Simply by replying to my post, you will add more pressure on Dish Network and Charlie Ergen!
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Please support by replying! Please support by replying!

Today is another sad days for all DishHD subscribers. Dish, without any explanation, removed a high quality HD channel while adding a not so good one. Let me be specific here: Not everyone loves Smithsonian, not everyone hates C&I HD, but the way Dish treats their customers is beyond comprehension: absolutely grotesque and disgusting. I am drafting this letter to the following Media Outlets and several major investors of Dish to add pressure to this company. Please support me by replying to my post.
1). Wall Street journal
2). CNBC
3). Bloomberg
4). Fox Business
5). Reuters
6). NY Times
7). Fairholme Capital
8). Barclays Global
9). Moodys:
10). Standard&Poor
To whom it may concern:
I am currently a Dish HD subscriber (Account number: 82xxxxxxx****, Receiver# R008XXXXX, Smart Card #: SXXXXXXX) and once again, shocked by Dish's unannounced, grotesque and sleazy way of removing Smithsonian HD channels on Feb 1st while adding another less welcome C&I HD channels. Dish Network had established a reputation of removing premium HD channels (HD quality 24/7, without advertisement). Voom HD is a good example that was destroyed by Dish Network. Dish also had a reputation of using their customers as hostage whenever Dish has a dispute with content provider. HD channels from News Corp are good examples: Dish is the only big provider who does not have FNCHD, Fox business HD and FXHD. I understand content providers can be greedy, such as the Disney company and their ridiculously costly ESPN, but any reasonable person would agree that simply degrading my paid service without informing me is terrible choice and surely to backfire. I also understand that those removed channels are not loved by every subscriber, but it is up to me to choose whether I watch it or not, NOT Dish Network, because I am paying!
Ladies and gentlemen, among Dish subscribers anger is virtually universal, simply go to the following websites you will understand this very well. Those websites include: tvpredictions, highdefforum, satelliteguy, engadgethd, etc. If subscribers are not bound by contract, Dish would face mass exodus. For those of you who are working in the media, please report my email; for those Dish investors, it is time to dump their stock, for those who rate this company, it is time to downgrade Dish. For those private investors, Dish is no good
Currently the economy is tumbling, and many companies have failed recently, such as Circuit City. Well, Dish is the next unless all their top management are removed immediately, even that may be a little too late. I have to say that Dish is terrible, grotesque, vicious and plain stupid.
Thank you!
Please support by replying! Please support by replying!
Please support by replying! Please support by replying!

Today is another sad days for all DishHD subscribers. Dish, without any explanation, removed a high quality HD channel while adding a not so good one. Let me be specific here: Not everyone loves Smithsonian, not everyone hates C&I HD, but the way Dish treats their customers is beyond comprehension: absolutely grotesque and disgusting. I am drafting this letter to the following Media Outlets and several major investors of Dish to add pressure to this company. Please support me by replying to my post.
1). Wall Street journal
2). CNBC
3). Bloomberg
4). Fox Business
5). Reuters
6). NY Times
7). Fairholme Capital
8). Barclays Global
9). Moodys:
10). Standard&Poor
To whom it may concern:
I am currently a Dish HD subscriber (Account number: 82xxxxxxx****, Receiver# R008XXXXX, Smart Card #: SXXXXXXX) and once again, shocked by Dish's unannounced, grotesque and sleazy way of removing Smithsonian HD channels on Feb 1st while adding another less welcome C&I HD channels. Dish Network had established a reputation of removing premium HD channels (HD quality 24/7, without advertisement). Voom HD is a good example that was destroyed by Dish Network. Dish also had a reputation of using their customers as hostage whenever Dish has a dispute with content provider. HD channels from News Corp are good examples: Dish is the only big provider who does not have FNCHD, Fox business HD and FXHD. I understand content providers can be greedy, such as the Disney company and their ridiculously costly ESPN, but any reasonable person would agree that simply degrading my paid service without informing me is terrible choice and surely to backfire. I also understand that those removed channels are not loved by every subscriber, but it is up to me to choose whether I watch it or not, NOT Dish Network, because I am paying!
Ladies and gentlemen, among Dish subscribers anger is virtually universal, simply go to the following websites you will understand this very well. Those websites include: tvpredictions, highdefforum, satelliteguy, engadgethd, etc. If subscribers are not bound by contract, Dish would face mass exodus. For those of you who are working in the media, please report my email; for those Dish investors, it is time to dump their stock, for those who rate this company, it is time to downgrade Dish. For those private investors, Dish is no good
Currently the economy is tumbling, and many companies have failed recently, such as Circuit City. Well, Dish is the next unless all their top management are removed immediately, even that may be a little too late. I have to say that Dish is terrible, grotesque, vicious and plain stupid.
Thank you!
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