Planning for the Next Attack?

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Maybe he is just dumb?

LonghornXP said:
I wonder what other people think about this viewpoint.

Personally, I just think he is stupid. I think he sat there b/c he had no clue what to do. You can see the brain trying to kick start but nothing happened. As for Iraq, pure stupidity once again. This time for being talked into this mess. This is somebody's master plan, but I don't respect the guy enough to give him credit for it. My thoughts of his stupidity are validated every time he has to "ad-lib" in front of the press. The debates were quite comical as well....

As for him doing what 98% of others didn't do, this guy just seems to defy the odds all the time. I wouldn't have given him a 2% chance to win the election in 2000, but he did. Same in '04, with all that has happened in Iraq, but the dude won again....

Sorry Longhorn, none of this is scientific, but its just my opinion that we may be giving him too much credit...
Chado said:
Dude, gimme a break. And we wonder why we are hated so...

Maybe hate in this case is pure jealousy? Of wealth,freedom,turning deserts green,inventions,a good life(not hoping for 72 virgins upon death) etc etc etc
Get over it, that part about Bush knowing about 9/11 and what he did at the school that day(i guess getting B.j's after the WTC was bombed the first time,or the Uss cole,or the embassys, etc is ok with you?)is just plain stupid!
Actually, Bill Clinton was doing pre-emptive strikes against Bin Laden camps. Nobody remembers it because it didn't get a lot of attention at the time because Bin Laden wasn't a household name until 9-11.
EEJay said:
Actually, Bill Clinton was doing pre-emptive strikes against Bin Laden camps. Nobody remembers it because it didn't get a lot of attention at the time because Bin Laden wasn't a household name until 9-11.

err wrong--it was not pre emptive it was AFter they struck and too take the presure off here because the Famous monica dress was found
sending a few cruise missles into a deserted camp, and destroying an asprin factory in Sudan just was like wacking the wasp nest!
"Bin Laden wasn't a household name until 9-11" not to the Cia and fbi according to the news this week ,but janet renos rules prevented anybody from doing anything about them (M Atta)..If we knew they were behing WTC-1,the Cole, the embasy bombings+ a declaration of war against US then a few cruise missles are,were NOT ENOUGH! as proved out
rang1995 said:
err wrong--it was not pre emptive it was AFter they struck and too take the presure off here because the Famous monica dress was found
sending a few cruise missles into a deserted camp, and destroying an asprin factory in Sudan just was like wacking the wasp nest!
"Bin Laden wasn't a household name until 9-11" not to the Cia and fbi according to the news this week ,but janet renos rules prevented anybody from doing anything about them (M Atta)..If we knew they were behing WTC-1,the Cole, the embasy bombings+ a declaration of war against US then a few cruise missles are,were NOT ENOUGH! as proved out
I lost on a technicality. I meant pre-emptive to 9-11. So Clinton didn't do anything to prevent the first WTC bombing after Reagan/Bush armed and funded Osama to take on the Russians. Lots of things happen after the bad guys strike first. We got into WWII after Pearl Harbor. We got into the first Gulf War after Saddam invaded Kuwait.

The only non-Republican-Talking-Point article I can find on the Sudan pharmaceuticals factory is that 10 people were injured. Republicans blast Clinton for injuring 10 Sudanese, but cheer Bush for killing over 100,000 Iraqi citizens? Also, the hunch that the factory was making chemical weapons for Osama was about as correct as the assumption that Saddam had a stockpile of them already, right? The only difference is that a ton of lives weren't lost in Sudan and no American soldiers died there.

I still believe we have very little intelligence about that region of the world. But the Bush administration took over the country's available intelligence and warnings and did what with them? Ignored the warnings and try to blame someone else. That's fantastic "leadership." Let's get rid of term limits and elect W again in 2008.
EEJay said:
Let's get rid of term limits and elect W again in 2008.

Please don't ever say that again because it might just happen. Right now if and I mean if another attack occured within 6 or so months of the next election that could very well hold off an election during marshall law. During a big event like an attack right before an election they can under those circumstances keep the current president in office. In some cases changing the whitehouse over during those times isn't wise.

Now again all this above isn't likely but I will not in anyway shape or form count this out from my so called playbook.
Roger said:
There is not a dime's difference between the two and there is no difference between liberals or conservatives because they are controlled by the same international corporations and banking interest. The right vs. left is a false paradigm that fools the dumb public into thinking that there is a difference between the two and gives them the false perception that they have power when in fact our last choice was Skull and Bones member Bush against Skull and Bones member Kerry. Not to mention that votes don't count because Bush stole the election not once but twice.

I agree completely. This is why I voted for Micheal Badnarick and the Libertarian ticket last election. I just wish more people would figure out there is another choice other than the Republocrats.
kbohip said:
I agree completely. This is why I voted for Micheal Badnarick and the Libertarian ticket last election. I just wish more people would figure out there is another choice other than the Republocrats.

People hate to admit they were wrong. This goes for Dem's too.
Chado said:
People hate to admit they were wrong. This goes for Dem's too.

Democrats are never wrong. All they do is change the history books so they look right.

Look how hard Clinton is working to change his legacy.
philhu said:
Democrats are never wrong. All they do is change the history books so they look right.

Look how hard Clinton is working to change his legacy.

What's GW's legacy going to be???
Chado said:
What's GW's legacy going to be???

Girls who were banned from schools and stoned for walking alone in public are now attending classes in public schools in Afghanistan.

Many torn down soccer stadiums in Afghanistan now host soccer games instead of a place for people to watch women be tortured and killed for such crimes as being "unveiled" in public, or speaking without permission.

People in Iraq are drafting a Constitution rather than being blown up by the leader of their country in the deserts outside of Baghdad.

People in Iraq and Afghanistan can protest in the streets without fear of having their family murdered.

People can freely move about the country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

People in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to the voting polls to make their decisions, not having them made at gunpoint.

Most importantly, Iraqi and Afghan children will grow up in a society that values freedom and democracy over terror and violence. They will grow up in a society that allows them to make their own decisions instead of having them forced upon them with threats of death. They will learn to be philosophers and leaders rather than followers. They will learn to understand the meaning of the words they read, rather than being forced to memorize the Koran and told what it means. Muslim children will be able to learn the beauty of their religion instead of being told that its use is for terror and violence.

What will George W. Bush's legacy be?

Wow our country has really improved since he took office....

In response to the post, do the ends justify the means?

The foreign policy of this administration is a joke...
SAEMike said:
People in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to the voting polls to make their decisions, not having them made at gunpoint.

Wasn't the election in Iraq held under martial law by a foreign country???
SAEMike said:
Girls who were banned from schools and stoned for walking alone in public are now attending classes in public schools in Afghanistan.

Many torn down soccer stadiums in Afghanistan now host soccer games instead of a place for people to watch women be tortured and killed for such crimes as being "unveiled" in public, or speaking without permission.

People in Iraq are drafting a Constitution rather than being blown up by the leader of their country in the deserts outside of Baghdad.

People in Iraq and Afghanistan can protest in the streets without fear of having their family murdered.

People can freely move about the country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

People in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to the voting polls to make their decisions, not having them made at gunpoint.

Most importantly, Iraqi and Afghan children will grow up in a society that values freedom and democracy over terror and violence. They will grow up in a society that allows them to make their own decisions instead of having them forced upon them with threats of death. They will learn to be philosophers and leaders rather than followers. They will learn to understand the meaning of the words they read, rather than being forced to memorize the Koran and told what it means. Muslim children will be able to learn the beauty of their religion instead of being told that its use is for terror and violence.

What will George W. Bush's legacy be?


Sounds great but I'll wait and see what Iraq and Afghanistan look like in 10 years. My guess is the exact same way they did before America came and saved them. I hope this does not turn out to be true, but if history is any kind of a lesson when dealing with the Middle East...

Funny thing though, while the Middle Eastener's have been gaining freedoms we've been losing ours, all in the name of security of course.
SAEMike said:
Girls who were banned from schools and stoned for walking alone in public are now attending classes in public schools in Afghanistan.

Many torn down soccer stadiums in Afghanistan now host soccer games instead of a place for people to watch women be tortured and killed for such crimes as being "unveiled" in public, or speaking without permission.

People in Iraq are drafting a Constitution rather than being blown up by the leader of their country in the deserts outside of Baghdad.

People in Iraq and Afghanistan can protest in the streets without fear of having their family murdered.

People can freely move about the country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

People in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to the voting polls to make their decisions, not having them made at gunpoint.

Most importantly, Iraqi and Afghan children will grow up in a society that values freedom and democracy over terror and violence. They will grow up in a society that allows them to make their own decisions instead of having them forced upon them with threats of death. They will learn to be philosophers and leaders rather than followers. They will learn to understand the meaning of the words they read, rather than being forced to memorize the Koran and told what it means. Muslim children will be able to learn the beauty of their religion instead of being told that its use is for terror and violence.

What will George W. Bush's legacy be?


Everything you have just said above will be "gone" once the soonies get their power and oh yes they will. Once this happens woman won't have rights anymore and things will be for the most part back the way they were during the Sudam era if not worse. I would love for things to work it but history says it won't for various reasons and these reasons are being shown little by little as history also has shown. The fact is we can't leave but we must leave at some point and once this happens things will get much worse for Iraq and its people.

Sadly GWB won't be viewed in 30 years the way we all hope he will be viewed. He will go down as a president that made every war mistake you can think of. I have no problem with him trying to spread freedom but that isn't what he is doing.

He lied about why we went into Iraq. First he said that Iraq was connected with 9/11 which it wasn't. He also said that Iraq had WMD which every country said they didn't have any from their reports. The UN even said that if we the US along with the UN continued to look for WMDs and found them or evidence of them they would support us going into war with Iraq. It was Bush who wanted todo a preemptive war with others or without right away without waiting for anything. He just had to go to war right now or never type of attitude.

Once we got into Iraq and we didn't find WMDs we starting hearing the preaches of freedom and spreading freedom for Iraq. Now Bush talks about freedom but gives us the Patriot Act and supports banning of gay marriage and making abortion illegal. That is taking away freedom. I don't support gay marriage nor abortion but that shouldn't be my choice to make. Just because my beliefs and religion says its wrong doesn't mean I should put somebody in jail for doing this. Last time I checked the USA had something called freedom of religion.

We as americans are wrong when we tout freedom and justify a war on freedom when we support taking away freedoms at home. That just bothers me to no end. What if my religion says you can't eat pork for example should I put a person in jail for eating pork at a restaurant.

That pretty much is the thing that bothers me the most is that people can't see the connection between banning gay marriage for example and banning rights for blacks. What amazes me is the the black people I know fight tooth and nail with me over gay marriage because their bible says its wrong so they always throw in the bible but they fail to see the connection that if it wasn't for people like me fighting for the rights of gays they wouldn't have rights today. When I said this they got so pissed off and said this isn't the same as that and I reply and ask them how is this different and they can't answer that. People in the USA today have such a disconnect that I wonder if this country would ever move forward and progress as a country.

In my opinion only I think GWB will go down in history as pulling another Vietnam but this Vietnam will be even worse. Also things aren't getting better in Iraq because if they were I wouldn't be paying 2.60/cents per gallon for gas when it was 2.32/gallon just less than three weeks ago.
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