PLEASE HELP! Any Legacy LNB owners getting Voom at 129?

Covered - M Sparks has a 942. The others are the 921, 811 and 6000.

The 5000 became obsolete for HD when the last QPSK channel was switched to 8PSK.

The 6000u has the 8PSK module or built-in equivalent.

Some of the standard receivers (x11, x22, 625) will decode 8PSK though not HD and, as you said, the SD channels are only sent in QPSK.
M Sparks said:
Hello, I've posted in a couple other threads about this problem in detail. Short version- IS ANYBODY GETTING VOOM AT 129 WITH LEGACY EQUIPMENT?

My SW21s seem to be blocking TP 12, and I can't get anything off TP 6 or 10 either, even though the signal is there. I only get 4 129 channels- GuyTV, HDNews, & Rave (all on TP 9) and the Dish 1000 slide. Signal strengths are fine. If I hook 129 up directly, I can see TP 12 on the point screen, but I get stuck in a reboot loop if I try to tune anything in.

I have a 942 with the V 2.81 software. Legacy Twin(110/119) and Legacy Dual cascaded through SW21s. Same problem on both switches/tuners. No other reception problems other than these 7 Voom channels. I swapped out the Dual at 129 with another I had in the closet- same problem. I did not switch the SW21s because they are both doing the same thing.

I have gotten plenty of responses elsewhere, but no help because no one has legacy stuff. 61.5 is not an option, so please don't suggest it. I really just want to know if ANYONE is getting Voom with this setup. I don't want to go buy a bunch of DishPro stuff if the problem is in the receiver or software.
Well I have all legacy equipment but like you said 61.5 is not an option I got voom from that sat

VOIP phone and Dish 625

Please Help before I get a 625

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