Please Read: Uplink Report Update by Scott

Jeez people... I hear some people out here that sound like some of my customers that want everything for free. This is the best board going.. And if you don't want to support it then fine, be that way.. Whether you get any special info or not, everyone should donate to Scott just to keep this place up and running. If $25 bucks is going to kill you then you need to rethink your whole situation..
Jeez people... I hear some people out here that sound like some of my customers that want everything for free. This is the best board going.. And if you don't want to support it then fine, be that way.. Whether you get any special info or not, everyone should donate to Scott just to keep this place up and running. If $25 bucks is going to kill you then you need to rethink your whole situation..

Amen to that. Keep up the good work Scott.
I would kill for FSN Bay Area just during Warriors games... no need for 24 hours a day. But someone told me that Comcast bought that channel and will likely never sign to allow Dish to get it.

I doubt it. Comcast did buy FSN Bay Area, and the word is that they're planning on changing the name to Comcast Sports Net Bay Area around the beginning of April.

But Comcast wouldn't be able to keep it off of Dish Network. First, I don't think they're legally able to; there's a law that states that all channels whose signals are broadcast, uplinked to satellite, beamed via microwave . . . in other words, all channels that use the public airwaves at any point (including raw video feeds that are transmitted back to studios) must be offered to all MSO's (i.e. TV providers, like cable and satellite).

I might be wrong on the details. Even if I am, there's other reasons why CSN-BA HD will be on Dish eventually.

Like, there are already some HD CSN's carried by Dish, like CSN Sacramento HD. Which I get, and which (as another resident of the Bay Area) makes no sense for me to get; it's either broadcasting a Dish slate, or a message stating that I'm not eligible to view the game currently being broadcast. I've never seen anything else on that channel.

Also, the teams whose games are on FSN/CSN BA would throw hissy fits if they hear Comcast is playing games with other MSO's, depriving their fans of the chance to see their games.

The RSN's are actually in a precarious position, because teams might choose to form their own channels and pull the games off the RSNs. This happened in Chicago. It might still happen in the Bay Area, because there are so many teams. FSN BA currently has Giants', A's, Warriors, and Sharks, and the Pac-10; they might soon have San Jose Earthquakes MLS games again (they did before the Quakes moved to Houston in December 2005). The A's own the Quakes and are partnered with the owners of the Sharks and will be moving to their new Fremont stadium in a couple of years, so those three teams might peel off and form a new channel.

So fret not, we will eventually see CSN-BA HD. I just wish someone could tell me when. (That was a subtle hint to any insiders with information as to why FSNBA-HD has been uplinked since forever but we haven't heard diddly-squat about when it will go live.)
Jeez people... I hear some people out here that sound like some of my customers that want everything for free. This is the best board going.. And if you don't want to support it then fine, be that way.. Whether you get any special info or not, everyone should donate to Scott just to keep this place up and running. If $25 bucks is going to kill you then you need to rethink your whole situation..

Very Well SAID.
The staff here does an incredible amount of work to keep this place going... I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure NOBODY profits from this. Pub memberships and ads pay for servers, bandwidth, reporting costs (travel, etc).

The people who help out financialy should be given a bone every now and then for their support. What many non-pub members dont understand is very little news isnt made available directly to the public. This was a rare exception. One could argue, perhaps more info should be pub-exclusive to try to drive increased membership.

This site is THE source. You get uplink information almost instantly here. The "other guys" take hours to post uplinks. I've never seen news posted there before here. On top of it, all the staff have real jobs, most day jobs.

Scott and the guys, keep up the good work.
The staff here does an incredible amount of work to keep this place going... I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure NOBODY profits from this. Pub memberships and ads pay for servers, bandwidth, reporting costs (travel, etc).

The people who help out financialy should be given a bone every now and then for their support. What many non-pub members dont understand is very little news isnt made available directly to the public. This was a rare exception. One could argue, perhaps more info should be pub-exclusive to try to drive increased membership.

This site is THE source. You get uplink information almost instanttly here. The "other guys" take hours to post uplinks. I've never seen news posted there before here. On top of it, all the staff have real jobs, most day jobs.

Scott and the guys, keep up the good work.

Is there a list someplace in SatelliteGuys that has a list of Scott and his staff, does everyone work out of their homes, etc. Just curious. I think Scott and whoever the staff is are doing an outstanding job.
The staff here does an incredible amount of work to keep this place going... I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure NOBODY profits from this. Pub memberships and ads pay for servers, bandwidth, reporting costs (travel, etc).

The people who help out financialy should be given a bone every now and then for their support. What many non-pub members dont understand is very little news isnt made available directly to the public. This was a rare exception. One could argue, perhaps more info should be pub-exclusive to try to drive increased membership.

This site is THE source. You get uplink information almost instanttly here. The "other guys" take hours to post uplinks. I've never seen news posted there before here. On top of it, all the staff have real jobs, most day jobs.

Scott and the guys, keep up the good work.
THe channels they are testing are no good. I went to another site dedicated to "stealing" satellite signals and I asked someone to post what the channels are since everything is open and viewable to them. I did not see the channels firsthand and assuming the person is not lying to me, the channels are lame. Complete waste of time.
"So fret not, we will eventually see CSN-BA HD."

I just hope you're right. I'm really tired of waiting for it and don't understand what the problem is. Last time I spoke to FSN, they told me the ball was on Dish Network's court. Knowing Dish's record of programming negotations, I believe them.
rgn2000 might indeed be a reliable first hand source, but since we're talking about second hand reports from a hack site, I don't think you can give it a whole lot of weight.

Trust me the channels are not any good. I am a current DISH subscriber that is about to jump to D* and I really don't want to because I like the equipment so much better. Anyways, I was hopeful that maybe these were decent channels so I went to check it out. Maybe I would stay with Dish. The person named each channel and based on how it went I doubt they are lieing. There would be no motive to lie. I would name the channels here, but I really don't want to piss the moderator's off.
THe channels they are testing are no good. I went to another site dedicated to "stealing" satellite signals and I asked someone to post what the channels are since everything is open and viewable to them. I did not see the channels firsthand and assuming the person is not lying to me, the channels are lame. Complete waste of time.
So are you saying the channels are different than what is shown in this thread (that Scott has now made public)?
I am a current DISH subscriber that is about to jump to D* and I really don't want to because I like the equipment so much better.
If anyone with a similar concern was to ask my opinion (and I know you did not :D), I would respond with a question: "Suppose you switch and a couple of months later the channels you crave are become available on Dish. Would you regret not waiting a couple of months?" Admittedly, no one knows when Dish will "catch up" to DirecTV, but they will before long if they wish to remain competitive. Surely each service will differ by a few channels, but the core ones will be the same. We have already been down this road in previous years with the addition of SD channels as both services grew.

Whether you are a Dish customer looking over the fence at DirecTV or a DirecTV customer looking over the fence at Dish, I believe the real issue is how patient a person is and how happy they are with their current equipment and provider.

In my case, I was with DirecTV before they bought USSB. I switched to Dish and have been with them ever since. It could have easily worked out the other way. Regardless, the viability of these two companies relies on them having very similar core offerings. The extra offerings (sports vs internationals, etc) are the differentiators. In the end, most people will be happy with either provider. Those that jump back and forth are usually the ones who cry the loudest and are the most unhappy.
Trust me the channels are not any good. I am a current DISH subscriber that is about to jump to D* and I really don't want to because I like the equipment so much better. Anyways, I was hopeful that maybe these were decent channels so I went to check it out. Maybe I would stay with Dish. The person named each channel and based on how it went I doubt they are lieing. There would be no motive to lie. I would name the channels here, but I really don't want to piss the moderator's off.

I cant speak for the moderators, but I doubt you'll piss them off. This is your "source" and your "information".
I think if you have some info share it. The big problem would be if a bunch of people with these sources began spewing inaccurate info.
As of now it appears you're speaking out of "you know what".
Is there a list someplace in SatelliteGuys that has a list of Scott and his staff, does everyone work out of their homes, etc. Just curious. I think Scott and whoever the staff is are doing an outstanding job.

They host the site from underneath a freeway underpass. Don't let Scott fool you, his job is just to keep putting wood into the 55 gallon drum so the fire doesn't die. :D
Just got an update, it appears NO NEW HD will launch today.

There will be a HD Schedule Channel added today on channel 5794.

From the looks of things there will be a lot of moving of stuff tonight from Gilbert to Chyanne.

Again we are working hard behind the scenes to bring you this information so thank you for being a SatelliteGuy.

What happened to this?
Is there a list someplace in SatelliteGuys that has a list of Scott and his staff, does everyone work out of their homes, etc. Just curious. I think Scott and whoever the staff is are doing an outstanding job.

Here: SatelliteGuys.US - Show Groups

Thank you Scott and all the SatelliteGuys staff for all the work you do to make SatelliteGuys the greatest satellite website online! :)
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If anyone with a similar concern was to ask my opinion (and I know you did not :D), I would respond with a question: "Suppose you switch and a couple of months later the channels you crave are become available on Dish. Would you regret not waiting a couple of months?" Admittedly, no one knows when Dish will "catch up" to DirecTV, but they will before long if they wish to remain competitive. Surely each service will differ by a few channels, but the core ones will be the same. We have already been down this road in previous years with the addition of SD channels as both services grew.

Whether you are a Dish customer looking over the fence at DirecTV or a DirecTV customer looking over the fence at Dish, I believe the real issue is how patient a person is and how happy they are with their current equipment and provider.

In my case, I was with DirecTV before they bought USSB. I switched to Dish and have been with them ever since. It could have easily worked out the other way. Regardless, the viability of these two companies relies on them having very similar core offerings. The extra offerings (sports vs internationals, etc) are the differentiators. In the end, most people will be happy with either provider. Those that jump back and forth are usually the ones who cry the loudest and are the most unhappy.

Back in 2003 we had E* SD dual-tuner DVRs for a year when Comcast came out with HDDVR free lease, switched and got $400 ($25/mo.x16) from Comcast as a sat sub going over to cable.

Two years later E* came out with 622 for $199 and programming discount to off set the $199, ordered E* as a new sub, and told E* I was a Comcast person with two HDDVR free, E* gave me the second 622 free to match, that was two years ago!

Recently switched to D* because of HD and also because E* refused to lease me more than "4 tuners". I discovered an unbelievable AAA member deal on NEW D* order, saved no less than $800 on hardware and programming, and got no less than 20 people to take the advantage of the same deal after posting my discovery on D* forums. In fact many of them called Scott for referral info and Scott and his staff got $50 each to support their effort as a result.

As far as D*'s HDDVR, I was very concerned since my family was used to 622's, but to my suprise they had no complaint, the learning curve was almost non-existent.

I know this post may not belong here, but since at least a few members are thinking the same, so here is some info for you. BTW I was labeled an E* fanboy for a long time by D* fanboys. Needless to say many of them were shocked:)

When E* refuses to change their 4-tuner policy, and when the $30 "all-HD" pack came about, I made an educated guess that no meaningful new HD's will show up on E* until the end of 2008, and even then they will play catch up, so by the time my D* 2-year contract expires is when real competition will be there for me to re-evaluate. I certainly hope I was wrong and E* will step up much sooner.

722 I'm a DVR Newbie

Letter from Dishnetwork

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