You can add more months any time and not lose anything, even if you lapse for a while. Best Buy was running a deal where you get $10 off the annual $50 fee if you are a Rewards Zone member (which is free to sign up). As far as rotating games in the IGC, Plus members are basically guaranteed 3 PS3 games per month and 1 Vita game per month. However, sometimes a PS3 game is a cross-buy (meaning it works on both PS3 and Vita), so it seems like we are getting more than one Vita game/month. Once every few months, we'll have a bonus PS3 game (or Vita or Vita-compatible PSP game) thrown at us for a limited time that doesn't technically become part of the IGC. The IGC always stays constant at 12 PS3 games and 6 Vita (not counting cross-buys). So whenever a game is added, another one is dropped. Note too that not every PS3 or Vita game that has a cross-platform version is made available on both systems when added to the IGC. It's pretty much hit and miss with no rhyme or reason.