Sorry but as a coach of high school baseball AND plenty of traveling teams, it's people like you that take the fun out of kids just playing and making it about being better than the next kid. Sports for kids that age is about having fun and playing with your friends. Parents are the ones that start all of the trouble with jealousy, envies and trying to live their now useless athletic life through their children by enforcing the "you gotta get better" mentality. IF a kid is athletically gifted, it will come out. People do not realize how much damage physically AND mentally they do to kids in sports by pushing them when they should let things progress at it own rate. When he is old enough to go to the next stage, he will and more than likely, kids will be better. You RUSH him and suddenly, he presses too much where he is a possible talent rushed before their time or you can injure in still developing arm. You see the crap in the majors rushing kids into the show due to desperate GMs....and those 20 and 21 year old muscles are already developed.