Well....here's the pointing data from Dishpointer for your village:
Elevation: 37.0°
Azimuth (true): 163.5°
Azimuth (magn.): 147.2°
Skew : 78°
I've confirmed this data with another website, and checked the magnetic/true azimuth correction....a little different from the data you had, but not that much......
I suggest, as bradleys states, that you try yourself if you can access your dish, and forget the installer & his meter. Use the signal meter in the receiver instead, and if you can't get the TV up near the dish, have someone watch the screen while you make the adjustments.
because the 75e has a screw elevation adjustment so you can make very fine increments of elevation
Per KuSat, this feature has been removed, at least on the newer dishes:
FALL 2009 UPDATE: The long elevation screw shown on the mount (left of the picture) is not included with the 75cm kit anymore. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. To adjust elevation on your dish, keep both elevation bolts "snug" and apply pressure at the base of the dish to make adjustments.
Also, check that your elevation is set correctly. The marker is the little white line, and NOT the bolt itself. If you have put the bolt opposite the correct number, the elevation will be incorrect.....this is also pictured on KuSat's self-install webpages.
IMHO if you were to read & follow KuSat's instruction webpages (as in "when all else fails, read the....."), you would be watching TV in a short time.......