I added D* last April to get MLB EI. After reading about all of the dvr issues, I decided to also keep E*. I'm so glad I did!!! I only have standard def dvrs, so I can't help you on the hd dvr comparisons, but the D* standard dvr is absolutely horrible --- not just it's unreliable behavior, but the user interface is awful. Also, I had billing issues for 4 months. It would get messed up, they would change the amount of my discounts from month to month, added the protection plan when I didn't order it and charged me to have it removed (they said they had to charge my account to remove the plan even though I didn't order it, and I would have to wait until I received a bill with the fee on the account and then contact them to have it removed). I suspended the account after baseball season. I just activated it again a week ago and have already been frustrated with the dvr. Also, I saw a shortened bill (can't view the details) online, and it looks like they messed up my bill again.
I would be willing to pay a cancellation fee to D* if only E* would bring back MLB EI. Until then I will keep E* and have D* during baseball months and suspend it in the offseason -- until they come out with a reliable, sensible, easy to use dvr.
I would be willing to pay a cancellation fee to D* if only E* would bring back MLB EI. Until then I will keep E* and have D* during baseball months and suspend it in the offseason -- until they come out with a reliable, sensible, easy to use dvr.