Most of the small Ku dishes I have seen have a great amount of play in the pivot points. The manufacturers do not seem to put much engineering or manufaturing quality into the dish mounts to make it easier to peak the dish. Usually the pivot point is just a bolt with the holes of the mount having a loose fit. The screw type elevation adjustments that some have also seem to have an excessive amount of play in the mechanics. A little more engineering in the design and quality in the manufacturing would make peaking the dish much easier. Even replacing the pivot bolt with a larger diameter bolt that is tight fitting would eliminate a lot of the movement and greatly help in tweeking the dish. It is frustrating enough when peaking the dish, and if you add a motor, you only have more adjustment to contend with. You have to make fine adjustments with sloppy mechanics. For someone just starting out, it is very frustrating to try to make small adjustments when you have so much play in the adjustments.