Playboy-HD Review (Warning: Adult Content Language Use - not moderated)

Sean Mota said:
You can't get enough ah.. :D I saw yesterday that a new Night Call will be shown LIVE on 4/7. Hoping HD all the way... :D

I actually think there is a new Night Calls tonight at 11:00pm. In the guide it says Night Calls Live tonight at 11:00pm instead of Nooner replay.
Night Calls is OK. The audio-lip sync is annoying. Plus, that blonde lady (Juli Ashton) is a little old looking. Got that Kim Catrall thing going where someone needs to tell her to hang it up.
The 72 hour review: I am completely thrown as to the time of day for the full action shows, they seem random; all of our thoughts about the decency laws were just speculation. Night calls is okay, Nooner is the best so far. Spice Clips Live is tonight, i bet that is going to be a two box special (thank you Mr. Stern).
The Nooner replay was only 1/2 hour last night as well. This morning the first actual Playboy show that I've recognized was on: Playmate Video Calendar. I haven't caught the Naked News yet, is it done with PB Bunnies?
pOiNTBLaNK said:
is it full 16X9 or stretched 16X9?

16x9 :) and camera focuses on everything. Women are gorgeous! Whomever said that Porno in HD was a no go, needs to re-think. This is top quality.
Sean Mota said:
I am impressed with the current moive on PB---> The Vault. Quality is as good as HBO transfer.

Yeah, this is the first hardcore movie on have seen on HD. The quality is just as good as a good HBO or Showtime movie. It looks terrific.
Sean Mota said:
Spice Clips is on and it looks amazing again but I get ndo sound. Anyone else gets no sound? :)

Yeah, the PQ is just as good if not better than the NOONER. The lighting seems to be better. But no sound here either.
I see why you guys are not answering... this is hardcore... I guess you don't need the sound when there's so much visual to look at... :)
Here's something interested. One of those clips is showing. The first was show in 4x3. Now another one is showing in OAR but upconvert and it is a good one (like the Starz-HD upconvert in OAR. Only one difference, it looked stretch OAR. So they need to work on that!
i tried rebooting the satellite box, but there still is no sound. the chick they got hosting the show is ugly anyways. i'm gonna watch a clockwork orange for now.