Please Help! - A Note About The Ads

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
As you might imagine running a site like SatelliteGuys is an expensive undertaking. We keep growing and growing and are now approaching serving a HALF MILLION unique IP addresses a month!

As we keep growing and growing the site gets more and more expensive for us to operate. Because of the costs of running the site advertisements are a necessary evil for us to survive and continue to grow. And while the news media says that the economy is getting better we are not seeing that in the internet advertising trends. As the economy supposedly gets better our ad revenue continues to drop.

As you might have notice we have been working on our server to make SatelliteGuys load faster for you, and in this work we have also optimized all of our ads so that they no longer affect the loading speed of the SatelliteGuys content.
Because the ads no longer bog down your SatelliteGuys experience you might have noticed a nag popup on some of the pages here at SatelliteGuys if you have ad blocking software installed and enabled. We have tried to make this nag noticeable yet not annoying on your screen as we don't want to drive anyone away from the site. We also understand why people use ad blocking software, I will be the first to admit I use ad blockers on sites that have popup ads and ads I find annoying.
We need your help to survive and continue growing.

How can you help?

1) If you are using a ad blocker please consider turning it off on SatelliteGuys, now that the external ads no longer slow down your SatelliteGuys experience the ads will no longer make you wait for the SatelliteGuys content to load. Many of our ads we are paid based on how many times an ad is displayed here. This type of advertising is called CPM advertising.

2) Another big help to us would be to visit some of the ads you might be interested in. Some of the ads that run on the site we do not get paid for unless someone clicks on the ad. This type of advertising is called COST PER CLICK (CPC) many of the Google ads and Syndicated ads are based on CPC. The majority of the CPC syndicated ads that run here at SatelliteGuys I hand pick because of the quality of the ad, the quality of the sponsor and the ad content. While I know which syndicated ads are CPC I cannot tell you which ones they are or which ones to click on. If you want to use an ad blocker please turn it off from time to time and visit some ads then turn it back on when you're done helping out. That would be a great help to us!

3) Consider becoming a Supporting Pub Member, at only $19.99 a year as a Supporting Pub Member you see no ads except for the ones from our Gold Sponsors on the top of the page. As a Supporting Pub Member you get to see the real speed of our servers since there are no more calls to the server to ask for ads. As a Supporting Pub Member you also get many benefits including access to our Pub Members forum, a larger Private Message Box, the ability to use Animated Avatars, Access to post items for sale in our SatelliteGuys Classifieds forum, the ability to use our new SatelliteGuys Forum Spy feature, a special icon that shows your helping to keep the lights on here for everyone and the great feeling you get by knowing your support is helping America's Favorite Satellite Information Site stay online! If you are interested in becoming a supporting SatelliteGuys member please CLICK HERE.

I should note that SatelliteGuys.US uses PayPal as our credit card processor, with that said I want to make it clear that you DO NOT need to be a member of PayPal to pay via PayPal. Even then if you would rather not use PayPal you can send a check or money order payable to SatelliteGuys.US to:

46 Miami Avenue
Newington, CT 06111

Make sure to include your SatelliteGuys username with your check or money order so we can get you setup as a Supporting Pub Member!

It is my hope that with all the changes that we have made over the past week and with plea for help our ad revenue will shoot back up to where it should be. I don't like ads myself but as I said in the beginning they are a necessary evil to keep the site running.

Please if you have learned anything or benefitted from SatelliteGuys in any way please consider helping out in one of the 3 ways listed above, it would be much appreciated!

Thank you for your support!

BTW I should note that I have ordered new CPU's for our main web server which will take us from 2Ghz to 2.8Ghz. These CPU's are shipping today overnight to our server facility in Dallas. We hope to have the new CPU's online within the next 48 hours. That should help speed up things even more! :)
I am updating this as I have now had two people in the last hour ask me the same question.

They were under the impression that by using an ad blocker that the ads were still loading and we were getting paid because they loaded, they just thought they were not seeing the ads.


Ad Blockers block ads from loading, when an adblocker sees a URL that appears to be for an add it changes the url to which prevents the ad from loading and you don't see the ad. The ad is never download from the ad server to count as a view of the ad.

I was just reading an article which estimates 68% of people use ad blockers. (That number does seem HIGH to me though) If thats is true then if I could just just get a small percentage to stop using one here we would see such a big boost in revenue that I could actually cut back on the amount of ads being displayed!

As many of you know for the past 3 or 4 years I have been taking care of my father and paying a majority of his bills. (Hopefully this changes soon as he may have finally found a full time job and had been cleared by his doctor to return to work!) so money has been tight for me... to make matters worse my wife was laid off from her job a few weeks ago meaning I am the only one drawing an income at the moment. So when there is a shortage or if the servers need work or parts I just can't freely reach into my pocket as I have in the past.

This note about the ads was not to scare anyone but to let everyone know about the changes we made so that they dont bog down you surfing here at SatelliteGuys. We want you experience here at SatelliteGuys to be as fast and enjoyable as possible. I do hope if you are using an ad blocker to consider helping out in 1 of the 3 way I posted in the first message as it would help us out greatly.

Thank you for your support!

BTW below is a pic of our new 2.8Ghz CPU's which I am overnighting to our ISP on Texas. They should be installed late tomorrow night. :D

Thanks again guys!


  • cpus.jpg
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Just had another question asking me about what browsers are used most to access SatelliteGuys...

It's been a LONG time since I look, but just took a look and here are the results.

MS Internet Explorer - 7024787 Hits - 40.9 %
Firefox - 5321492 Hits - 31 %
Google Chrome -1717532 Hits - 10 %
Safari - 1082918 Hits - 6.3 %
Unknown - 635519 Hits - 3.7 %
Iceweasel - 502750 Hits - 2.9 % (Never heard of this one)
Mozilla - 217225 Hits- 1.2 %
IPhone (PDA/Phone browser) - 196239 Hits - 1.1 %
Android browser (PDA/Phone browser) - 187271 Hits - 1 %
Opera - 168062 Hits - 0.9 %
Others - 105533 Hits - 0.6 %

Interesting list. :)
Just had another question asking me about what browsers are used most to access SatelliteGuys...

It's been a LONG time since I look, but just took a look and here are the results.

MS Internet Explorer - 7024787 Hits - 40.9 %
Firefox - 5321492 Hits - 31 %
Google Chrome -1717532 Hits - 10 %
Safari - 1082918 Hits - 6.3 %
Unknown - 635519 Hits - 3.7 %
Iceweasel - 502750 Hits - 2.9 % (Never heard of this one)
Mozilla - 217225 Hits- 1.2 %
IPhone (PDA/Phone browser) - 196239 Hits - 1.1 %
Android browser (PDA/Phone browser) - 187271 Hits - 1 %
Opera - 168062 Hits - 0.9 %
Others - 105533 Hits - 0.6 %

Interesting list. :)

So, does Tapatalk show up as "other" or "Unknown"?
Probably unknown, as does the SatelliteGuys app for the iPhone /iPad and Android.
Speaking of Ads and the iPhone App for SatelliteGuys.US, I removed it from my iPhone tonight. I object to the fact the just touching an Ad takes you away from the app. I realize your app developer needs to eat, but the behavior is unwanted. I want to scroll the screen and if I come within a half-finger of the Ad Mob banner, off I go to Safari, and most of the time, to the App Store.

I'd be willing to pay $2 or $3 dollars for an ad-free App, more if you got a cut of the App purchase.
Quite a few Aps on a smart phone do that. Just slightly fat-finger near an ad - bam, you're shot away from whatever ap you were on.

Speaking of Ads and the iPhone App for SatelliteGuys.US, I removed it from my iPhone tonight. I object to the fact the just touching an Ad takes you away from the app. I realize your app developer needs to eat, but the behavior is unwanted. I want to scroll the screen and if I come within a half-finger of the Ad Mob banner, off I go to Safari, and most of the time, to the App Store.

I'd be willing to pay $2 or $3 dollars for an ad-free App, more if you got a cut of the App purchase.
I've got no problem spending some time running through the site clicking ads. If I click ads multiple times per session does it still count or does it only give you credit once per IP?
I've got no problem spending some time running through the site clicking ads. If I click ads multiple times per session does it still count or does it only give you credit once per IP?

They don't tell us that, so I don't know. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
The ads in the SatelliteGuys app are now gone for Pub Members. :) *POOF* :D
Wow! I'm impressed! Thanks for putting that in for us Pub Members using the SatGuys App. That also gives people yet another reason to join up!
I don't mind the ads really except the one for the X-ftabox x1 from which is nothing more than a satellite pirate hack box. They even try to make it look legitimate by having channel icons for PBS, History, Bio and Hope channel on their banner ad. It's obvious that skyviewf2a only caters to the pirate market by looking at the receivers they have on their website. I understand that these are google ads so it can be hard to control which types of ads are shown before it comes out.
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I still see the ads at the top of the page even though I am a pub member but not the ones scattered all over the page. I do know that the number of them scares away some folks but it is hard to say whether they raise enough revenue to offset that.

I will mention to that you can always just donate to the site occasionally. If you feel you get $x amount of value from the site each year why not donate a percentage of that to the site.
I don't mind the ads really except the one for the X-ftabox x1 from which is nothing more than a satellite pirate hack box. They even try to make it look legitimate by having channel icons for PBS, History, Bio and Hope channel on their banner ad. It's obvious that skyviewf2a only caters to the pirate market by looking at the receivers they have on their website. I understand that these are google ads so it can be hard to control which types of ads are shown before it comes out.

If you see those type of ads please report them to me via PM. I can then search through Google and block them. :) The new Google interface makes it a lot easier to find and block bad ads like that. :)
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I would be happy not to use an ad blocker, but some of the ads that show up are really scummy. Seeing a lot of ones along the lines of "Congratulations, This is not a joke, you are the lucky visitor. Click here" which takes you to a page that says you have won a $1000 Walmart Card, a free iPad and iPhone, a free 40" HDTV or a freeMacbook, and you need to ACT NOW as the offer expires in 240 seconds (with the clock ticking down).

A complete and total SCAM, and I am sorry to see this on the Satellite Guys pages.
We do not run those types of ads. If you see them please report them so they can be removed.

We got rid of one of our ad networks a few weeks ago as that was the kind of JUNK they were serving (and we had those type of ads turned off with them) while we needed the money we did not want to serve our members those type of ads.
Not a fan of this recent ad that follows me around covering up the screen telling me to take a survey. Another not so bad ad was residing just under the header telling me i had a personal message

Sorry but there are just way to many ads to not run an ad blocker. Perhaps instead of begging members to click on ads, how about make the ads less intrusive and less all over the place so members do not have to run an ad blocker just to enjoy the site? Just a suggestion, but this site is one of the most heavily filled with ads forum I have ever been on. You cant see a part of the screen with out an ad on it.

If you do things like this and the other steps you did (the modifications so the site can load without them) would certainly encourage people to not want to block them. I think it will at least make the site bearable to browse without an ad blocker.
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