Back in the day (a long, long time ago, when I was still in High School.) I swear that I remember reading an article in some sort of HAM radio magazine about building a satellite antenna with only of a piece of plywood. I also swear that the plywood was used in it's flat condition. If I remember correctly, you used a jigsaw to cut circular slots in it somehow. I think that it was supposed to work on a principle similar to a Fresnel lens. I assume that it was metalized somehow, but can't really remember for certain.
Am I just remembering things that really didn't happen? Has anyone else ever heard of this?
If this isn't a hallucination, at what frequency would this have been useful for? Could it work for KU FTA?
I've searched the net, but couldn't find anything. The first sign of a true hallucination?
Am I just remembering things that really didn't happen? Has anyone else ever heard of this?
If this isn't a hallucination, at what frequency would this have been useful for? Could it work for KU FTA?
I've searched the net, but couldn't find anything. The first sign of a true hallucination?