Yard work here too. Coffee first.
Here's the little paint can top jig I made some years ago that really helps getting the scalar and lnbf at least pointed at the dish center,
It's unlikely that since you have two original arms and a third fabricated one.
That your scalar distance will be far off in distance from the dish center.
Could be though it's now not pointed there. And your lnbf aim follows the error,
You can see when I added adjuster bolts on my buttonhook how the scalar is kiltered off.
But the lnbf was dead on the dish center. It's all fixed now and signal is awesome.
Prior to doing it. I had pretty good signal. The dish didn't move at all.
To get a handle on things, used the can lids and a dowel rod to aim the feed straight at the center of the dish.
No Signal! So I grabbed the rim and edge and found out that the dish was not aimed straight at the sat.
Moved it, adjusted the declination, etc. Until the best signal was gotten. Then worked in all of the tweaks after.
Your scalar can be a bit off in distance and still get reasonable signal. But the feed throat not aimed at the dead center would be a bit like banking the cue ball from the corner pocket to the middle one. You got to be precise.
Offset dishes, to exaggerate the vision, are designed to bounce at an offset angle. Prime focus ones. Not so much.
And like my ku sidecar. It's only 'seeing' about a 1 meter circle of the dish. I believe that an offset dish converted to a prime focus wouldn't work so well. And the other is also true.