To answer a few questions:
1) Yes, I have tried the 4:3 so it isn't as "streatched", doesn't help.
2) No to the question about Dish being the only Digital experience for this new TV. I subscribe to basic cable (not paying for digitial nor HD channels) because of high speed internet they provide - basic cable is 5 bucks more. My TV seems to be pulling the digitial channels from the cable, since i'm getting the Network HD stations they provide - does this make sense??? (and no, it isn't the OTA antenna getting them, because some are too far away and I tried rabit ears hooked into the OTA input, and only got a couple channels). I'm also getting some SD channels, and they look fine (much better than the sports channels on Dish like ESPN and ESPN2). I don't exactly know why this is happening, but I'm not complaining ;o) (at least I can test the HD capability of the TV, and it is great).
3) I will eventually maximize the HD channels I get, but even if ESPN and ESPN2 have SOME games on HD that I may want to watch, most games are NOT (I follow some specific teams, and I get College GamePlan, and these are not broadcast in HD). I will have to watch most of my teams games in SD until everything goes HD, so this is a big deal to me.
4) I understand that "going to cable" may not be any better, but my gut feeling is that it will based on some of what has been said (the bandwidth issue - maybe cable won't compress as much). And, it cannot be any worse ;o). I will probably try it and see (bump up to extended basic to get ESPN and ESPN2).
5) Finally, I still think the 625 could be causing some of my pain. I want to try the 311 just to rule it out. I can live with a less than stellar SD picture, but what I'm seeing now is beyond that, and I feel there has to be some other alternative/explaination for my specific issues. I'm pretty sure that others would NOT except what I'm seeing from ESPN or ESPN2 and brush it off as "the way it is".
I'll keep everyone up to date on how this goes ... Thanks for the help!