Plasma break in period?


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Jul 20, 2006
Northwest Alabama
I have ordered a Samsung PN58C7000 that should arrive next week. My question is do newer generation plasmas still require a break in period? Your suggestions will be appreciated.

I only break in by watching.:)
Turn it on and enjoy. Unless you are getting a professional calibration non is needed. calibrators like to have around 100 hours or so to see if the there are any tv defects.
Don't leave it on where there's a bright logo or graphic on the screen too long in the first 100 hours. Also, make sure you have pixel shift on and you should be okay.
Pretty much that. No video games first 100 hours or so, and then use normal screen burn precautions. Don't get too fussy on setting colors and brightness as this will shift during break in. However, you can do a rough calibration. Lots of good data on different suggested calibrations over at, but they will also tell you that you need the special break in disc with the green magic marker on the edges and that you should only play the set between 3 and 5 AM during new moons. Take it with a grain of salt and enjoy what works best for YOU.
This issue is overblown. Burn in on a plasma is no worse than burn in on a CRT screen. Did you do anything special when you bought your last CRT TV? Don't leave any high brightness static images on the TV for long periods of time during the first 100 hours or so, otherwise, just watch TV as normal.
Remember how bad burn in was on CRT game consoles in the arcades? And how you pretty much NEVER heard of burn in on home CRTs?
Yes navychop, I agree completely. Arcade games displayed the same high brightness static images for hours and hours, day after day, for their whole lives... and they developed burn in. However, at home hardly anyone ever had burn in because if you watch TV normally, this extreme situation does not occur. It is the same for plasma TVs.
After I posted that, I remembered one guy I knew who had some burn in. But he had a CRT RPTV which was no doubt in torch mode. Some kind of ticker across the bottom, IIRC. Not bad, just the one out of everyone we knew having multiple CRTs, especially for such a convoluted, arcane technology.
Just keep contrast down for 100 hours, avoid widescreen stuff. I always just use a break in slide dvd I have and let it run for a few days.

Burn in is really not an issue with new plasmas, but image retention is there, and Samsungs are a little worse.

Anyways, just be wise the first 100-150 hours.
I only break in by watching.:)
Turn it on and enjoy. Unless you are getting a professional calibration non is needed. calibrators like to have around 100 hours or so to see if the there are any tv defects.

Colors/gases on a plasma can take several hours to settle in, this is why you'd really not want to get a plasma calibrated for awhile, just to be safe.

I put several hundred on my Panny before I hired someone.

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