Pixellation During Dissolves

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Sep 7, 2004
Got a Philips DVR - 155 hrs from Weaknees. Getting obtrusive pixellation during lap fades (dissolves). Its also doing this on my old DSS receiver (1995 RCA model - I just went to DirecTV Total Choice after years of only having the NFL). Since its doing this on both - I doubt if its the DVR, although the DVR seems to magnify it somewhat. Also, it doesn't happen on EVERY dissolve...even on the same show/same channel sometimes! All 3 PBS channels seem to be the worst (2 local PBS channels in Chicago + PBS YOU). But it also happens on several other channels. DirecTV looked at it and acted like there's nothing they can do about it. Anybody else having a problem like this? This is NOT that big-blocky pixellation that sometimes randomly occurs due to weather, etc. This is pixellation during dissolves from scene to scene..the dissolves seem to break down into a small-pixellated mish-mash.

That's a stumper ... what other equipment do you have? It is dark scenes only or brightly lit ones as well?

It happens during both dark and light scenes, but dark scenes are certainly more noticeable. I have a Phillips DirecTV DVR and an RCA DirecTV receiver - happens on both.
Are you able to post the channel & transponder signal strengths? Sounds like you may have a dish pointing or LOS issue. I am willing to bet this does not happen during dissolves only ... it is probably relevant in all images.

The other thing that you could be seeing is the signals are too highly compressed. We all have noticed D* taking a PQ hit lately, however, some of us like myself only see this on a very limited basis.
If it were only so....


I wish you were right. The signal strength is anywhere from 96 to 100. I have tried different transponders. It only happens during lap dissolves and no other time. Cuts from scene to scene are perfect. The picture is wonderful 99% of the time, but falls apart during lap dissolves, especially slow ones. I see it on every channel. And at no other time! Believe me, I have been looking at this phenomenon carefully. If its something that's going on all the time, its not visible!

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