)

lol we not really, i love dishes but i'm still working on a birdview deal closer to home. if its a deal i can't pass up pm me :) i found a motor & mount that will fit one :D


  • hse_vbox_superjack.jpg
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Darn.... wish I had more yard and/or I could talk the wife in to letting me try for something 6ft +... so far she's only given me permission to use the Winegard and nothing else until we find another place with a bigger yard... :( I live near Columbia, MO.
Hey Mastermesh!

Yeah, you are close enough to make the drive for sure.

I still don't have the pictures yet. I know the guy is busy, but I would think he could forward some pictures to me. Geesh!!!

Hope you can talk her into letting you add a bigger dish. :D

Finally got the pictures of the Prodelin Dish and non-penetrating mount.

Here are the pics:
prodelin-1-8-m-mount.jpg prodelin-1-8-m-mount-side.jpg prodelin-1-8-m-mount-rear.jpg

prodelin-1-8-m-mount-rear-other-side.jpg prodelin-1-8-m--back-mount-side.jpg prodelin-1-8-m-mount-side-elevation.jpg

top-of-base-mount.jpg bottom-of-base-mount.jpg

As you can see, there are no side supports for the LNBF on this dish. The bottom support arm is very heavy duty. That Hughes head you see weighs at least 5 lbs all by itself.

This dish will make a perfect candidate to put a conduit bar out from the sides bent carefully towards the center, and mounted on top of the support arm which will make it still a little lower than the focal point of the Hughes head that is there now. The dish should also allow for 2 degree spacing between LNBFs.

The mount is extremely heavy duty too as you can see.

I would like to get two of these dishes for myself, and at least 3 of the mounts whether I get the dishes with them or not. :D

I think it might be possible to use at least one dish with multiple LNBFs for C-Band too.


Six feet of heaven!
Who wouldn't I kill for one of those . . . ?
Just wish I lived within 400 miles of ya. :(

Don't ya just love the fine-tuning adjustments?
Any question what your elevation is? :cool:

Plus, I'm a sucker for the molded dishes...
Get that baby a power-wash, and a good paint job, and it'd be new again!

As soon as you have the focal length and a list of birds, we can start calculating the LNB spacing.
I knew you would be interested Anole!!

If I get one, we'll have some fun with it for sure. :D

I don't know how many birds you could get with that single dish, but I would think it should be several. It'll be interesting to find out.

As I said, I might have to change out receivers and use the Coolsat to handle that many LNBFs. :cool:

I'll be willing to take a stab at it.

it's the least I can do!

Hey Al!

I'll be happy to fold up one of these and a Birdview and put them in an envelope and ship them right out. :D

I'm hoping the deal works out. At least he sent the pictures. That is a step in the right direction. We'll know more soon.

well i can take the ones without mounts , guess i can pick AL's up and bring em to Arkansas then i'll put em in the river & float them down to New Orleans .... can you pick them up there AL??
Well, if I can pick them up in New Orleans, I might as well pick them up in St. Louis. Besides, I've never been to St. Louis. Always wanted to go there!
But, if you pick them up for me George, I'll come and get them.

That's a VSAT dish. I know of many of that exact model around here, most of them up on gas station roofs. I'm always waiting for one of those gas stations to close, so I can slip the demolition guy a picture of Andrew Jackson and haul it home :D

If you float them down the Mississippi, let me know so I can be out there on the Canal Street ferry to snag them with a net, LOL! :)
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